FON 259 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1525
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) What is the term for the developing infant from the eighth week after conception
until birth?
2) Water that has the odor of rotten eggs is most likely contaminated with
3) Which of the following is a feature of the minerals in nutrition?
a.Some minerals are destroyed by heat
b.Some minerals are destroyed by UV light
c.Much care is needed to preserve minerals during food preparation
d.Once minerals enter the bloodstream, they remain in the body until excreted
4) What dietary nutrients are most effective at raising muscle glycogen concentrations?
d.Chromium and iron
5) Among the following, which is the most important strategy for an underweight
person who wishes to achieve a healthy body weight?
a.A high-kcalorie diet plus regular exercise
b.A high-kcalorie diet and minimal exercise
c.A high-protein diet plus regular exercise
d.Total elimination of alcohol and exercise
6) In cows infected with mad cow disease, which of the following tissues is generally
free of the infectious agents?
c.Spinal cord
7) Which of the following structural features of fatty acids determines their
susceptibility to spoilage by oxygen?
a.Chain length
b.Number of double bonds
c.Position of first saturated bond
d.Size of adjacent fatty acids on the triglyceride molecule
8) Diuretics act to lower blood pressure by
a.increasing fluid loss
b.decreasing potassium loss
c.reducing arterial plaque formation
d.increasing retention of calcium and potassium
9) What is the minimum blood alcohol percentage that defines legal drunkenness in
most states?
10) Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of enzymes?
a.They are all catalysts
b.They have a protein structure
c.They can be destroyed by heat
d.They are involved in synthesis reactions only
11) In vegetarians, the RDA is higher for
d.vitamin A
12) Which of the following is NOT true regarding endurance athletes competing in
events lasting longer than 3 hours?
a.They need to replace sodium during the event
b.They should eat pretzels during the second half of the event
c.They can easily replace sodium loss by consuming conventional sports drinks during
the event
d.They are susceptible to hyponatremia if they refrain from adequate sodium intake
during the event
13) Which of the following is a feature of meal eating?
a.Taking large bites helps to reduce food intake
b.Faster eating correlates with higher body weight
c.Total kcal intake in higher when meals are eaten more slowly
d.Satiety hormones are blunted when meals are eaten more slowly
14) An important feature of the food group subgroupings is that
a.all vegetables do not provide an array of nutrients
b.consuming legumes supplies protein but not fiber or vitamins is not necessary to consume every subgroup every day is acceptable to consume broccoli every day for a week to meet the vegetables
group intake
15) Which of the following is a characteristic of vitamin D nutrition?
a.Vitamin D deficiency may be created by a calcium deficiency
b.Only about one-half of the worlds population relies on sunlight to maintain adequate
vitamin D nutrition
c.Prolonged exposure to sunlight degrades the vitamin D precursor in skin, thus
preventing vitamin D toxicity
d.In people living in northern U.S. cities, vitamin D stores from synthesis during the
summer are usually sufficient to meet the needs during the winter
16) Which of the following is NOT a legume?
17) Which of the following is a feature of infant development and nutrition?
a.It is generally easier to overfeed a breast-fed infant than a formula-fed infant
b.Breast-fed infants obtain iron-binding proteins that inhibit bacterial infections
c.Breast-fed infants are at high risk of iron deficiency for the first 6 months of life
d.For optimal development, infants should be transitioned to formula after one year of
18) Which of the following defines protein turnover?
a.The sum of protein in food and the body
b.The sum of protein synthesis and degradation
c.The amount of protein absorbed from the diet
d.The amount of protein used to synthesize glucose
19) Even in preschoolers whose habits are being established, existing dietary attitudes
are relatively resistant to change. How should wise parents react?
a.Be patient and persistent
b.Impose their own eating habits on the children
c.Wait until the children start school to initiate changes
d.Exert continuous pressure to initiate good food habits
20) What is the name of the biochemical pathway describing the conversion of lactate
to glucose?
a.Cori cycle
b.Krebs cycle
d.Reverse glycolysis
21) Like _____, lipids are made of _____ atoms.
a.vitamins; C, N, and O
b.carbohydrates; C, H, and O
c.protein; C, H, O, and N
d.water; C, H, and O
22) Which of the following is a characteristic of hormones?
a.Inactivate bacteria
b.Act as messenger molecules
c.Coordinate visual response
d.Act as buffers in the bloodstream
23) Which of the following is a characteristic of caffeine intake and water balance?
a.Caffeine inhibits water absorption from the GI tract
b.Caffeine is known to act as a diuretic only when consumed as coffee or tea
c.Regular intake of caffeine promotes an increase in water retention of the interstitial
fluid volume
d.Habitual consumers of caffeine lose almost no more fluid from the body than when
ingesting noncaffeinated beverages
24) What is the most reliable source of dietary fluoride?
a.Public water
b.Dark green vegetables
c.Milk and milk products
d.Meats and whole-grain cereals
25) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of marasmus?
a.Results in a low resistance to disease
b.Affects brain development only minimally
c.Occurs most commonly in overpopulated and impoverished areas
d.Results in little or no fat under the skin to insulate against cold
26) Approximately what fraction of people treated for anorexia nervosa show
reasonable maintenance of their weight gain?
27) Your college dormitory roommate, James, told you that hes had anemia for quite
some time and that its from having abnormally-shaped hemoglobin. What type of
anemia does James have?
a.Sickle-cell anemia
b.Macrocytic anemia
c.Iron-deficiency anemia
d.Low oxygen-carrying anemia
28) To lower the risk of obesity in children, which of the following practices should
parents institute for their children?
a.Serve them smaller portions
b.Serve them 3 meals a day without dessert
c.Teach them to take appropriate food portions
d.Serve them more beverages and less solid food
29) Approximately how many people in the United States are killed by foodborne
illness each year?
30) Why do dietary guidelines include recommendations for physical activity?
31) How does population growth contribute directly and indirectly to hunger?
32) Explain the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension and the consequences
if it is not properly managed.
33) Lipoproteins
transport lipids through a watery medium, the blood
are protein-based vehicles for the transport of lipids
are composed of lipids and proteins
all of the above
34) The American Cancer Society suggests that women and men maintain desirable
weight based on the following criteria:
women should weigh 100 pounds for five feet plus five poundsfor each inch over five
both women and men should weigh 106 pounds for five feet plus six pounds for each
inch over five feet
men should weigh 106 pounds for five feet plus six pounds for each inch over five feet
a and c
35) List the major antioxidant additives in the food supply and their side effects in
human beings.

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