EDUK 18783

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 3507
subject Authors William L. Heward

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Which of the following statements about explicit instruction is not accurate?
A) It shortens learning time.
B) It is most effective in teaching students to read.
C) It is fundamental for students acquiring math skills.
D) It makes the student responsible for learning throughout the process.
Which term best describes a person with vision of 20/220 that is improved to 20/70
with glasses?
A) functionally blind
B) low vision
C) partially sighted
D) tunnel vision
Which describes the term "developmentally appropriate practice" (DAP)?
A) a curriculum-based assessment technique for deciding on intervention strategies
B) a procedural safeguard in IDEA that applies to assessment and identification in early
childhood special education
C) a philosophy and guidelines for basing teaching on what is typically expected of
children of different ages and stages
D) a philosophy and guidelines promoting the concepts of inclusion and natural
learning environments (e.g., home) in early childhood
All of the following are true about closed circuit television except
A) it can be easily moved from class to class
B) it enables students with low vision to read regular sized print materials
C) students with low vision can adjust the brightness and contrast of materials
D) students with low vision can use them to create negative white-on-black materials
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports
A) use punishment to control misbehavior
B) is a new method for improving school safety
C) use research-based interventions to teach appropriate behaviors
D) is ineffective in achieving long-term reductions in problem behavior
Mrs. Wolfe, a second grade teacher, wants Anthony's mother to feel comfortable during
their parent-teacher conference. To build rapport with her, Mrs. Wolfe should
A) ask her if she likes the cooler weather
B) tell her that a Cub Scout troop is being started after school
C) tell her that Anthony may fail math if he does not receive tutoring
D) ask her to sit in Anthony's chair and look over papers in his daily work folder
Compared to students of other racial and ethnic groups, African American students are
most likely to be identified as having
A) autism
B) intellectual disabilities
C) specific learning disabilities
D) speech or language impairments
Special education is mandated for children who are gifted and talented under IDEA.
Mrs. Gonzales is evaluating Maria for a possible communication disorder. She asks
Maria a series of open-ended questions to evaluate her expressive speech. This type of
assessment is known as a
A) case history
B) functional analysis
C) language application
D) language sample
Which best describes the Portage Project?
A) a widely replicated home-based early intervention program
B) a respite care program to support the families of young children with disabilities
C) a first generation research study which supported the positive effects of early
D) a program that offers information on toys and activities for young children with
Which of the following statements about speech-sound errors are true?
A) Treatments to address them are relatively simple.
B) Treatments must be implemented before the age of 1)
C) They result from a defect in the operation of the speech apparatus.
D) They result from problems recognizing or processing the sounds of language.
Which is not descriptive of Maker's (2005) DISCOVER assessment procedure?
A) It "levels the playing field" for students from culturally diverse grounds.
B) It involves decreasingly less structured problem-solving tasks.
C) It includes tasks which require both convergent and divergent thinking.
D) It has been found to be inequitable when used with girls or diverse cultural groups.
Breaking down complex skills into smaller subskills or steps to make learning easier is
known as
A) task analysis
B) applied learning
C) direct instruction
D) programmed instruction
Which of the following is an ineffective inclusion strategy?
A) classwide peer tutoring
B) co-teaching with a special educator
C) implementing accommodations and modifications
D) placing a student with a disability in general education to see if he/she can succeed
Prereferral intervention is required by IDEA.
Julia was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of six. It was necessary for doctors to
amputate her right leg below the knee. According to current terminology, Julia is
A) at-risk
B) challenged
C) handicapped
D) impaired
In a nationwide study, what percentage of students with disabilities was affected by an
additional or secondary disability?
A) 10 %
B) 5%
C) 29%
D) 40%
Picture activity schedules for students with autism
A) are most useful only in academic settings
B) are most appropriate only for preschoolers
C) promote dependence and conformity
D) is a form of prompting
Which of the following statements about orientation and mobility (O&M) is most
A) The terms are synonyms.
B) O&M skills must be taught at an early age.
C) More time is spent on specific mobility skills than orientation.
D) O&M instruction is not required as a related service unless a student is blind.
How many phonemes are contained in the word chips?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Which of the following research methodologies is considered the gold standard for
