FON 521

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1969
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) To qualify for successful weight-loss maintenance, a 200-pound person who
intentionally lost 20 lbs must hold the loss for at least
a.3 months
b.6 months
c.1 year
d.2 years
2) Abnormally low blood sodium concentration is known specifically as
d.water intoxication
3) What is the primary mechanism associated with the role of fluoride in prevention of
dental caries?
a.Fluoride increases calcium absorption, which increases crystal formation of teeth
b.Decay is inhibited due to neutralization of organic acids produced by bacteria on the
c.Decay is reduced due to the inhibitory effects of fluoride on growth of bacteria on the
d.Fluoride becomes incorporated into the crystalline structure of teeth, making them
less susceptible to decay
4) Which of the following represents the usual sequence of stages in the development of
a nutrient deficiency resulting from inadequate intake?
a.Declining nutrient stores, abnormal functions within the body, and overt signs
b.Abnormal functions within the body, declining nutrient stores, and overt signs
c.Abnormal functions within the body, overt signs, and declining nutrient stores
d.Declining nutrient stores, overt signs, and abnormal functions within the body
5) What is the term that describes the allowance of most additives in foods at levels 100
times below the lowest level known to cause any harmful effects?
a.Toxicity range
b.Zone of hazard
c.Acceptable area
d.Margin of safety
6) Which of the following is NOT among the functions of the T-cells?
a.Recognition of antigens
b.Production of antibodies
c.Release of killer chemicals
d.Suppression of the immune response when appropriate
7) In kwashiorkor, the loss of hair color is indirectly related to
a.inadequate intake of tyrosine
b.elevated levels of blood homocysteine
c.excessive exposure to the suns UV rays
d.being nursed by a poorly-nourished mother
8) Which of the following would be the poorest dietary source of vitamin C?
c.Whole grains
d.Cruciferous vegetables
9) Which of the following is NOT among the properties associated with the cooking of
a.Color alone is usually indicative of doneness
b.Burgers should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160F
c.Some burgers will retain some pink color even when cooked to 175F
d.Some burgers will turn brown before reaching the recommended temperature
10) On a per kcalorie basis, which of the following are the best sources of calcium?
11) What is meant when the FDA invokes a certification requirement?
a.The suppliers must show proof that the foods were produced and processed in the
United States
b.A new food is being introduced on the U.S. market and the processing method must
first be approved by the FDA
c.The food manufacturer must have its products tested to guarantee that certain
chemicals do not exceed legal limits
d.The FDA laboratories have tested a new food product and approved all remaining
pesticide residues as falling within agency guidelines
12) What is the typical weight gain (lbs) of an infant between the first and second year
of life?
13) Chylomicrons are synthesized within the
b.intestinal cells
c.lymphatic system compartment of plant seeds
14) What system was developed by government regulatory agencies and the food
industry to help identify and/or control food contamination and foodborne disease?
a.The Two-Forty-One-Forty rule
b.Safe Handling Certification Program
c.Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
d.North American Residue Monitoring Program
15) In the digestion of fats, emulsifiers function as
16) Among the following population groups, which shows the highest prevalence of
lactose intolerance?
d.Native Americans
17) In comparison with the RDA for vitamin E, about how many fold higher is the
Tolerable Upper Intake
18) Which of the following is a characteristic of gender and coronary heart disease?
a.There are fewer deaths from CHD in women than in men
b.At every age, men have a higher risk for CHD
c.The rate of CHD suddenly accelerates after menopause
d.After age 55, aging becomes a risk factor for CHD in men but not women
19) What is meant by the bioavailability of a vitamin in food?
a.The total amount available from plant and animal food
b.The amount absorbed and subsequently used by the body
c.The amount that escapes destruction from food processing
d.The number of different chemical forms of the same vitamin
20) What is the principal reason that the FDA has banned the sale of products
containing ephedrine?
a.The costs are prohibitive
b.The products were found to be ineffective for weight loss
c.The products were implicated in several cases of heart attacks and seizures
d.The products were found to contain contaminants that were believed to be responsible
for inducing liver failure
21) Which of the following dietary components CANNOT be used to synthesize and
store glycogen?
