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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2751
subject Authors Marilyn Friend, William D. Bursuck

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Frank is a fifteen-year old freshman in high school with significant problems in reading
comprehension. Each year he slips further behind his peers academically. For a while,
Frank acted out at school, bullying classmates and disrupting teachers. Now, however,
Frank ignores all efforts to help him, saying it doesn"t matter since he plans to drop out
of school when he turns sixteen. Frank's behavior is characteristic of learned
helplessness, but is likely to be interpreted as _____.
a. depression
b. anxiety disorder
c. lack of motivation
d. apathy
Which of the following represents a specific example of an articulation of a student's
unmet need?
a. The grade book indicates Melanie turned in only 2 out of 5 assignments.
b. It appears that Fran isn"t participating in group activities.
c. I suspect Ryan doesn"t care whether he succeeds or not.
d. I have noticed Jason doesn"t follow along during lessons.
When introducing new skills to students with special needs ____.
a. avoid using examples and non-examples
b. introduce the skills quickly to help retention
c. introduce the skills in large steps
d. introduce the skills in small steps
Disadvantages of using tutorial software programs with students with special needs
include providing ____.
a. insufficient review and tasks that fail to motivate
b. one-on-one instruction and scaffolding at too simplistic a level
c. incremental lessons without real world applications
d. items and materials at too many levels of difficulty
IDEA requires this procedure to ensure that student progress is monitored.
a. The IEP must be reviewed at least twice during a three year period.
b. The IEP will be reviewed annually and reevaluated every three years.
c. The IEP must be rewritten whenever the student has demonstrated progress.
d. The team must review the IEP on the first and third year after and IEP has been put in
The peer comparison method of screening through probes uses the ____ to summarize
the scores because it is affected less by extreme scores.
a. mean
b. median
c. average
d. mode
Present level of performance must be included in the IEP because it ____.
a. helps the teacher to determine the student's potential
b. guides the teacher as to the level of instruction that should be used
c. serves as a baseline to judge student progress from year to year
d. provides a clear justification for the student's placement
The specialist most likely to help a student with special needs develop vocabulary,
pronounce words or combine words into sentences is the ____.
a. speech/language therapist
b. occupational therapist
c. sign language interpreter
d. one-to-one assistant
Each of the following is true regarding how you can simplify language when writing
math problems EXCEPT:
a. Change unfamiliar or infrequently used non math vocabulary.
b. Remove or change relative clauses.
c. Shorten the length of noun phrases.
d. Change the voice of verbs from active to passive.
When written directions for students with special needs are difficult, ____.
a. skip the assignment altogether
b. add practice items you can do with the whole class
c. keep them the same, which prepares students for the real world
d. allow students to struggle before giving them help
The set of procedures outlined in the law for resolving disagreements between school
district personnel and parents regarding students with disabilities is _____.
a. an MDT review
b. litigation
c. mediation
d. due process
Jacob wants to take calculus during his sophomore high school year. His guidance
counselor looks at the math courses Jacob has completed to see if he has the necessary
academic background. Jacob's guidance counselor understands that in order for Jacob to
be successful in calculus, he must ____.
a. have the necessary prerequisites skills
b. score above the 85th percentile on his math achievement tests
c. get recommendations from his previous math teachers
d. have the grade equivalent of a high school senior on math achievement tests
The cross-categorical approach means ____.
a. more attention is paid to a student's learning needs than to specific labels of the
b. a teacher has unique, specialized teaching techniques for each category of disability
and does not stray from those methods
c. a student with autism could not benefit from the same techniques used to teach a
student with a traumatic brain injury
d. students will have multiple individualized programs
Controlled materials ____.
a. are materials of high interest to the student
b. are materials that do not foster initial success
c. are materials with complex vocabulary
d. are materials with many content demands
"Discipline" has its root in the word "disciple", which most closely means ____.
a. chosen one
b. follower of a teacher
c. obedient one
d. to understand
Which of the following is true about direct instruction?
a. It is important to follow all six steps whenever presenting a lesson.
b. It is required by all students with special needs.
c. It can be modified for students with sufficient background knowledge or skills.
d. It is based on a belief that children learn naturally.
One reason information obtained from group-administered standardized achievement
tests may be inappropriate for making screening decisions is that ____.
a. students who ask the teacher to clarify test questions may have an unfair advantage
over quieter students who do not
b. the content of a standardized achievement test might not match what is taught in a
particular classroom
c. most of the tests are untimed and accurate statistics are difficult to generate
d. standardized achievement tests are administered so frequently that test accuracy is
Which of the following is an aspect of classroom management?
a. mixed-skill grouping
b. inquiry learning
c. transition time
d. assistive technology
A method for measuring the level of achievement of students in terms of what they are
taught in the classroom is ____.
a. curriculum-based assessment
b. standardized assessment
c. functional assessment
d. psychological assessment
Under NCLB requirements, ____ must be included in district or statewide assessments.
