FON 312 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2372
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) What single behavior contributes to the most deaths in the United States?
a.poor diet
b.tobacco use
c.alcohol intake
d.risky sexual activity
e.unsafe driving
2) What is the function of adipose cell hormone-sensitive lipase?
a. Hydrolyzes hormones involved in fat breakdown
b. Synthesizes new adipose cells from simple fatty acids
c. Hydrolyzes triglycerides to provide fatty acids for other cells
d. Synthesizes long-chain fatty acids to provide precursors for other cells
e. Regulation of blood pressure and blood clotting
3) What is lactadherin?
a. An iron-binding protein in breast milk
b. A vitamin D-binding protein in breast milk
c. A breast milk protein that inactivates a GI virus that causes diarrhea
d. A protein supplement to infant formulas that simulates the digestibility properties of
e. A protein that promotes epidermal growth
4) Approximately what percentage of the U.S. population takes a multivitamin-mineral
supplement regularly?
5) What fraction of eligible seniors participate in the SNAP?
a. 1/4
b. 1/3
c. 1/2
d. 2/3
e. 3/4
6) To assist the process of digestion and absorption, it is usually best to ____.
a. eat several snacks per day so the system is not overwhelmed
b. combine different food types to enhance the absorption process
c. avoid eating meat and fruit at the same meal to prevent competition
d. take enzyme pills or powder periodically so the system can rest and rejuvenate
e. eat only one type of food at each meal in order to avoid overstimulation of acid
7) What substance controls the release of bile into the small intestine?
a. Gastrin
b. Secretin
c. Prozymogen
d. Cholecystokinin
e. Insulin
8) Which statement is true of minerals in their role as nutrients?
a.They are organic.
b.They yield 4 kcalories per gram.
c.Some become dissolved in body fluids.
d.Some may be destroyed during cooking.
e.They are more fragile than vitamins.
9) What ingredient commonly used as an additive in liquid medicines often causes
a. Sorbitol
b. Maltose
c. Saccharin
d. Aspartame
e. Lactulose
10) Zinc content is highest in foods that also contain a large amount of
a. fat.
b. fiber.
c. protein.
d. complex carbohydrate.
e. simple carbohydrate.
11) Population groups such as sedentary older men, sedentary younger women, and
active older women have a daily energy need of approximately ____ kcalories.
12) Which of the following is a characteristic of vitamin D nutrition?
a.Vitamin D deficiency may be created by a calcium deficiency
b.Only about one-half of the world's population relies on sunlight to maintain adequate
vitamin D nutrition
c.Prolonged exposure to sunlight degrades the vitamin D precursor in skin, thus
preventing vitamin D toxicity
d.In people living in northern U.S. cities, vitamin D stores from synthesis during the
summer are usually sufficient to meet the needs during the winter
e.Pigments in dark skins increase vitamin D synthesis.
13) The area of study that examines how environmental factors influence gene
expression without changing the DNA is known as ____.
a. genetics
b. genomics
c. nutritional genomics
d. epigenetics
e. nutrigenetics
14) Which of the following dietary components is thought to be protective against
certain types of cancer?
a. Fiber
b. Inositol and biotin
c. Certain saturated fats
d. Protein from animal sources
e. Certain sugars
15) The number of extra kcalories per day needed to produce a normal supply of milk
during the first six months of lactation is approximately
a. 100.
b. 250.
c. 500.
d. 1000.
e. 1500.
16) Which of the following is a feature of kefir?
a. Its low pH inactivates lactose.
b. It contains live bacterial organisms.
c. It contains half as much lactose as milk.
d. It is a recommended substitute for people with milk allergy.
e. It is particularly difficult for people who are lactose intolerant to digest.
17) Which of the following is a characteristic of iron utilization?
a. Most of the body's iron is recycled
b. The chief storage site for iron is the intestinal epithelium
c. Iron is absorbed better from supplements than from foods
d. Iron from nonheme food sources is absorbed better than that from heme food sources
e. Vegetarians need 4 times the iron as non-vegetarians.
18) Which of the following is a characteristic of a food allergy?
a. It always elicits symptoms in the person.
b. It always involves the production of antibodies.
c. It always shows up immediately after exposure to the allergic food.
d. It is elicited from very small, simple molecules as well as large, complex molecules.
e. It is less severe than an intolerance.
19) Explain the adverse effects of excess body fat deposited around the abdominal
20) Describe the benefits and adverse effects of the common alternative sweeteners.
21) Explain the role of vitamin A in growth and reproduction.
22) During ____________________, some or all of the points of unsaturation are
saturated by adding hydrogen molecules. .
23) The embedding of the blastocyst in the inner lining of the uterus is called
24) Discuss the evidence that added sugars harm human health.
25) How does atrophic gastritis interfere with nutritional status in the elderly?

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