HI 44747

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2126
subject Authors Ariela J. Gross, H. W. Brands, R. Hal Williams, Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen

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Georgia's actions against the Cherokee were very similar to those of South Carolina's in
regard to the "tariff of abominations" in that both hinged on _________.
A) motives that were primarily patriotic
B) a strict reading of the Bill of Rights
C) states' rights and defiance of the Constitution
D) protectionism
E) racism and chauvinism
The most prominent student protest organization of the 1960s was the ________.
A) Students of America
B) Students for a Democratic Society
C) Yippie Movement
D) Southern Christian Leadership Conference
E) Young Republicans
How did African Americans end up paying the heaviest price for the sectional reunion
after Reconstruction?
A) African Americans lost an enormous amount of wealth and property during
Reconstruction and by the end were reduced to poverty.
B) Congress made no efforts to address the rights of African Americans in their
attempts to repair the damaged South during Reconstruction.
C) Although African Americans saw signs of equal rights at the start of Reconstruction,
once it ended many of these rights were not enforced.
D) Many laws were passed by Congress during Reconstruction that deliberately
restricted the rights of newly freed slaves.
E) African Americans who left the South for the North after the Civil War found that
their rights became restricted as Reconstruction progressed.
What happened in 1859 in Harpers Ferry, Virginia?
A) The federal arsenal was attacked in an unsuccessful attempt to start an uprising
against slavery.
B) A slave rebellion resulted in the deaths of eighteen participants.
C) A group of white men raided a southern abolitionist office and killed five white and
black anti-slavery protestors.
D) White men and women seized eighteen slaves in order to forcibly emancipate them
in Mexico.
E) A group of white and black abolitionists killed three slave owners and wounded five
Who were the "beats" of the 1950s?
A) jazz musicians who experimented with folk music
B) a light rock group on a popular variety show
C) writers and poets who rebelled against materialistic values
D) a motorcycle gang whose members included Jack Kerouac and James Dean
E) a group of talented screenplay writers in the early days of television
The control of what became a dominant issue in the western Great Plains?
A) gold and silver mines
B) grazing rights
C) water
D) the land
E) the routes of the great cattle drives
What did the first neutrality act, passed in 1935, prohibit?
A) adding new troops to the U.S. armed forces
B) sending troops to aid allies at war
C) traveling outside of U.S. borders
D) selling arms to nations at war
E) covering foreign wars in the news
How were American railroads different from European railroads?
A) American railroads connected only major cities, whereas older European railroads
connected small towns as well.
B) European railroads employed workers from the upper class, whereas American
railroad workers were from the lowest class in society.
C) European railroads brought goods to places that could not be reached any other way,
whereas American railroads could reach only metropolitan areas.
D) Trains on American railroads were not able to travel as far or as fast as European
trains because the land on which they traveled was undeveloped.
E) European railroads were built between already existing towns, but American
railroads often created the towns that they served.
The Pilgrims who left Holland to settle in America ________.
A) were non-Separatists from the Church of England
B) feared their way of life was being undermined by the ways of their Dutch hosts
C) had few alternatives because they were harassed by the Dutch
D) arrived in Virginia, even though their destination was Massachusetts Bay
E) were Catholic radicals eager to overthrow England's monarchy
Which college was NOT established as a result of the Great Awakening?
A) Princeton
B) Columbia
C) Rutgers
D) Brown
E) Dartmouth
Seventeenth-century English Puritans ________.
A) were only a tiny minority of all Englishmen
B) were committed to significant institutional change
C) were firmly supportive of the status quo
D) accepted the tenets of Catholicism with reservations
E) were neurotic and self-righteous
Which of the following constitutional amendments was opposed by Andrew Johnson?
A) Thirteenth
B) Fourteenth
C) Fifteenth
D) Sixteenth
E) Seventeenth
During the colonial period, most of the slaves sent to the North American colonies were
supplied by the ________.
A) Dutch
B) Americans
C) Portuguese
D) Spanish
E) British
The Boxer Rebellion took place in ________.
A) the Philippines
B) China
C) Hawaii
D) Cuba
E) Puerto Rico
Which of the following phrases describes the journey for most settlers westward?
A) All members of the journey had tasks to fulfill on the trail.
B) Only men migrated westward.
C) Most settlers tried to make the journey as quickly as possible.
D) The journey was easier for men than women.
E) It was a disciplined and efficient enterprise.
Which statement best characterizes Reagan's two terms as the governor of California?
A) He bullied the legislature to implement his conservative policies.
B) He lacked natural abilities as a political leader.
C) He was flexible and did not try to force all of his conservative policies.
D) He led the state further and further to the left through his reforms.
E) He ignored taxes and education to focus on immigration issues.
Why did Spain initially have little interest in settling California?
A) The region was full of Native American groups who fought any Europeans that tried
to settle there.
B) The region had so many French settlers that the Spanish did not want to fight over
land with them.
C) The region appeared to lack natural resources and was not easy to reach from
