FE 88417

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 719
subject Authors Charles J. Jacobus

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An exclusive agency listing permits the owner to sell through their own effort without
liability to pay a commission to the listing broker.
A listing can be terminated by improper performance or ____________________ by
the broker.
An acknowledgement is necessary for a valid real estate contract.
A(n) ____________________ statement is a statement by an owner or lienholder as to
the balance due on an existing lien against the property.
An open listing allows the owner to list the property with several brokers at the same
For most people, the best time to invest in high-risk investments is between the ages of
55 and 65.
Under a net lease, the tenant pays a rate based on the net mortgage payment.
Actual ____________________ value s the new price minus accumulated depreciation
and is, in effect, "old for old".
In the term "metes and bounds", metes can best be described as an indication of meters.
Any person who earns a real estate commission and is not licensed is guilty of breaking
the law.
A current leasehold is an encumbrance on real property and must be honored by the
buyer of the leased property.
Communities which are suffering from an economic depression caused by a decline in
demand for the products of a single base industry tend to derive little benefit from
diversification of their economic base.
Loan points increase the yield to the lender.
Deregulation of the lending industry had little or no effect on savings and loan
A change in ownership of any kind is known as a forfeiture of title.
If a renter complains to public health officials about conditions on the premises which
violate codes, the landlord may legally react by giving the tenant an eviction notice.
The basic purpose of the deed of trust is the same as a mortgage.
A fixture may be removed by a ____________________ with the landlord's permission.
Under the truth in lending act, the cost of credit extended must be expressed as an
actual percentage rate.

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