FON 185

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1831
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) A triglyceride always contains 3
c.fatty acids
d.double bonds
2) Which of the following is NOT a function of hydrochloric acid in
a.It kills bacteria
b.It activates pancreatic lipase
c.It activates a proteolytic enzyme
d.It promotes hydrolysis of dietary protein
3) Which of the following is the most likely side effect of a high-protein,
low-carbohydrate diet?
b.Increased thirst
c.Nitrogen toxicity
d.Increased water retention in the body
4) Phytochemicals that induce cancer cells to die are known to be contained in
a.brewed green tea
b.brewed senna leaves
c.the myrrh plant resin
d.cold-processed valerian root
5) List the characteristics of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Describe the typical
personality traits of individuals with these eating disorders.
6) Which of the following is used to supply some of the fuel needed by the brain only
after the body has been fasting for a while?
c.Fatty acids
d.Amino acids
7) To decrease risk for vitamin A toxicity-related birth defects, it is suggested that
pregnant women limit vitamin A supplements to less than
a.5,000 RAE
b.10,000 RAE
c.4 times the RDA
d.10 times the RDA
8) What is the name given to partially digested food in the stomach?
b.Liquid food
c.Gastric mucus
d.Semiliquid mass
9) Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of fibers?
a.Most fibers consist of linked monosaccharides
b.An example of a nonstarch polysaccharide fiber is pectin
c.An example of a nonpolysaccharide fiber is cellulose
d.Most soluble fibers are easily digested by the bacteria in the colon
10) Which of the following nutrients can be made from compounds composed of
2-carbon skeletons?
d.Fatty acids
11) Among the following, which has the greatest power to suppress hunger?
d.Potato chips
12) Which of the following may be effective at reducing the risk for preeclampsia?
a.Bed rest
c.Low-protein diets
d.Vitamin B12 supplementation
13) Which of the following nutrients enhances iron absorption from the intestinal tract?
c.Vitamin D
d.Vitamin C
14) An example of a behavior modification technique for weight control is to
a.feel guilty after you overeat
b.keep a record of your eating habits
c.always clean your plate when you eat
d.have someone watch you to prevent overeating
15) The 5 most common causes of death today in the United States include all of the
following EXCEPT
d.heart disease
16) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of breastfeeding
a.An early sign of hunger is increased alertness, whereas a late sign is crying
b.During the first few weeks of life, the infant will demand 8-12 feedings per day
c.The infant obtains almost one-half the milk during the first 2-3 minutes of sucking
d.More infrequent and short-duration feedings are preferable to stimulate lactation and
17) Which of the following is a feature of essential fatty acid deficiency?
a.It is very rare
b.It is seen chiefly in Native Americans
c.The most common symptoms include insulin resistance and pancreatitis
d.Most diets in the United States and Canada are deficient in one or both essential fatty
18) What is the chief reason for NOT using irradiation for preserving dairy products?
a.It imparts off flavors
b.It coalesces the fat particles
c.It is inefficient at killing microorganisms
d.It results in high amounts of food radioactive particles
19) Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in significant amounts by intestinal
d.Pantothenic acid
20) One of the signs of constipation is
a.increased thirst
b.inability to digest fats
c.less than 1 bowel movement per day
d.fewer than 3 bowel movements per week
21) In which of the following food groups are legumes found?
22) What term describes the illness a child develops when the next child is born?
d.Postbirth malnutrition
23) Goiter is caused primarily by a deficiency of
24) What are bacteriophages in the food supply?
a.Intentional food additives
b.Unusually deadly foodborne bacteria
c.Two or more pathogenic organisms on the same food
d.Bacteria that are resistant to common cooking methods
25) What is the adult RDA for iodine?
a.45 g
b.100 g
c.150 g
d.225 g
26) Your brother Bob is a competitive body builder. His trainer suggested that he
consume 4 egg white omelets per day. Bob remembers a warning about a possible
vitamin deficiency from consuming too many egg whites and asks if he should follow
the prescribed diet. Your reply to Bob is that he should NOT concerned as long as he consumes both the yolk and whites of the eggs
b.follow the diet, since the avidin in the egg whites could bind to niacin and prevent its
c.follow the diet, since the avidin in the egg whites could bind to biotin and prevent its
absorption concerned, because, when the eggs are cooked, the avidin protein is denatured, and
thus does not pose a problem for deficiency disease
27) Which of the following is a feature of FDA regulations for genetically engineered
a.All of these foods must be specially labeled
b.All foods are required to be tested for safety
c.Only those foods for children under 5 years of age are required to be tested for safety
d.The foods are not required to be tested if their new gene simply prevents synthesis of
a protein
28) Which of the following is an example of enterohepatic circulation?
a.Chylomicron conversion to LDLs and HDLs
b.Recycling of bile from the intestine to the liver
c.Hormonal control of pancreatic digestive secretions
d.Liver secretion of eicosanoids that promote absorption of eicosanoid precursors
29) The association between overweight and health risks disappears by age
30) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the minerals?
a.Yield no energy
b.Unstable to light
c.Stable in cooked foods
d.Structurally smaller than vitamins
31) Which of the following is a feature of the lipoprotein lipase enzyme?
a.Its activity decreases after weight loss but then rebounds quickly after resuming
normal food intake
b.Its activity can always increase but cannot decrease and is, in part, controlled by the
ratchet effect of metabolism
c.Its activities in men and women are sex-related and explain the differences in major
fat storage regions of the body
d.Its low activity in obese people explains, in part, the inability to mobilize storage fat
for energy when following an energy-restricted diet
32) Compare and contrast the quality of protein foods derived from animals versus
33) For a person with diabetes, the metabolic rate can be increased through
34) Why are athletes at risk for hyponatremia? How can this condition be prevented and
35) People who consume a diet in which meat is the primary source of protein are
at less risk for cancer than vegetarians
thought to be at greater risk for cancer than vegetarians
more likely to develop heart disease than vegetarians
b and c
36) People who have AIDS have a recommended dietary intake based on the following
nutrient breakdown:
50% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 20% fat
40% carbohydrate, 40% protein, 20% fat
50% carbohydrate, 50% protein, no fat
60% carbohydrate, 35% protein, 5% fat
37) Make several general statements about trace elements in nutrition, including
common food sources, deficiencies, toxicities, and interactions.
38) Hypoglycemia refers to a low level of

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