b.Animal fats
c.Wheat starch
d.Plant protein
22) All of the following provide about 15 g of carbohydrate per serving EXCEPT
a.1/2 cup corn
b.1/2 cup peas
c.1/2 cup potatoes
d.1/2 cup green beans
23) Which of the following is a property of selenium in nutrition?
a.It participates in the functioning of insulin
b.Severe deficiency is associated with heart disease in China
c.Significant food sources include dairy and unprocessed vegetables
d.It has no RDA but the estimated safe and adequate dietary intake is only 2-3 g/day
24) Which of the following is NOT among the features of the iron RDA for
a.The RDA for 13-year-old males and females is about the same
b.The RDA increases during the growth spurt for both males and females
c.Iron intakes often do not meet increasing needs for growth for males and females
d.The frequency of iron deficiency is similar among males and females of the same age
25) What organ is affected by macular degeneration?
26) Stefan was recently diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. He is very scared about
this new diagnosis because no one in his family has ever had it and he hasnt ever heard
of it. His primary care physician refers him to your office for some counseling on his
modifiable risk factors. Which of the following topics will you most likely discuss with
a.What medications to take
b.How to improve his atherogenic diet
c.How to slow down his aging process
d.How to map out his family tree, identifying all relatives with heart disease
27) All of the following are characteristic of thiamin nutrition EXCEPT
a.severe deficiency may lead to edema
b.severe deficiency may occur without edema
c.recommended intakes are stated in equivalents
d.recommended intakes are based primarily on participation in enzyme activity
28) Pernicious anemia results from a deficiency of
c.vitamin B12
d.iron and copper
29) The hydrolysis of ATP that often occurs simultaneously with the synthesis of many
compounds is an example of
a.coupled reactions
b.tandem cleavages
c.metabolic couplings
d.high-energy processes
30) Which of the following foods supplies only discretionary kcalories?
c.Grape jelly
d.Peanut butter
31) Which of the following is a characteristic of excess intra-abdominal fat?
a.It is more common in women than men
b.It has been proven to be a poorer indicator of degenerative diseases than the BMI
c.Some (but not all) research suggests that it is more harmful than fat in other locations
d.It is associated with increased risk for heart disease and diabetes in men but not in
32) What is the primary reason for not including the value for adaptive thermogenesis
when calculating energy requirements?
a.It is too costly to measure
b.It is too variable to measure
c.The value is too low to be meaningful
d.The value is highly influenced by the dietary ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrate
33) Which of the following contains the highest concentration of thiamin in muscle
34) Which of the following is NOT a general feature of zinc nutrition in pregnancy?
a.Typical intakes are lower than the recommended amount
b.Supplements are effective in preventing neural tube defects
c.A secondary deficiency may develop when iron supplements are taken
d.The mineral is needed for nucleic acid synthesis and thus cell development
35) Which of the following describes the primary function of vitamin A in bone health?
a.It stimulates uptake of calcium from the intestines
b.It promotes synthesis of specific bone proteins involved in the mineralization process
c.It assists enzymes that degrade certain regions of the bone, thereby allowing
remodeling to occur
d.It inhibits oxidation of bone mucopolysaccharides, thereby preserving bone crystal
integrity and promoting growth
36) The magnesium present in mineral water has a bioavailability of about
37) The best energy source for strenuous, aerobic type activities, such as hiking, is
38) Explain the recommended training procedure (i.e., overload principle) for mastering
the components of fitness.
39) Discuss the various factors related to the role of insufficient physical activity in
energy balance.
40) Discuss the role of the restaurant industry in promoting excess food consumption.
41) Discuss six factors and conditions that lead to high-risk pregnancies.
42) Describe the interactions related to alcohol-containing beverages spiked with
43) Describe the actions of phagocytes and lymphocytes against foreign substances.
44) The most common cause(s) of osteoporosis is(are)
lack of estrogen in postmenopausal women
increased bone formation in the elderly
lack of weight-bearing exercise during the growing years
all of the above
45) Explain the associations between meat consumption and cancer risks.
46) Preferred ways to cook vegetables include
steamed with a little water
a and c

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