EDUC 91264

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1533
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Research on neglected children indicates that they
A) display a blend of positive and negative social behaviors.
B) often report feeling lonely and unhappy.
C) are deficient in social understanding and regulation of negative emotion.
D) are usually well-adjusted.
When little or no theory exists on a topic of interest, investigators may start with a
A) research question.
B) developmental inquiry.
C) research design.
D) research method.
Baby Waldo is twisting and turning triangles, circles, and squares to fit them into his
shape-sorter toy. According to Piaget, this behavior is best described as a __________
circular reaction.
A) reflexive
B) primary
C) secondary
D) tertiary
The rapid physical and psychological changes of adolescence trigger
A) parents' balanced use of psychological controls.
B) significant agreement within parent"child relationships.
C) conflicting expectations in parent"child relationships.
D) adolescents' reluctance to take on independence and autonomous decision making.
Which of the following young people in the United States is most likely to experience
emerging adulthood?
A) Mandy, a single mother
B) Jerilyn, a third-year college student
C) Parker, a high school dropout
D) Walker, who comes from a low-SES family
Which of the following emerging adults is most likely to live independently?
A) Sam, a low-SES man
B) Tricia, a high-SES woman
C) Nick, a Native-American man
D) Leesa, an African-American woman
Which of the following characteristics is present in Mischel's "hot" processing system?
A) cognitive
B) slow and reflective development
C) self-control
D) stimulus control
Instead of grabbing, hitting, or insisting that another child obey, 5- to 7-year-olds tend
A) tattle on the child since they are unable to resolve disagreements without adult
B) verbally threaten the child and later exclude the child from play groups.
C) rely on friendly persuasion and compromise, to think of alternative strategies when
one does not work, and to resolve disagreements without adult intervention.
D) first bribe the child, and if that strategy fails, they seek adult intervention.
Which of the following options is best for Sally, a child with an above-average IQ who
is experiencing extreme difficulty in math?
A) Keep her in a regular classroom and assign extra math homework.
B) Place her in a special education class instead of a regular classroom.
C) Place her in a resource room for math and in a regular classroom for the rest of the
D) Tell her to study harder or she will be placed in a special education class.
Between the mid-1960s and the mid-1990s, the rate of adolescent suicide __________
in both the United States and Canada.
A) doubled
B) tripled
C) quadrupled
D) remained the same
Which of the following statements is true about infant-directed speech?
A) Parents who use infant-directed speech are deliberately trying to teach infants to
B) Infants are more easily bored by infant-directed speech than other forms of
C) Most researchers advise parents to avoid using infant-directed speech, as it has been
linked to language delays in early childhood.
D) Toddlers' first words and phrases are usually ones they hear often in their caregivers'
infant-directed speech.
Effective self-regulatory skills
A) are weakly correlated with academic success.
B) sometimes interfere with children's task performance.
C) foster a sense of academic self-efficacy.
D) develop rapidly during the preschool years.
Because of the effect of gender-stereotyped expectations,
A) boys feel less confident than girls about their athletic abilities.
B) girls feel more confident than boys about their physical appearance.
C) girls exceed boys in self-esteem dimensions of close friendship and social
D) boys are somewhat advantaged in the area of academic self-esteem.
It is the __________, not the __________, of solitary and parallel play that changes
during early childhood.
A) amount; type
B) type; amount
C) amount; context
D) theme; context
Both __________ and __________ emphasize nature and nurture.
A) behaviorism; ethology
B) social learning theory; evolutionary developmental psychology
C) sociocultural theory; the dynamic systems perspective
D) behaviorism; ecological systems theory
Which of the following terms refers to the public face of gender in society?
A) gender stereotypes and gender roles
B) gender stereotypes and gender identity
C) gender roles and gender identity
D) gender identity and gender typing
According to the principle of mutual exclusivity bias, children
A) assume that objects have multiple labels.
B) ignore the shapes of objects and focus instead on color distinctions.
C) assume that words refer to nonoverlapping categories.
D) discover the structure of sentences by relying on the meanings of words.
Human children's prolonged physical immaturity
A) gives them added time to acquire the knowledge and skills essential for life in the
complex social world.
B) hinders cognitive development because young children are too physically immature
to manipulate their environment.
C) is adaptive because of the physical dangers present in their everyday environment.
D) hinders emotional development because physically immature children are too small
to socialize effectively.
Which of the following statements is true about correlation coefficients?
A) The sign of the number refers to the strength of the relationship.
B) A negative correlation coefficient means that the two variables are not related to each
C) A positive correlation coefficient implies that as one variable increases, the other
also increases.
D) The magnitude of the number shows the direction of the relationship.
In a German study, the more teachers emphasized __________, the more children
gained in math achievement from second to third grade.
A) strategy experimentation
B) conceptual knowledge
C) computational drills
D) numerical understanding
Crying typically peaks at
A) 3 weeks.
B) 6 weeks.
C) 3 months.
D) 6 months.
Martin is striving to establish a personal identity by exploring his values and vocational
goals. Martin is in Erikson's __________ stage.
A) initiative versus guilt
B) intimacy versus isolation
C) identity versus role confusion
D) integrity versus despair
Gesell's child-rearing advice to parents recommended
A) harsh, restrictive punishment.
B) the use of money or sweets for rewards.
C) home remedies for common childhood illnesses.
D) sensitivity to children's cues.
Which of the following strategies promotes children's cognitive self-regulation?
A) Encourage children to check progress toward their learning goals through
B) Administer a mental test and show children their scores.
C) Assign age-appropriate tasks to children and then compare their performance to their
agemates' performance.
D) Parents and teachers cannot foster self-regulation; children must attain this
Sasha says, "I better put my homework in my backpack so that I don"t forget to take it
in the morning." This demonstrates the successful application of Sasha's
A) short-term memory.
B) cognitive inhibition.
C) metacognitive knowledge.
D) cognitive self-regulation.
During medieval times,
A) children were treated as adults once they were old enough to perform daily routines.
B) clear awareness existed of children as vulnerable beings.
C) children were viewed as blank slates.
D) harsh, restrictive child-rearing practices were recommended to tame depraved
When 18-month-old James is given peas for the first time, he picks one up, throws it,
and says "ball." According to Piaget's theory, James is most likely __________ the pea
into his ball scheme.
A) accommodating
B) organizing
C) equilibrating
D) assimilating
Alexandar Thomas and Stella Chess discovered that __________ can modify children's
temperament considerably.
A) diet and exercise
B) operant conditioning
C) parenting practices
D) sibling relationships
Tara and Tom are divorcing. The court grants both of them equal say in important
decisions about their daughter's upbringing. Tara and Tom
A) have joint custody of their daughter.
B) divorced under amicable conditions.
C) are going through divorce mediation.
D) are a reconstituted family.
Critics of the concept of emerging adulthood point out that in developed nations,
important milestones (such as marriage, career entry, parenthood, and retirement) have
become less determined by __________ and more affected by __________.
A) age; economic conditions
B) culture; economic conditions
C) social conditions; age
D) age; culture
Which of the following countries has the highest teenage pregnancy rate?
A) Canada
B) the United States
C) Slovakia
D) Poland

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