FON 409 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1732
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) To help maximize the long-term success of a person's weight-loss program, which of
the following personal attitudes should be encouraged in the individual?
a.Strongly believing that weight can be lost
b.Viewing the body realistically as being fat rather than thin
c.Refraining from expressing overconfidence in ability to lose weight
d.Accepting that little or no exercise is a part of the lifestyle of most overweight people
e.Keep weight loss plans a private matter and not share goals or progress with others
2) High-fructose corn syrup is manufactured by adding an enzyme to cornstarch that
creates fructose from ____.
a. glucose
b. maltose
c. sucrose
d. galactose
e. lactose
3) _____ is second only to _____ in causing premature deaths.
a.Underweight; obesity
b.Tobacco; underweight
c.Tobacco; obesity
d.Obesity; tobacco
e.Alcohol; obesity
4) Calcium absorption is facilitated by the presence of
a. fiber.
b. vitamin D.
c. phytic acid.
d. oxalic acid.
e. glucose.
5) The active components in black tea and green tea associated with favorable effects
on the cardiovascular system are
a. quercetins.
b. flavonoids.
c. resverotrols.
d. sulforaphones.
e. luteins.
6) Why should new foods be introduced to an infant one at a time?
a. It prevents overfeeding.
b. Any allergic reactions can be detected.
c. Immunological protection hasn€t been developed.
d. The swallowing reflex is not under voluntary control.
e. It reduces risk of upset stomach.
7) Of the following commonly eaten foods, which makes the greatest contribution to
riboflavin intake?
c.Orange juice
d.Peanut butter
8) A food label that advertises the product as a "rich source of fiber" is an example of a
a.nutrient claim claim
c.weight reduction claim
d.structure-function claim
e.research-based claim
9) A newborn infant at full gestational age has an average length of
a. 15 inches.
b. 17 inches.
c. 20 inches.
d. 22 inches.
e. 2 feet.
10) Which of the following is a characteristic of botulism?
a. A chief symptom is diarrhea
b. A full recovery may take years
c. It is caused by the organism Staphylococcus aureus
d. It is a toxicant produced in foods stored under aerobic conditions
e. Symptoms may take several weeks to appear.
11) What instrument is used to measure the energy content of foods?
a.Energy chamber
b.Exothermic meter
c.Bomb calorimeter
d.Combustion chamber
e.Energy spectrometer
12) Which of the following is a feature of atherosclerosis?
a. It is characterized by inflammation in all stages.
b. It is improved by high blood homocysteine levels.
c. It is characterized by infiltration of platelets in the arterial wall.
d. It is worsened by elevated blood high-density lipoproteins.
e. It is the second most common cause of coronary heart disease.
13) The day after Thanksgiving, you and your sisters are feeling hungry and want to eat
leftovers before going shopping. Which food would most readily satisfy the feeling of
b.Pecan pie
c.Mashed potatoes
d.Noodle casserole
e.Whole berry cranberry relish
14) Obesity resulting from an increase in the number of fat cells is termed
a.hyperplastic obesity.
b.hypertrophic obesity.
c.idiopenthic leptinemia.
d.anaplastic hypometabolism.
e.multiplicative obesity.
15) Fad diets often produce weight loss, at least initially, because they
a.dictate the correct distribution of energy among the macronutrients.
b.prevent rapid spikes and declines in one's blood glucose level.
c.don't require people to count kcal, and are thus easier to stick to.
d.are designed to limit energy intake to around 1200 kcal/day.
e.are so enthusiastically followed by individuals on them.
16) Fatty acid oxidation results in the direct production of ____.
a. ketones
b. fructose
c. pyruvate
d. acetyl CoA
e. lactate
17) In the late 1970s, women in Taiwan Women who had eaten the rice oil tainted with
____________________ gave birth to children with developmental problems.
18) List ways that malnutrition affects immunity.
19) A(n) ____________________ includes all of the circumstances that we encounter
daily that push us toward fatness.
20) What are the criteria for selecting surgery for treatment of obesity in adolescents?
21) Explain how the provision of food to hungry poor people lowers their risk for
22) Discuss how the results from national nutrition surveys are used by private and
government agencies and groups.

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