Mexico City.
D) The region was continually plagued by earthquakes, which frightened the settlers
E) The region was too close to Mexico City and the Native American groups there.
The most significant factor that led large numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the heart
of North America was ________.
A) the domestication of horses
B) global warming
C) population growth
D) rising water levels
E) a mass extinction of large mammals in Europe
How did the question of slavery impact the Constitutional Convention?
A) It caused few real problems.
B) It generally saw northerners willing to support southern concerns.
C) It threatened to disrupt and destroy the work of the convention.
D) It found the southern delegates eager to compromise on most significant arguments.
E) It was resolved, but left the South at a disadvantage.
A major change in the railroad industry after the Civil War was the development of
A) major railroad trunk lines
B) competition between owners for local markets
C) regional marketplaces
D) international rail systems
E) a greater number of small rail companies
The individual who rocketed to national attention because of the Pullman strike was
A) Jacob Coxey
B) Theodore Dreiser
C) Eugene V. Debs
D) Henry Adams
E) Thomas Watson
How did someone become a member of a church in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
A) They became part of whatever church was in their community.
B) A person who already belonged to the church had to provide testimony for anyone
new who wanted to join.
C) A new member needed the testimony of neighbors before acceptance in a church.
D) A person had to perform community service before being allowed to join a
community church.
E) The church community would vote in order to decide whether to let a new member
As a result of the actions taken by President Adams in 1799, ________.
A) he was overwhelmingly reelected in 1800
B) the United States resolved its differences with France
C) the Federalist Party remained the major party
D) France compensated the United States for ships taken
E) the French added even more restrictions on U.S. commerce
The first three years of Jamestown's history witnessed ________.
A) terrible hardship and suffering
B) the discovery of gold and silver
C) successful attempts at growing many profitable crops
D) the establishment of a representative form of government
E) the erection of the first Christian church in North America
Planters who owned large plantation houses with at least fifty slaves made up about
______ percent of the white population in the South in 1860.
A) 1
B) 75
C) 25
D) 40
E) 90
How did the Hartford Convention lead to the downfall of the Federalists?
A) The Hartford Federalists sent their resolutions to Washington just after the victorious
Battle of New Orleans, making them look unpatriotic and selfish.
B) The Federalists who met in Hartford passed radical resolutions that the rest of the
country would never agree to, making the Federalists look foolish.
C) The Republicans who met in Hartford called for secession.
D) The Hartford Republicans passed resolutions that led to peaceful trade negotiations
with Europe, making the War Hawk Federalists look bad.
E) Only northern Federalists attended the convention; southern Federalists disagreed
with the Hartford resolutions, fracturing and weakening the party.
Which of these states was NOT wholly or partly Mexican in 1821?
A) California
B) Oregon
C) Texas
D) New Mexico
E) Arizona
The nullification crisis was strongly influenced by ________.
A) foreign manufacturing interests
B) the political maneuvers of the National Republicans
C) the demands of other southern states
D) the fear of attacks on slavery
E) the relocation of Native Americans
What was the main motivation that brought so many Scots-Irish to America in the
A) They came to practice Catholicism freely, something they could not do in Ireland.
B) They came in search of freedom and prosperity, two things they lacked in Ireland.
C) They came to work as indentured servants in the New World.
D) Their main goal was to form new Presbyterian congregations in America.
E) They came to earn money in America and planned to return to Scotland.
What caused seven states to secede from the Union before any shots had been fired?
A) the Compromise of 1850
B) John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
C) the election of President Lincoln
D) the Emancipation Proclamation
E) Lincoln's plans to free the slaves
Truman's prospects in the 1948 election looked _______.
A) very promising because he had successfully kept inflation down after World War II
B) promising because he unified Democrats and even some GOP leaders in his support
C) promising because he remained wildly popular with the public throughout his term
D) bleak because Democratic support had been split among several candidates
E) bleak because he lacked the funds to travel the country and garner support
One of the bloodiest battles of the war was ________, which took place on September
17, 1862.
A) Shiloh
B) Bull Run
C) Vicksburg
D) Gettysburg
E) Antietam
Which of the following was NOT a factor in the U.S. government's abandonment of the
policy of one large reservation for Native Americans after 1851?
A) Wagon trains hoped to cross the Great Plains without hindrances.
B) Prospectors kept finding more gold and silver all over the West.
C) Indians had traditional rivalries and needed to be kept apart.
D) A transcontinental railroad was being planned across the land.
E) The government wanted to clear the way for settlement.
What did the term "benevolent empire" refer to?
A) a United States without slavery
B) the English-speaking Christian colonies
C) a group of Christian churches that focused on helping the poor
D) a group of missionary and reform societies that worked together
E) the Kingdom of Heaven

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