EDUK 77069

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2541
subject Authors Burl E. Gilliland, Richard K. James

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The suicide rate among children and adolescents has been essentially stable since 1950.
Seung-Hui Cho fits the characteristics of a SVJO.
The death of a spouse, although traumatic has no effect on the surviving spouse's
mortality rate.
Mental health workers often work with disaster relief workers.
The disease model controversy of alcohol addiction hinges on the treatment principles
of AA, funding sources, and third party payments.
At a minimum an ecosystemic crisis may pervade an entire community.
Closed ended questions should never be used because they are highly intrusive and
aggressive sounding and could shut off communication.
Alternate forms of the TAF such as the TACKLE are designed to deal with very specific
populations of emotionally disturbed individuals who are in crisis.
Drug users who take anti-anxiety drugs like valium are unlikely to become violent.
Crisis intervention and hostage negotiation often go hand-in-hand.
The Contingency Management approach has better treatment outcomes and lower
relapse than most other approaches.
A past family history of violence is not a very good predictor of violence that a client
may have in a larger, community, social context.
The safest way to monitor and control new clients for potential violence in a clinic or
institution is for the admissions worker to check the client in and then wait for unit staff
to collect the client while monitoring the client closely.
Negotiators do best when they can establish a continuous state of interdependence
between themselves and the hostage takers.
Modeling is not a very effective way to teach violent behavior.
If the worker determines the student is carrying a weapon it should be confiscated by
the worker immediately.
Cultural and social norms have a lot to do with disenfranchised grief.
The taking of hostages really simply boils down to attention-seeking behavior by the
The decision stage in a LEMA plan is the point in time in which the decision is of
whether to declare an emergency is made.
Pranksters should be hung up immediately to clear the lines for legitimate calls.
Transcrisis points are frequently accompanied by transcrisis states that occur during
One of the precursors for date rape appears to be sexual abuse during childhood and
negative home environments.
So far work environment and its relationship to burnout have been difficult to measure
in any reliable way.
One of the major components of treatment program for batterers is to start
understanding they have choices.
Male supremacy is the keystone dynamic of most battering.
Social locations are based on the racial and ethnic origins of an individual.
Highly motivated human service workers are generally immune to burnout.
Bereavement overload is real and can be extremely detrimental to workers
Vicarious traumatization is to compassion fatigue as countertransference is to burnout.
The first thing to do in a hostage situation is to determine who the hostages are and
what is happening to them. .
Adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs) run higher risks than others for developing
"True" PTSD is age-specific to adults.
The super mesosystem links the macrosystem with all interior systems.
Determining when there is a duty to warn hinges on a clear identity of the victim, a
plausible motive, available means, and a thought-out plan.
Netiquette is important because if I MAKE A TYPO AND HIT THE CAPS KEY IT
a. shouting at them.
b. deemphasizing previous statements.
c. signifying I needed a time out to think things over
d. all of the above.
What model describes an addiction that is attributed to first starting with cigarettes and
then moving on to alcohol and then cocaine?
a. gateway
b. lifestyle
c. prescriptive
d. peer cluster
Aftercare involves all of the following except
a. cognitive boosters
b. possible use of drug antagonists.
c. hydro-immersion therapy.
d. family treatment.
Systemic and comprehensive intervention in a large scale or mega crisis by the United
States government is about how many years old?
a. 30
b. 50.
c. 100.
d. 150.
One of the major, distinctive differences between crisis intervention and long term
therapy is the
a. radical difference in models of therapy.
b. radical difference in assessment.
c. use of empathy and unconditional positive regard for the client.
d. all of the above are distinctive differences.
One of the first things a worker should do with long term clients is
a. select compatible clients.
b. select compatible crisis topics.
c. get a commitment to a specific plan of action prior to the meeting in an intake
d. establish effective ground rules.
When a crisis occurs due to battering
a. the abuser may become remorseful.
b. the victim may give in.
c. resolution of the problem will finally occur.
d. Both a and b may happen.
Grief in the elderly
a. may be more prolonged than with younger people.
b. is easier because the elderly have suffered loss before.
c. is much the same as with small children.
d. may be easier due to the fewer peers with whom they have to deal.
The Dual process model involves
a. emotional resource allocation to new modes of living.
b. release of emotional attachment of the loss object.
c. movement at one's own pace between a loss orientation and a restoration orientation.
d. the bi-polar dilemma of death avoiding and death approaching.
Of the following neurological factors that may contribute to the severity of a crisis,
which is not true?
a. Neurotransmitter discharge during a crisis, while dramatic, is always of intense, short
b. Long-term, chronic changes in neurotransmitters have been linked to mental illness.
c. One's gene pool may have something to do with "catch" rates
d. A client forgetting to take psychotropic drugs to control mental illness.
It is believed that CISD
a. is absolutely helpful.
b. is absolutely awful.
c. is somewhere in the middle.
d. has ardent believers on both sides of the issue.
Of the following, which does not apply in making a diagnosis for treatment of a
chemical dependent?
a. personality profile.
b. support system.
