EDUC 92603

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1764
subject Authors Carl D. Glickman, Jovita M. Ross-Gordon, Stephen P. Gordon

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What are other forms of direct assistance that can be observed in schools?
a. Mini lessons
b. Collaborative teaching
c. Assistance with resources and materials
d. All of the above
SuperVision denotes
a. a common vision about teaching and learning.
b. collaboratively making decisions on instruction.
c. building a democratic community of learning.
d. all of the above.
What is the most effective way that supervisors and teachers work to end segregation?
a. Become part of a coalition of educators, businesspersons and policy makers who
work for change
b. Educate the general public on the need to change and push for legislation
c. Work in these diverse areas
d. All of the these
Which would be accurate tool that would be used by the supervisor?
a. Teacher questions " Performance Indicator Instrument
b. Cooperative learning lessons " Categorical Frequency Instrument
c. Student listening to instructor " Categorical Frequency Instrument
d. All of the above
In peer coaching, the supervisor uses teachers to assist other individual teachers. Which
of the following can be used in the peer coaching process?
a. Determine the purpose.
b. Form teams or trios of teachers to take responsibility for preconference.
c. Consult with teams of teachers who have difficulty in using instructional strategy.
d. All of the above.
The transdisciplinary curriculum can be defined as
a. organizing curriculum around common themes, skills or problems.
b. beginning with broad intended learning outcomes.
c. incorporating student choice on selected content.
d. all of the above.
Steigelbauer and Boyd (1992) state that building capacity occurs when
a. Teacher engages in reflective inquiry.
b. Dialogue is held on the interactive effects of change and culture.
c. Supervisors present the problem areas.
d. All of these
Which of the following represents less structured approaches that teachers may use in
their classroom?
a. Asking questions of the students
b. Allowing students to work in small groups
c. Presenting materials to the students
d. Pacing the activities according to the student's goals
The supervisor uses nondirective supervision to deal with teacher resistance in the
"buy-in." Which of the following shows this?
a. Supervisors have created an illusion of using nondirective behaviors.
b. Supervisors gave the responsibility for the success or failure on the teachers.
c. There is lack of experience with authentic nondirective techniques.
d. All of these
Educators misdiagnosis many lower socioeconomic and racial/ethnic minority students.
Which of the following depicts this research?
a. Establishment of categories for diagnosis
b. Over referral of racial/ethnic minority students into special programs
c. Failure to identify racial/ethnic minority students as gifted
d. All of the above
Evaluating effective professional development would include
a. relevant topics regarding the program
b. specific, straightforward questions
c. recommendations for future programs
d. all of above
Educators proactively need to take an approach to address the inequitable treatment of
diverse groups. Which of the following describes their approach?
a. Examine their own cultural identities
b. Develop competencies for working with cultures different from their own
c. Involve directly supervisors and teachers to change public policy
d. All of these
Gordon (1992) discusses that change is the growth and development of a complex
organization. Which of the following elements are needed in this growth?
a. Interdependence
b. Consistency
c. Balance among various subsystems
d. All of above
Fractal is a geometric shape that similar to itself at different scales. What are some
examples of fractal?
a. coastlines
b. mountains
c. clouds
d. rivers
What are the steps in the clinical supervision structure?
a. Preconference
b. Observation
c. Analyzing and interpreting data
d. Post-conference
Phillips and Glickman's (1991) researched peer coaching programs. Which of the
following conclusions were made?
a. Teachers and their mentors developed friendly relations
b. Significant increase in teachers' conceptual levels
c. Coaching cycle enhanced the debriefing sessions
d. All of the above
Critical action research has the following emphasis?
a. Examines power relations that lead to inequity
b. Analyzes ways to overcome negative effects
c. Aim to free groups and individuals from inequitable treatment
d. All of these
Supervisors can develop the learning strategies of adult learners through using Howard
Gardner's (1983, 1999) theory of multiple intelligences. Which of the following is
included is this theory?
a. Interpersonal, intrapersonal
b. Linguistic
c. Logical-mathematical
d. All of the these
Interpretative action research is understanding phenomena in schools and providing
interpretation to the meaning. Which are the following support this action?
