EDUK 40174

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1538
subject Authors Anne C. Troutman, Paul A. Alberto

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The best way to determine whether something is reinforcing to a student is to use
a. Reinforcer sampling
b. Systematic predicting
c. Caregiver guesses
d. Selective sampling
An "operational definition":
a. clearly states the form of the behavior
b. identifies the criterion of a behavior
c. defines the condition for behavioral occurrence
d. describes the setting events
After completing a functional assessment, Ms. Jones hypothesizes that Chris' behavior
functions as a means of escaping disliked tasks. Which of the following conditions
should Ms. Jones test during the functional analysis?
a. attention
b. demand
c. play
d. alone
When prompting is used by the teacher:
a. reinforcers are not to be used
b. the "heaviest" prompt is always used
c. reinforcement occurs as if prompts had not been used
d. the prompt is delivered following a ten second interval
Reasons for preferring self management to control by external change agents include:
a. increased consistency
b. ability to carry out a program in any setting
c. commitment of a student to a program through involvement
d. all of the above
A backwards chaining procedure is used to teach a student to remove her coat.
Instruction has involved:
a. presenting the whole task on each occasion
b. beginning with the last step first for instruction
c. beginning with the first step only for instruction
d. using a combination of the above three methods
What is most often used in the classroom to decrease behaviors that are being
maintained by teacher attention?
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors
c. Noncontingent reinforcement
d. Extinction
How do generalization objectives differ from acquisition objectives?
a. The conditions under which the behavior to be performed differs.
b. Differences in the criteria defined for performance
c. Differences in behavior targeted for change
d. a and b only
Reinforcers that are exchangeable for some reinforcer of value to students is known as:
a. Activity reinforcers
b. Proprioceptive reinforcers
c. Token reinforcers
d. Tactile reinforcers
Behaviorists are LEAST concerned with the following:
a. functional relation
b. observable behaviors
c. present events
d. past events
Which behavior may serve to gain a teacher's attention?
a. reading quietly
b. banging a pencil
c. taking notes
d. all of the above
In explaining behavior, a useful theory must be:
a. inclusive and justifiable
b. inclusive, verifiable, and justifiable
c. verifiable, exclusive, and predictable
d. inclusive, verifiable, have predictive utility, and be parsimonious
Systematically waiting before delivering a prompt allowing a student to respond
before prompting is a procedure known as
a. Time Delay
b. Stimulus shaping
c. Graduated Guidance
d. Forward Chaining
Which of the following designs is often used during a functional analysis?
a. ABAB design
b. multi-element design
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
Effective use of teacher praise requires that:
a. praise be delivered contingent on performance of the target behavior
b. praise should specify the behavior being reinforced
c. praise should be sincere with the teacher varying tone and content
d. all of the above
The design depicted here is known as:
a. Changing criterion design
b. Alternating Treatments design
c. Changing conditions design
d. Reversal design
Miss Kennedy wants Oliver to learn the skills necessary to successfully participate in a
job interview. She provides simulated training opportunities with Oliver that
incorporate the same questions an interviewer would ask and the same environmental
configuration. In addition, she has Oliver wear the outfit he will wear to his interview.
Which technique for promoting generalization is Miss Kennedy using with Oliver?
a. Program common stimuli
b. Train loosely
c. Train sufficient exemplars
d. Use indiscriminable contingencies
Which of the following would be a good example of a rule with specificity?
a. Be a good citizen
b. Keep your hands to yourself
c. Raise your hand before speaking
d. All of the above
When a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced and its rate
of occurrence decreases, what behavioral principle is being used?
a. Punishment
b. Positive Reinforcement
c. Positive Punishment
d. Extinction
Michael counts on his fingers in order to answer arithmetic computation problems. The
teacher wants to wean him off this crutch. She gives him, consecutively, various
assistance strategies of lessening the concrete nature of his prompt. The most
appropriate design for this example is:
a. changing criterion design
b. AB design
c. reversal design
d. changing conditions design
Which of the following is NOT a reason for teaching students to self-manage?
a. Teachers may miss certain instances of behavior.
b. External change agents are not always available.
c. Teachers may inadvertently become an environmental cue for the performance or
lack of performance of a behavior.
d. Allows students to teach themselves thus providing teachers the time to work with
The following is an example of the system of least prompts.
a. Miss Simon waits three seconds before providing Luis physical guidance.
b. After Mr. Gibson asks Tia to hang up her coat, she verbally reminds her again.
c. Yesterday, Ms. Shafer provided hand-over-hand assistance to Jerome to tie his shoes.
Today, she is holding his wrists.
d. a & b only
Scenario: Ms. Harper wants to increase John's behavior of sharing during circle time.
Each time Ms. Harper observes John sharing she provides him with a token and his
behavior increased.
What type of data collection system should Ms. Harper use to record the number of
occurrences of John's sharing behavior?
a. event recording
b. time sampling
c. duration
d. latency
Individuals are LEAST likely to satiate on:
a. CRF schedules
b. FR schedules
c. FI schedules
d. VR schedules
ABAB design is a variation of what design?
a. reversal
b. alternating treatment
c. changing criterion
d. multiple baseline
Nancy is learning to brush her teeth. Her teacher provides her with task analysis for
brushing her teeth. The task analysis is presented by pictures of each step. This is an
example of which prompt?
a. auditory prompt
b. visual prompt
c. least-to-most
d. time delay
The Relevance of Behavior Rule states that:
a. If teachers can generate behaviors that are reinforced by the natural environment, a
situation equivalent to catching a mouse in a trap will be created.
b. The more relevant the behavior, the more likely the student will be to acquire the
behavioral skill.
c. There is seldom a behavior that is performed exactly the same way in exactly the
same place.
d. It is not always necessary to employ identical procedures to obtain stimulus
generalization or maintenance.
In using general case programming:
a. single instances of stimuli are identified and used in training
b. multiple instances of stimuli are identified and used in training
c. a range of stimuli showing sameness and difference are identified and used in
d. a range of stimuli showing difference only are identified and used in training
Mr. Williams has noticed that student in his fourth period class has been exhibiting
some inappropriate behaviors. Mr. Williams has attempted to correct the behavior using
evidence based behavior management programs, but Joseph continues to exhibit the
behaviors. Mr. Williams and the IEP committee have decided to develop a Behavior
Support Plan for Joseph. What is the next step in developing a Behavior Support Plan?
a. conduct a functional assessment
b. screening
c. conduct a functional analysis
d. identify the target behavior
When Dolores screams, her mother picks her up and holds her close. "Picking up and
holding Dolores close" is considered the:
a. Independent variable
b. Dependent variable
c. Uncontrolled variable
d. Confounding variable
The process of systematically manipulating antecedents and consequences to determine
their effect on occasioning and maintaining the target behavior is _____.
a. setting events
b. enhanced functioning
c. functional analysis
d. intervention
To the behaviorist, punishment occurs only when:
a. the preceding behavior decreases
b. the preceding behavior increases
c. both a and b
d. neither a or b

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