EDUK 15512

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2842
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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Jay is an aggressive three-year-old. His parents should be
A. unconcerned, as this is common behavior at Jay's age.
B. aware that most aggression diminishes once children reach elementary school.
C. aware that aggressive behavior during the early years often leads to anxiety disorders
in later life.
D. extremely concerned, as there is a clear link between early aggression and adolescent
It is April and Shalome has just taken a state-wide test which evaluates her mastery of
her grade level's content standards. Shalome has just taken
A. a progress monitoring probe.
B. the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
C. a large-scale assessment.
D. an alternate assessment.
The first law guaranteeing the rights of students with disabilities to a free appropriate
public education was
A. PL 101-336, the Americans with Disabilities Act
B. PL 101-476, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
C. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
D. PL 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
Identify the leading cause of prelingual deafness.
A. heredity
B. otitis media
C. meningitis
D. rubella
Which teaching method is an example of acceleration?
A. the Revolving Door Model
B. advanced placement
C. mentorship
D. independent study
Rick Hoyt, a motivational speaker, uses a ____, a device that 'speaks" words aloud that
he has typed.
A. communication board
B. speech synthesizer
C. Deaf-Blind Communicator™
D. portable brailler
Francisco is learning to use a validated practice which helps him control his own
behavior and be responsible for many aspects of his school program. Which of the
following is Francisco learning?
B. peer tutoring
C. self-management strategies
The application of language in various communications in the social context of the
situation describes
A. content.
B. use.
C. form.
D. syntax.
PBIS is similar to RTI except that it
A. usually has less tiers.
B. addresses behavior instead of academic skills.
C. is a requirement of NCLB.
D. is only used with students with disabilities and RTI is used with all students.
Benjamin began playing complicated melodies on the piano at 18 months and at 4 years
of age can hear any piece of music once and replay it perfectly. Yet, Benjamin is
nonverbal and grows agitated when others are around. Benjamin displays characteristics
A. a child with an intellectual disability.
B. an autistic savant.
C. a child with a hearing loss who is gifted.
D. a typical child with ASD.
An IFSP is evaluated
A. annually.
B. every six months with the family.
C. every month with a specialist.
D. every three years.
The Dean of Students wonders how many undergraduates at her university have
disabilities. If her university's enrollment reflects national trends, she can expect that
roughly ____ of her 1,000 undergraduates have disabilities.
A. 10
B. 110
C. 330
D. none.
Ms. Holley, a speech/language pathologist, goes into Mr. Johnson's general education
classroom to provide speech therapy to a student there. This is an example of
A. itinerant teaching.
B. collaborative teaching.
C. co-teaching.
D. pull-in programming.
Congress established the Helen Keller National Center to provide rehabilitation services
to deaf-blind individuals
A. during a time of national crisis caused by a rubella epidemic.
B. because of lobbying efforts of parents of students with deaf-blindness.
C. because three Congressmen serving on education subcommittees had relatives with
D. as part of the Special Olympics program.
Which of the following children may be at risk for having a learning disability?
A. Alan, a preschooler who developed language skills very early
B. Dan, a toddler who enjoys making up rhyming nonsense words
C. Greg, a four-year-old who does not know the letters of the alphabet
D. David, a one-year-old who shows strong babbling skills but no language skills
Justin is twice-exceptional. This means that he
A. is gifted in two of Gardner's intelligences.
B. has gifts and talents.
C. was identified as gifted as a preschooler, and again in elementary school.
D. is gifted and also has a disability.
Which of the following is a reason that many students from diverse backgrounds do not
participate in gifted education programs?
A. overqualification for gifted programs results in too many students, not enough slots
B. pressure from families for high achievement
C. attend poor urban schools without gifted resources
D. predominantly located in rural schools
Jeff has just damaged the transparent, curved part of the front of his eye. He has injured
A. pupil.
B. lens.
C. cornea.
D. iris.
All of the following were changes made to IDEA in the 2004 reauthorization EXCEPT
A. required participation in annual state- and district testing.
B. added a new ADHD disability category.
C. streamlined IEP procedures.
D. required special education teachers to be highly qualified.
Dr. Gallegos is conducting research on a reading intervention. She assigns students
randomly to an intervention group and a control group and then compares each groups'
improvement over time. Dr. Gallegos is implementing which type of study?