a. Implementation of a new curriculum
b. Interactions between teachers and students on controversial issues
c. Inquiry on school culture
d. All of these
Fullan (1997) tells us that "problems are our friends" because this conflict generates
a. information
b. resolution process
c. redefinition of resistance
d. All of these
Which of the following supervisory techniques may be employed with teachers at a
moderate developmental level?
a. Directive
b. Collaborative
c. Nondirective
d. All of the above
Comprehensive summarizing permits the teacher to
a. pause in the discussion.
b. "mentally" stand off from himself or herself.
c. continue to express his/her opinions.
d. all of the above.
Action research has been compared to the metaphor of a huge meteor, which falls into
the middle of the 'supervision" ocean. The meteor may
a. activate the seas of direct assistance, professional and curriculum development, and
group development.
b. become a giant wave that sweeps away the old sand of past instructional failures.
c. replace the new sand with instructional improvement.
d. all of the above
Districts should reflect on how the curriculum is developed, interpreted, and
implemented. Teacher choice is key to the curriculum development. Which of the
following would depict how districts would use the reflective approach?
a. Behavioral curriculum is used as prescriptive teaching and gives limited choice to
b. Results only format focuses on generalized and learning and gives much latitude to
teacher choice.
c. Webbing format focuses on themes and limits the teacher's activities and evaluation
d. All of the above
Gordon, Stiegelbauer, and Diehl (2008) develops a readiness by creating opportunities
a. build dialogue from the central administration.
b. provide small and whole school dialogue.
c. create a variety of groups: leadership, content area, task force etc.
d. All of these
Supervisors who want to facilitate changes in curriculum purpose, content,
organization, and format must know that
a. change is done through incremental stages.
b. the work with large group of teachers creates the commitment for progress.
c. it is based upon working with a small group of teachers ensures a high level of
d. all of the these
Understanding the context of these norms requires clear definitions of the continuous
improvement. Which of the following definition is not accurate?
a. Recognition, sharing and celebration share change efforts and results from parents,
community and outside educators.
b. Incremental approach is a variety of coordinated professional development formats.
c. Trust and confidence promotes professional respect for each other.
d. Productive conflict is coordinated and coherent.
Teaching as a profession can be improved through the following:
a. Staged career from training to being a full profession
b. Substantial increase in salary after completing a transitional or proving-ground stage
c. Rigorous screen and requirements
d. Responsibility for monitoring the new teachers
Knowledge, interpersonal skills and technical skills are all pre-requisites for
a. developmental aspects for supervisor.
b. teacher goals.
c. community goals.
d. student goals.
What are the goals of a comprehensive professional development school?
a. Creation of exemplary school sites
b. Restructuring of schools and teacher preparation programs
c. Improvement of preservice teachers' academic and clinical experiences
d. All of these
Gender inequity may be defined as
a. discrimination and sexual harassment of female students
b. lack of needed reading instruction of female students
c. sexual roles found in conventional schools
d. all of the these
Special circumstances may require supervisors to initially use nondirective behaviors,
even though the initial specific criteria for teachers and group have not been meet.
Examples of these circumstances may be as follows:
a. Teachers are extremely emotional over the cuts in departments.
b. Parents are angry at teachers' lack of communication.
c. Teachers are disgruntled with administration mandates regarding work conditions.
d. All of the above
Collaboration works when the teacher and supervisor are
a. individually committed to specific sections of responsibility.
b. held accountable for showing results.
c. both committed to solving the problem.
d. all of the above.
The supervisor takes scripts of what is happening in the classroom. Sometimes the
supervisor must discern if he/she will need to take verbatim or selected verbatim
records. Which of the following is correct?
a. Selected verbatim records all verbal interactions.
b. Selected verbatim documents the relationship between student and teacher.
c. Selected verbatim provides a record of interaction on a particular focus
d. All of above
What are some examples for person behaviors in a group?
a. Telling a story
b. Acknowledging approval through smiling or nodding his/her head
c. Sharing a humorous joke
d. All of the above

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