FON 549 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1883
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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What is the chemical composition of fats?
a. Hexose polymers
b. Glycogen granules
c. Fatty acids and glycerol
d. Combinations of long-chain fatty acids
e. Esters of carbon and hydrogen
Taste buds ____.
a. react only with particles in solution
b. are located throughout the oral cavity
c. produce amylase but not pepsin or lipase
d. can individually sense only one of the basic taste sensations at a time
e. are located only on the tip of the tongue
What is the immediate precursor for the eicosanoids?
a. Glucose
b. Hormones
c. Fatty acids
d. Cholesterol
e. Lipases
What nutrient has accounted for virtually all of the increase in kcal intake of people in
the United States since the 1970s?
a. fat
b. protein
c. alcohol
d. carbohydrate
e. lipoproteins
What is the approximate yearly increase in the world’s population?
a. 50 million
b. 60 million
c. 70 million
d. 80 million
e. 90 million
Hypertension contributes to an estimated ____ strokes in the U.S. each year.
a. 400,000
b. 600,000
c. 800,000
d. 1,000,000
e. 1,200,000
Which statement is true of the relationship fat intake and health?
a. Intake of saturated fat raises blood cholesterol more than intake of cholesterol
b. High intakes of fish oil lower bleeding time and improve diabetes and wound healing
c. High intakes of short- and medium-chain fatty acids raise high-density lipoprotein
d. Trans-fatty acids contained in polyunsaturated fats but not in monounsaturated fats
alter blood cholesterol levels
e. Trans-fatty acids are not as dangerous as once believed
Which statement best describes the composition of most foods?
a.Most contain only one of the three energy nutrients, although a few contain all of
b.They contain equal amounts of the three energy nutrients.
c.They contain mixtures of the three energy nutrients, although only one or two may
d.They contain only two of the three energy nutrients, and those two are contained in
equal amounts.
e.They contain only two of the three energy nutrients, and one is present in far greater
amounts than the other.
Which food provides the most fiber?
a. 1 small orange
b. 1/2cup cooked oatmeal
c. 1 cup split peas
d. 1 slice whole-wheat bread
e. 1/2cup cooked cauliflower
Within what range would a young women with 30% body fat and young men with 20%
body fat be found?
c.Mildly overweight
d.Slightly underweight
e.Morbidly obese
Which of the following is a characteristic of alcohol use in the elderly?
a. Binge drinking is more frequent in the elderly than in younger persons.
b. The proportion of binge drinkers in greater in the elderly than any other age group.
c. In elderly individuals, unlike in younger individuals, alcohol use is not associated
with other risky behavior such as illicit drug use.
d. Alcohol withdrawal is much more difficult for older persons than for younger
e. Elderly individuals are rarely successfully treated for alcohol abuse and dependence.
Which of the following is a feature of vitamin A nutrition?
a.Deficiency is common in both the United States and many developing countries.
b.Toxicity occurs from excess intakes of preformed vitamin A as well as beta-carotene.
c.Supplements are recommended for certain groups of infants and children infected
with the measles in the United States.
d.In poor countries, supplements prevent and cure night blindness but offer little
protection against malaria and lung disease.
e.The risk of toxicity is so high that most vitamin A supplements are by prescription
Your friend Carrie took a daily supplement of vitamin C and tells you that she feels a lot
better. Her statement to you is best described as a(n) ____.
Which food contains cholesterol?
a. Corn
b. Olives
c. Roasted turkey
d. Roasted peanuts
e. Boiled potatoes
Insulin resistance is defined as
a. reduced sensitivity of cells to blood insulin.
b. impaired secretion of insulin by the pancreas.
c. increased destruction of insulin-producing cells.
d. increased persistence of insulin molecules in the blood.
e. relative excess of insulin-binding proteins in muscle tissue.
Approximately what percentage of all energy use in the U.S. is devoted to the food
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. 30
e. 40
What nutrient is known to interfere significantly with the utilization of the antibiotic
a. EPA
b. Zinc
c. Calcium
d. Vitamin B12
e. Sodium
What proportion of children in the developing world are severely underweight by age
a. 1 in 20
b. 1 in 10
c. 1 in 4
d. 1 in 3
e. 1 in 2
What methods are used by the food industry to inhibit rancidity of the unsaturated lipids
in foods?
Describe the process of fat hydrogenation and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
The iron-storage protein ____________________ captures iron from food and stores it
in the cells of the small intestine.
List six tips that promote a person's acceptance of a healthy body weight.
Describe the risks associated with caffeine intake during pregnancy.
What is the origin of food exchange lists? How are they best utilized?
What is the association between breastfeeding and body weight in later life?
Enzymes that contain one or more minerals as part of their structures are known as

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