A. single subject
B. small group
C. randomized controlled trial
D. targeted intervention
Mr. and Mrs. Abeyta's daughter was born 12 weeks early. Knowing the risks of
prematurity, they want to test her vision. They should know that
A. the Snellen chart is the best option for a child that young.
B. photoscreening is the best option for testing a newborn's visual acuity.
C. visual testing cannot be performed on children younger than 4 years of age.
D. most visual screenings test visual efficiency, but not visual acuity.
An increase in cases of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) occurred in the 1950s
A. due to a rubella epidemic across the country.
B. when new medical advances were implemented that provided extra oxygen to
premature infants.
C. as veterans of World War II developed long-term side effects of their exposure to
chemical agents.
D. as pregnant women tried a new drug to decrease their symptoms of morning
Dr. Andrew Wakefield faked research on the link between childhood vaccinations and
A. in order to achieve a promotion at work.
B. in order to make money from consulting and public appearances.
C. because he was paid to do so by a lawyer hoping to profit from lawsuits against
vaccine manufacturers.
D. because his original data had been lost in a fire.
One thing that teachers can do to reduce cross-cultural dissonance is to
A. engage in critical self-reflection regarding their expectations, beliefs, and behaviors.
B. expect all children to adhere to mainstream cultural norms.
C. utilize the SIOP model when planning lessons.
D. watch TV to learn about the communication styles of people from different cultures.
Alizah has multiple-severe disabilities, and is tested on the general education
curriculum standards. However, she is tested on fewer objectives. Alizeh is tested using
A. alternate achievement standards.
B. portfolio assessments.
C. functional curriculum.
Four-year-old Sagira avoids walking barefoot on dirt or grass and refuses to wear shirts
made from anything but cotton. Sagira is demonstrating which characteristic of ASD.
A. difficulty with communication
B. need for structure
C. perseveration
D. oversensitivity to tactile experiences
Rashna has been identified as having emotional disturbance. In order to qualify for
special education services, the IEP team must also determine that
A. she has a conduct disorder.
B. she does not have schizophrenia.
C. her educational performance has been adversely affected.
D. this condition has lasted longer than a month.
When conducting an FBA, Mr. Miller notices that Jason's behavioral outbursts
frequently occur after a teacher has handed him a worksheet to complete. When Jason
displays this behavior, he is sent to the principal's office. In this case, the act of sending
Jason to the office would be considered the
A. antecedent.
B. problem behavior.
C. consequence.
D. reinforcer.
Eli works all of the math problems on a page, even though his teacher specifically told
the class to work only the odd-numbered problems. Eli is exhibiting which key
characteristic of ADHD?
A. inattention
B. hyperactivity
C. impulsivity
D. combined type
Deaf students who attend general education classes are often excluded from
nonacademic activities because of
A. a preoccupation with academic tasks.
B. difficulty with communication.
C. lack of interest.
D. physical impairments which prohibit normal playground activity.
Describe the different types of seizures that may be experienced by individuals with
neuromotor impairments.
Give examples of when medical services would and would not be considered related
Explain how stimulant medications affect the brain.
What are some of the social behaviors exhibited by children with visual disabilities that
draw negative feedback from peers?
Briefly explain how braille works.
Explain the differences in the terms disability and handicap.
What are pure sounds?
Discuss the different communication methods used by students with severe and
profound hearing losses.
Define opportunities to respond, how this practice can reduce problem behaviors, and
why it is not used as frequently with students with EBD.
Describe the method for classifying intellectual disabilities by severity that uses IQ
List two reasons why gifted girls are less likely to select careers in science or math.
What does Evaluation and Review (Step 7 of the IEP process) include?
Imagine that you and your colleagues want to reduce the incidence of bullying in your
school. What are measures that you can take to do this (list at least 5)?
Discuss the long-term benefits of early intervention for children with intellectual
Give two examples of how service animals can provide support to people with physical
or health disabilities.
Blair displays the three general characteristics that define learning disabilities. What
three characteristics does she display?
What is child find?
Mr. Nyxx does not believe in the existence of ADHD. Help him understand by
discussing some of the medical findings regarding the physiological differences
between subjects with and without ADHD.

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