EDUK 74332

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1736
subject Authors Mitchell L. Yell

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States and local school districts must use research-based instruction to teach reading
and must assess students' abilities by measuring progress toward proficiency.
a. True
b. False
Discriminatory treatment, based on false assumptions, entitles persons to protection.
a. True
b. False
Until 1990 the IDEA was known as the
a. Education of the Handicapped Amendments.
b. Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
c. Handicapped Children's Protection Act.
d. Improving America's Schools Act.
Too often, schools have used programs and practices based on fads, fancy, and
personal bias, which have proven to be ineffective. Whereas, __________ are more
likely to be effective when used in teaching.
a. Recommendations from experienced teachers
b. Scientifically-based programs
c. Newly developed programs
d. Programs with expensive advertising
An appropriate interpretation of the LRE litigation is that good faith efforts must be
made to educate students with disabilities in integrated setting.
a. True
b. False
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates protections for persons with
disabilities against discrimination in both the public and the private sector.
a. True
b. False
When the local educational agency proposes to initiate special education services and
placement for a student, his or her parents' consent must be obtained.
a. True
b. False
Educational services must be provided to a student with disabilities if he or she is
suspended over
a. 5 cumulative days
b. 10 cumulative days
c. 20 cumulative days
d. 30 cumulative days
The IDEA includes the definition of educational records under FERPA. List and
describe examples of educational records
The U.S. Department of Education maintains a webpage that can be very useful to
teacher, researchers, students, and parents.
a. True
b. False
A court can compel a school district to either start or stop a certain practice by granting
a. compensatory relief.
b. injunctive relief.
c. tuition relief.
d. punitive damages.
An IEP is a legally constituted mechanism for committing a school to provide a special
education, and a teacher can be held legally accountable if the student does not reach
the goals listed on the IEP.
a. True
b. False
Although the results of LRE litigation varies, all the cases reviewed in the text (e.g.,
Roncker, Greer, Daniel R.R., Rachel H., Clyde K, Hartmann) have indicated that
a. mainstreaming is not required in every case.
b. the Rowley standard is appropriate in judging all LRE cases.
c. school districts may have gaps in the continuum of services they offer.
d. the Congressional preference for mainstreaming cannot be rebutted.
Rank the following settings on the continuum of placements in terms of the degree of
restrictiveness of the setting (least-1 to most-4)
a. self-contained classroom 1. ____
b. regular classroom 2. ____
c. special school 3. ____
d. hospital setting 4. ____
The ability of a well-reasoned court decision to influence decisions of courts in
different jurisdictions is
a. Persuasive authority
b. Probative value
c. Controlling authority
d. En banc
Students with disabilities who attend public school are subject to a school district's
regular discipline policies.
a. True
b. False
The ESEA requires that schools test at least 80% of their students on the statewide
assessment systems.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not an educational record under the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)? (May be more than one answer)
a. A student's disciplinary records.
b. A student's IEP.
c. A teacher's personal notes placed in a separate file (e.g. teacher's file).
d. Records of a law enforcement officer working in a school.
When parents obtain an independent evaluation of their child, the IEP must consider the
results of the evaluation but they are not required to implement the recommendations.
a. True
b. False
There is a cap on the number of students with disabilities who can take an alternate
assessment and once reached school districts cannot include any more students.
a. True
b. False
The ADA is similar to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, however, the ADA
a. is more specific in disability definitions than 504
b. extends the scope of 504
c. is more lenient with public entities than 504
d. Restricts the scope of 504
The NCLB, required states to develop academic standards for all students in the areas
a. math and reading
b. geography and social studies
c. foreign language
d. physical education
Private membership clubs are covered under the ADA.
a. True
b. False
IDEA 2004 requires that when a student moves from one school district to another, the
child's former IEP should be implemented until the new district evaluates the child and
creates a new IEP
a. True
b. False
All students with disabilities who are protected under Section 504 are automatically
eligible for special education services under the IDEA.
a. True
b. False
Prior to 1975, students with disabilities access to educational opportunities were
mainly limited because:
a. Often students with disabilities were completely excluded from public schools
b. Those students with disabilities admitted to schools did not receive an appropriate
c. Teachers were adequately prepared to teach disabled students
d. Both a and b
The placement of students with disabilities in portable units that are designated solely
for use by students with disabilities would be a violation of Section 504.
a. True
b. False
Assistive technology might be required in accordance with (may be more than one
a. the least restrictive environment mandate of the IDEA.
b. the related services mandate of the IDEA.
c. the FAPE mandate of the IDEA.
d Section 504.
A student's IEP must be reviewed, and if necessary revised, at least
a. every six weeks.
b. twice annual.
c. annually.
d. every three years.
What type of relief is available when parents who placed their child with a disability in
a private educational facility were later awarded reimbursement for the placement by a
court because the school district had proposed an inappropriate IEP.
a. compensatory relief,
b. injunctive relief.
c. tuition relief.
d. punitive damages.
When the Supreme Court interprets the laws created by the legislative branch, the
legislature may change or alter the law or create a new law if the members disagree
with the court's interpretation.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following problems should trigger a referral under Section 504? (May be
more than one answer)
a. A student was referred to special education but a decision was made not to evaluate
him or her.
b. A student is referred by his or her parents for evaluation under Section 504.
c. A student is referred by his or her teacher for evaluation under Section 504.
d. A student exhibits a chronic health condition.
e. A student returns to school after a serious illness or injury.
f. A student was referred to special education but was determined not to be eligible for
services under the IDEA.
Describe the procedural and substantive requirements of an initial special education
Examine the history of federal involvement in education from land grants to NCLB.
Why does the textbook refer to the history of federal involvement as being one
characterized by a movement from assistance to accountability?
Examine the evolving standards of what constitutes a FAPE from the Rowley decision
through IDEA 1997 and IDEA 2004. How has the concept of FAPE changed since the
EAHCA was passed in 1975? Is there a new FAPE standard?
Why did congress include students with disabilities as a separate subgroup to be
counted when measuring AYP?
Explain the important role parental advocacy has played in the education of students
with disabilities.
Describe how placement decisions are related to FAPE.
Describe and discuss actions that parents may take under the Section 504 grievance
procedures when they believe their child has been discriminated against.
What are the differences between "assistive technology devices," and "assistive
technology services?"
Describe three unique aspects of Reading First.
Part D of the IDEA addresses State Personnel Development Grants, describe the four
main purposes of this grant.
What is the primary goal of the ADA?
IDEA 2004 added a new step to the dispute resolution process: the resolution session.
Describe this step and where it fits into the process.
IDEA 2004 requires that special education services be based to the extent possible on
peer-reviewed research. Explain how this will affect the IEP process. What is
peer-reviewed research? What was the purpose of including this requirement in
student's IEP?
What was the 'safe harbor" provision of NCLB?
Describe the mediation process and address whether it is mandatory or voluntary.

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