a. all students
b. all students except those with academic disabilities
c. all students except those with physical disabilities
d. all student except for English language speakers
____ is a type of graphic organizer or visual representation that reflects the structure of
the content, such as stories, hierarchies (top-down and bottom-up), feature analysis,
diagrams, compare/contrast, and timelines.
a. Concept map
b. Study guides
c. Concept diagram
d. Visual guides
The statement, "the purpose of today's lesson is to be able to select and sequence
instructional examples' is an example of ____.
a. an anticipation guide
b. an advance organizer
c. a study guide
d. a concept map
The "WARF" strategy ____.
a. helps students to increase and/or adjust their reading speed
b. assists students in identifying word parts
c. enables students to take notes from the textbook and during instruction
d. enhances students' ability to comprehend oral instruction
Dimetri was rewarded for improving his spelling score with the opportunity to help his
teacher take care of the class hamster after school. This example best illustrates ____.
a. an activity reinforcer
b. a social reinforcer
c. a primary reinforcer
d. a tangible reinforcer
Probes of basic academic skills ____.
a. are most appropriate for middle and senior high school teachers
b. consist of samples of prerequisite skills, note taking, and time management skills
c. consist of untimed samples of academic behaviors
d. consist of timed samples of academic behaviors
While studying the state capitals, Jose imagined a big "N.D." standing on a biscuit.
When asked to name the capital of North Dakota during her test, Josie imagined "N.D.",
saw that it was on top of a biscuit, and remembered that it is Bismarck. Josie used ____
to help her remember.
a. the method of loci
b. a schema
c. chunking
d. the keyword method
____ is a genetic disorder that often includes a moderate intellectual disability.
a. Cerebral palsy
b. Down syndrome
c. Epilepsy
d. Muscular dystrophy
The difficulty of students with learning and behavioral disabilities to see any
connections between their efforts and success is a result of ____.
a. lack of self-esteem
b. poor self-image
c. learned helplessness
d. depression
A disorder characterized by chronic and serious inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and/or
impulsivity is ____.
a. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
b. photophobic disorder
c. neurotransmitter deficiency disorder
d. fetal alcohol syndrome
Students with language problems struggle academically because ____.
a. they have difficulty pronouncing key vocabulary
b. the teachers require fluent speech in class
c. they have difficulty acquiring word analysis and spelling skills
d. their speech patterns irritate teachers and peers
The idea that a variety of teaching and learning strategies are necessary to meet the
range of needs evident in any given classroom is_____.
a. universal design
b. the INCLUDE approach
c. differentiated instruction
d. reasonable accommodations
The primary purpose of psychological tests is to ____.
a. determine whether a student has an intellectual or a particular learning problem
b. find out what modifications or supports are needed to increase the participation of
students with moderate to severe disabilities in the classroom
c. assess students' academic skills across many areas of curriculum, but none in much
d. establish whether or not a particular student's performance is different from his/her
peers to merit further, more in-depth assessments
Skills such as note taking, time management, and test-taking are ____.
a. too unique to each student to be adequately assessed
b. important, but do not influence student ability to successfully complete a course
c. mnemonic devices stressed in secondary-level classes
d. independent learning skills stressed in secondary-level classes
Which category protected under IDEA includes students with characteristics that may
include short-term memory loss, developmental delays, vision loss and needs that may
change over time?
a. autism
b. traumatic brain injury
c. orthopedic impairments
d. developmental disabilities
Because of the nature of the teacher-paraprofessional partnership, collaboration ____.
a. is impossible and unnecessary
b. should be limited to the extent possible
c. can take the form of co-teaching
d. may sometimes occur in shared problem solving
Inclusive education encourages a variety of instructional grouping arrangements.
Explain the purpose and advantages of CBA probes. How is the information used to
group students?
Suzanne has told you the textbook is too difficult to read. You have observed poor
reading accuracy and a tendency for Suzanne to be distracted. Provide one example of
differentiation that would benefit Suzanne.
Define "peer-assisted learning strategies."
Discuss two advantages of using the IDEA category "developmental delays."
Functional behavior assessment is a problem solving process.
The ways in which tests are administered to students with disabilities can have an effect
on the accuracy of the results. Describe three different accommodations in test
administration. Include in your discussion which learning difficulty is being addressed
by each accommodation selected.
Define "enrichment" and provide two examples.
What is a "desk carrel", and how does it function as an environmental support?
Explain the role of the "consulting teacher" or "inclusion facilitator."
Explain how to construct a bridge to new information by using both true and untrue
What process is the "L" step of the "SCROL" strategy?
Describe one benefit of administering a "practice test".
Students with low-incidence disabilities makeup what percent of all students with
disabilities in schools?
In inquiry learning students take the initiative in making discoveries and thus are
actively engaged in personal learning.
Universal Screening measures cannot be used for progress monitoring in the RtI
The parents of an Asian American student would appreciate the teacher being open and
frank about the academic difficulties of their child, because Asian Americans follow
traditional cultural beliefs and tend to value a direct approach.
Describe five of the eight key areas of math skills where students with learning and
behavior disabilities may have difficulty.
Performance-based assessment cannot help special needs students make connections
between school and real world tasks.

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