c. willpower.
d. drug choice.
When the decision is made that threat level is high and parents and authorities must be
notified, the EVJO may become extremely upset. The best thing the crisis worker
generally can do is
a. use "I understand" and "broken record" statements to continuously assure the client is
cared for.
b. empathically tell the student to get control of himself/herself.
c. state clearly and empathically what the consequences will be if you (the worker) don't
take action.
d. extract a promise that if the client goes willingly, no disciplinary action will be taken.
Which of the following should the crisis worker do when working with a battered
a. Allow the person to talk through the pain and "freak out" if necessary.
b. The task model's action steps need to be pushed aggressively.
c. Confront the person's inability to leave the relationship.
d. All of the above should be observed.
In helping a battered person decide whether to stay or leave, the crisis worker should
a. call the police if the abuser is coming back.
b. offer to go and pick up the victim.
c. determine how dangerous the situation is.
d. do all of the above or whatever else is necessary to get the woman to leave.
An enabler makes this statement: "Marriage is forever, for richer for poorer, in sickness
and in health, and that's why I stay with her. I've just got to pray harder that a miracle
will happen." These statements indicate the person is using what as a defense
a. displacement
b. dissociation
c. intellectualization
d. suppression
Grassroots movements are:
a. generally accepted because they have a good cause.
b. maverick organizations.
c. people who are upset about some problem.
d. both "b" and "c."
Golembiewski's phase model of burnout proposes that
a. vicarious traumatization leads to compassion fatigue and then burnout
b. depersonalization occurs first, sense of personal accomplishment diminishes, then
emotional exhaustion occurs.
c. personality factors weaken, maladaptive traits predominate, stress occurs, burnout
d. bureaucracy predominates, services are impaired, workers are frustrated, apathy
If during a screening interview the client indicates he/she has a weapon, the crisis
worker should
a. ask for it for safekeeping if trust level is high enough.
b. exit the room and get help if the client is resistant.
c. both a and b may be appropriate, depending on the circumstances.
d. neither a nor b; any mention of weapons automatically becomes a police problem.
Which of the following is a category of assessment dynamics which is of concern to
workers who deal with suicidal clients?
a. risk factors.
b. warning signs
c. suicidal clues.
d. all of the above.
Treatment for PTSD can best be described as
a. multimodal
b. atheoretical
c. multiphasic
d. both a and c.
A SUDS and VOC rating that both went down after an EMDR session would mean that
the client felt some relief from the trauma.
The perfect storm that led to Seung-Hui Cho's murderous rampage at Virginia Tech had
to do with
a. the failure of mental health experts to adequately diagnose his problems.
b. a variety of confidentiality laws prohibited the sharing of information about mental
health issues between units, departments and agencies..
c. language barriers due to his poor English fluency.
d. all of the above contributed to his rampage.
The best peer helper programs will include
a. a broad cross-section of students.
b. other gang members.
c. students who have potential to be good counselors.
d. None, since research has shown peer helper programs to be ineffective.
If the client said, "I feel like I am in a giant vice that squeezing my sides in on me, and a
huge weight is on my head pressing me down." A worker restatement of the client's
content message would best be
a. "It all goes back to your mother putting pressure on you to succeed."
b. "So you sound like you are really in need of some relaxation techniques."
c. " There appears there is no direction you can go that will give you some relief."
d. both a and c.
Reformulating loss in a context of growth in the grieving process means
a. numbing oneself to future crisis because of familiarity with the experience.
b. resolving the loss of a loved one.
c. emerging from the crisis with greater strength.
d. obtaining help from a support group.
The Equilibrium model of crisis intervention is:
a. generally used first with persons who are often out of control and is meant to stabilize
b. used to blend a variety of approaches equally into an eclectic whole.
c. both "a" and "b."
d. none of the above.
The crisis worker who interacts with complete acceptance of clients demonstrates
a. an ability to reassure a client even when there is little hope of the client's dilemma
being solved.
b. a total understanding of the client's problem from the crisis worker's point of view.
c. the utmost of confidence that the client will succeed in overcoming the crisis.
d. an unconditional positive regard for clients that transcends clients' personal qualities,
beliefs, problems, situations, or crises.
Of the following statements, which is not true of aftercare?
a. Percentages of people who relapse are around 50 percent in the first year.
b. Negative emotional states and interpersonal social and environmental pressures
c. A major decision occurs to "fall off the wagon" and drink again.
d. All are true.
Volunteers are effective crisis line workers because they
a. don"t have preconceived notions about what to do.
b. are seen as having more credibility because they do it out of the goodness of their
c. are highly trained in one particular modality of counseling.
d. all of the above are reason volunteers are effective.
The first responder to many of the school crises mentioned in this chapter would be a
a. school psychologist
b. school social worker
c. school counselor
d. there is no specific first responder
The Stockholm Syndrome is possible in hostage situations if
a. Positive feelings are generated toward the captors from the hostages.
b. Negative feelings are generated toward the authorities by the hostages.
c. Positive feelings are generated toward the hostages by the captors.
d. All of the above must be present.

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