FON 717 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2253
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following is a characteristic of aging and the immune system?
a. Immunity in older people does not seem to be affected by regular exercise.
b. In the United States, infectious diseases are a minor cause of deaths in the elderly.
c. Immune function does not decline with age in people who maintain good nutrition.
d. Antibiotics are often ineffective in treating infections in older people who have
deficient immune systems.
e. In elderly persons, nutritional status rarely influences immune functioning.
2) Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohol use in the elderly?
a. Binge drinking is more frequent in the elderly than in younger persons.
b. The proportion of binge drinkers in greater in the elderly than any other age group.
c. In elderly individuals, unlike in younger individuals, alcohol use is not associated
with other risky behavior such as illicit drug use.
d. Alcohol withdrawal is much more difficult for older persons than for younger
e. Elderly individuals are rarely successfully treated for alcohol abuse and dependence.
3) The major function of lipoprotein lipase is to
a.assist bile in the digestion of dietary lipids.
b.remove triglycerides from blood for storage.
c.trigger adipokine release from adipose tissue.
d.release triglycerides from storage within adipocytes.
e.stimulate the release of gherlin and leptin.
4) What is the chief reason why people living in poverty and hunger in the developing
world bear numerous children?
a. Birth control expenses are prohibitive.
b. The children are less likely to survive to adulthood.
c. The low educational level of adults limits their understanding of family planning.
d. The parents seek greater fulfillment through having more children.
e. It is a cultural custom in those areas to have many children.
5) What is the first major organ to receive nutrients that are absorbed into the lymph?
a. Liver
b. Heart
c. Spleen
d. Pancreas
e. Gallbladder
6) Flaxseed is a rich source of
a. lutein.
b. lignans.
c. sulforaphane.
d. organosulfur compounds.
e. phytoestrogens.
7) Approximately what percentage of U.S. adults are classified as underweight?
8) Which of the following fibers is water insoluble?
a. gums
b. pectins
c. cellulose
d. mucilages
e. phytics
9) What is a food desert?
a. Worldwide crop failures due to drought and pestilence
b. Absence of fresh fruits and vegetables at certain times of the year
c. A neighborhood having limited access to nutritious and affordable food
d. A low-cost energy-dense snack sold primarily in poor neighborhoods
e. An area in which poverty has made families unable to purchase necessary food
10) Dietary restriction of phenylalanine combined with adequate tyrosine is the usual
treatment for people born with the disorder ____.
a. DNA
b. ALC
c. NLM
d. PKU
e. BHA
11) Discuss the meaning and significance of the term "obesogenic environment."
12) List and discuss seven benefits of fiber.
13) An individual with a BMI of ____________________ or more is said to be obese.
14) Discuss the advantages of obtaining foods grown locally versus globally.
15) Provide several examples of beneficial and adverse consequences of activating or
silencing gene expression.
16) Explain the major provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
of 1994.
17) Discuss the essentiality of choline, including chief functions and major food

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