identifying an effective instructional practice?
A) Action Research
B) Correlation Coefficients
C) Qualitative Research Designs
D) Randomized Controlled Trials
Which of the following has not been associated with seizures in otherwise healthy
A) high fevers
B) excessive exercise
C) excessive alcohol consumption
D) blows to the head
An intellectual disability is usually defined by an IQ that falls at or below
A) 70
B) 80
C) 90
D) 100
Living in a foster home may be advantageous for a person with a disability because
A) he may have fewer financial obligations
B) he may be more accepted in the community at large
C) he may reside in a more affluent neighborhood
D) he may have more time for recreation and leisure
The Milwaukee project targeted children at risk for developmental delays because of
A) prematurity or low birth weight
B) their mothers' level of intelligence
C) prenatal exposure to drugs or alcohol
D) their mothers' history of child abuse or neglect
Which of the following would be the most difficult for a child with autism?
A) reciting the days of the week
B) naming the characters in a story
C) explaining why a snowman melted
D) understanding why a joke is funny
The steps in the RERUN approach to conflict resolution described by Gonzales-Mena
(2006) are
A) respect, explain, reason, unify, nurture
B) respect, evaluate, reason, unify, nurture
C) reflect, explain, reason, understand, negotiate
D) respect, evaluate, reason, understand, negotiate
According to Halpern, what should the primary focus of transition services be?
A) graduation
B) adult employment
C) access to adult services
D) living successfully in the community
Which of the following would have the greatest amount of paralysis?
A) Alex, who has an injury that cuts through the cord at C4
B) Blake, who has an injury C6
C) Carla, who has an injury that partially cuts the cord at L3
D) Donald, who has an injury that damages the cord at Tl1
Carter is having difficulty learning to read. Although he is in third grade, his teacher
says that he does not seem to have a conscious understanding that language is made up
of sounds. Carter has a deficit in
A) attention
B) phonological awareness
C) reading comprehension
D) word recall
Which of the following is an example of embedding core content into a functional skills
activity for a student with a severe or multiple disability?
A) teaching a high school student to use a calculator
B) teaching an elementary students to use pictures and a graphic organizer to
summarize key facts
C) teaching an elementary student about states of matter in relation to the weather
D) teaching a middle school student to read vocabulary words necessary to understand
Huckleberry Finn
Domains included on the Quality of Life Questionnaire include all of the following
A) competence/productivity
B) empowerment/independence
C) overall satisfaction
D) recreation/leisure
Which of the following causes of intellectual disabilities can be combated with
education and training?
A) poverty
B) child neglect
C) lead poisoning
D) spina bifida
Carlos is a student with an intellectual disability. Mrs. Busby, his teacher, just saw him
copying from Jasmine's paper rather than attempt a writing assignment on his own.
How can she help Carlos be more independent?
A) She should punish Carlos for cheating.
B) She should give Carlos a lower grade for copying.
C) She should allow Carlos to choose a topic to write about.
D) She should assign each student a different topic so that copying would be useless.
List the six levels of Bloom's taxonomy and give an example of a question or activity at
each level.
Why are fads and unproven interventions so prevalent in the education and treatment of
children with autism?
What distinguishes a child who is deaf from a child who is hard of hearing in terms of
the primary sensory mode used for learning and communication?
According to the IDEA definition, what is affected by autism?
What should teachers know about IQ tests and the assessment of intellectual
Explain how postsecondary education benefits employment for individuals with
Define and give examples of environmental risk conditions.
How can a special educator provide all three kinds of interventionpreventive, remedial,
and compensatoryon behalf of an individual child?
List four of Grossen's (2004) six principles for early reading instruction.
How can academic tool skills and learning strategies relate to each other?
What key factors influence the success of an individualized transition plan?
Explain the shift of instructional focus that has occurred over the years for students with
learning disabilities.
Explain the continuum of service and placement options in order from least to most
Compare and contrast funding for Gifted and Talented programs and special education
Why are research and development of tools for early screening and diagnosis of autism
spectrum disorders so critical?
How can a play activity or everyday routine become a specially designed learning
opportunity for a preschooler with disabilities?
Explain the importance of choice making for students with severe disabilities.
Compare and contrast IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act
How can teachers who are not parents of children with disabilities communicate
effectively and meaningfully with parents of exceptional children?

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