FON 737 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1564
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Matching:
1>Percentage of U.S. adults considered overweight or obese
2>An enzyme that promotes fat storage
3>A term that describes environmental influences that promote weight gain
4>A theory that the body tends to maintain a certain weight by internal controls
5>Substitution of positive, supportive thoughts for negative, self-defeating thoughts
6>Hormone that regulates appetite in response to body fat levels
7>Hormone that stimulates appetite
8>Name of a low-fat diet
9>Type of adipose that primarily stores fat
10>Type of adipose that primarily produces heat
11>Percentage of nonprescription weight-loss product users in the United States who
are at a normal weight
12>Substance in some herbs that may cause heart attacks and seizures
13>Name of a high-fat diet
14>Surgical procedure on the stomach
15>Inhibitor of pancreatic lipase
16>Minimum BMI of a clinically severe obese person
17>A cosmetic surgical procedure
18>Safe rate of weight loss, in pounds per week
19>Recommended minimum number of minutes per day of moderately intense physical
activity to prevent weight gain
20>Percentage of U.S. adults classified as underweight
A.1 B.2 C.10 D.40 E.60 F.68 G.Leptin H.Orlistat I.Ghrelin J.Atkins K.Set point
L.White fat M.Ornish N.Brown fat O.Ephedrine P.Liposuction Q.Bypass R.Lipoprotein
lipase S.Cognitive restructuring T.Obesogenic
2) Which of the following is a feature of food colors?
a.Caramel is an approved natural food color
b.Most food color additives are artificial colors
c.Carotenoids are used to color foods blue and green
d.Natural food colors have lower standards of purity and safety than artificial colors
3) Which of the following products of digestion is NOT normally released directly into
the bloodstream?
c.Vitamin C
4) The adult RDA for vitamin B12 (g/day) is
5) Which of the following is a characteristic of fish consumption?
a.Fish is a good source of iron
b.Fatty fish contain the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids
c.The minimum intake to gain any benefit is 3 servings per week
d.Even fried fish from fast-food restaurants provide a favorable balance of omega-6 and
omega-3 fats
6) In a weight reduction regimen, the most realistic time frame for losing 10% of initial
body weight is
a.6 weeks
b.3 months
c.6 months
d.1 year
7) Dietary guidelines believed to help protect against cancer include all of the following
a.decreasing alcohol intake
b.avoiding charbroiled meats
c.increasing energy density
d.consumption of cruciferous vegetables
8) Those groups of people who are at risk for developing marginal nutrient deficiencies
and may benefit from taking vitamin supplements include all of the following EXCEPT
a.vegans faddists
c.athletes who are engaged in intense competitive events
d.people with low energy intakes, such as habitual dieters and the elderly
9) What organism is responsible for producing the most common food toxin?
a.Escherichia coli
b.Vibrio vulnificus
c.Staphylococcus aureus
d.Lactobacillis acidophilus
10) Characteristics of hydrogenated oils include all of the following EXCEPT
a.they are stored in adipose tissue
b.they lower HDL and raise LDL cholesterol in the body
c.some of their fatty acids change shape from cis to trans
d.products containing them become rancid sooner, contributing to a shorter shelf life
11) Which of the following is a feature of kefir?
a.Provides GI tract benefits similar to yogurt
b.Serves as a substitute in people allergic to milk
c.Contains a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber
d.Must be restricted in people with genetic deficiency of intestinal sucrase or maltase
12) What process results in the hardening of an egg when it is exposed to heat?
d.Protein interaction
13) Which of the following is NOT among the diet-related risk factors for coronary
heart disease?
b.High sugar intake
c.Glucose intolerance
d.High blood cholesterol
14) A person engaged in an endurance event has lost two liters of body water by
sweating. What would be the approximate energy loss from the evaporation of the
a.100 kcal
b.500 kcal
c.850 kcal
d.1200 kcal
15) Which of the following describes a recognized relationship between dietary fat and
a.Fat from milk does not increase risk for cancer
b.Dietary fat initiates rather than promotes cancer formation
c.High intakes of omega-3 fatty acids promote cancer development in animals
d.The evidence linking fat intake with cancer is stronger than that linking it with heart
16) An adverse reaction to food that does NOT signal the body to form antibodies is
termed a allergy intolerance
c.mild food challenge
d.transient food episode
17) Which of the following is a feature of elderly people and water metabolism?
a.They do not feel thirsty or recognize dryness of the mouth
b.They have a higher total body water content compared with younger adults
c.They show increased frequency of urination, which results in higher requirements
d.They frequently show symptoms of overhydration such as mental lapses and
18) Which of the following is NOT among the features of iron nutrition in children?
a.Anemia makes children more disruptive
b.General symptoms of iron deficiency are similar to those of mild lead toxicity
c.The brain appears to be less sensitive to iron deficiency than the rest of the body
d.Children who had iron-deficiency anemia as infants do not show normal school
performance even after iron status has improved
19) What set of values is used to recommend the average kcalorie intake that maintains
population groups in energy balance?
a.Estimated Energy Requirement
b.Adequate Average Requirement
c.Recommended Dietary Allowance
d.Acceptable Energy Distribution Range
20) What type of fiber is readily digested by colonic bacteria?
21) Which of the following is the most common use for adding carotenoids to foods?
a.To color the food
b.To extend shelf life
c.To inhibit microbial growth
d.To inhibit nitrosamine formation
22) The protein that requires ascorbic acid for its formation is
23) A person with high blood levels of hepcidin responds by
a.decreasing iron absorption
b.increasing iron absorption
c.decreasing zinc absorption
d.increasing zinc absorption
24) What is the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin D in individuals around
20 years of age?
a.5 g
b.10 g
c.15 g
d.20 g
25) Which of the following is an important function of selenium?
a.Helps blood to clot
b.Inhibits the formation of free radicals
c.Stabilizes the alcohol content of beer
d.Acts as a cross-linking agent in collagen
26) Which of the following is associated with a deficiency of folate?
c.Hemolytic anemia
d.Macrocytic anemia
27) The appearance of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may be delayed due to high
intake of supplements of
c.vitamin C
d.vitamin B6
28) Compare and contrast trabecular bone and cortical bone formation and function.
29) The American Cancer Society offers six suggestions for reducing the risk for
cancer, including
maintaining desirable body weight
eating the same types of foods daily
maintaining fiber intake at 10-15 grams/day
eating salt-cured foods, such as bacon, no more than three times/week
30) An effect of increased water intake on the body of a person who is accustomed to
greater quantities of salt is
reduced edema or swelling of ankles
more bloating
more energy
all of the above
31) What is the origin of food exchange lists? How are they best utilized?
32) What is anaphylactic shock? List 6 symptoms of impending anaphylactic shock and
describe the immediate treatment for this reaction.
33) A person can reduce fat in a diet that has beef as its base by
selecting leaner cuts of meat
choosing chicken or fish occasionally
becoming a vegan-vegetarian
a and b

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