EDUC 87374

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subject Words 2061
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Glasser would agree with all of the following conclusions except:
a. We are most likely to change if we are threatened by punishment.
b. We do not have to be the victim of our past.
c. We have more control over our lives than we believe.
d. We strive to change the world outside ourselves to match our internal pictures of
what we want.
e. We often seek therapy when we do not have the relationships we want.
What is the current thinking in the field regarding the role of spirituality in counseling?
a. There is growing evidence that spiritual practice promotes psychological well-being.
b. Counselors are encouraged to be cautious and engage in peripheral discussions about
spirituality only.
c. There is little interest in integrating spiritual issues in counseling.
d. Counselors should take a directive approach in helping clients meet their spiritual
e. Spirituality and counseling should be kept separate.
This approach has been successfully applied to encounter groups, school settings, and
political movements.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
c. behavior therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. existential therapy
Which type of therapist would view Stan's multiple concerns as the result of the choices
he has made in his life?
a. Gestalt therapist
b. reality therapist
c. feminist therapist
d. psychoanalytic therapist
e. person-centered therapist
Person-centered therapy is a(n):
a. action-oriented approach to therapy.
b. humanistic approach to therapy.
c. existential approach to therapy.
d. deterministic approach to therapy.
Which is not a major contribution of the postmodern approaches?
a. the non-pathologizing stance.
b. the optimistic orientation.
c. the course of treatment is quite short compared to other approaches.
d. research on these approaches is considered empirically generalizable.
The feminist approach to group counseling involves all of the following except:
a. support for the experience of being a woman.
b. political involvement.
c. providing members a place to reflect on their role in society.
d. empowerment.
e. an opportunity to experience and analyze multiple transferences.
All of the following are steps in the use of systematic desensitization except for:
a. hypnosis.
b. relaxation training.
c. the development of an anxiety hierarchy.
d. psychoeducation.
A limitation of psychoanalytic therapy is that:
a. it requires lengthy training for therapists.
b. it is expensive for clients.
c. the model stresses biological and instinctual factors to the neglect of social, cultural,
and interpersonal ones.
d. many clients lack the degree of ego strength needed for regressive and reconstructive
e. all of these.
____________ assumes that people are basically shaped by learning and sociocultural
a. existential therapy
b. behavior therapy
c. Gestalt therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. narrative therapy
Which of the following approaches to therapy is noted for using numerous cognitive,
emotive, and behavioral techniques?
a. person-centered therapy
b. Gestalt therapy
c. rational emotive behavior therapy
d. narrative therapy
e. existential therapy
A narrative therapist would maintain that Ruth's problems can best be understood:
a. by examining how she originally acquired a problem in the first place.
b. analyzing the role of her parents in contributing to her present dysfunctions.
c. through understanding the socio-cultural and relational contexts.
d. by focusing on her cognitive distortions.
e. exploring her feelings toward the therapist.
Personal therapy for therapists can be instrumental in assisting them:
a. to heal their own psychological wounds.
b. to gain an experiential sense of what it is like to be a client.
c. to understand their own needs and motives for choosing to become professional
d. to work through their own personal conflicts.
e. all of these
The common factors approach to psychotherapy integration:
a. searches for shared elements across different theoretical systems.
b. supports the notion of remaining theoretically consistent and technically eclectic.
c. synthesizes important aspects of two or more theories.
d. emphasizes the importance of spirituality in counseling.
EMDR is typically used to help clients:
a. restructure their cognitions regarding traumatic events.
b. explore repressed unconscious material from early childhood.
c. facilitate the client's expression of personal needs while in relationship with others.
d. reduce anxiety related to specific phobias.
If Ruth were of from different cultural background than her therapist, which assumption
is correct?
a. For therapy to be effective, the therapist would need to share the client's culture.
b. It can be assumed that religion is important to Ruth.
c. It can be assumed that Ruth will be resistant to therapy?
d. Ruth will interpret any questions about her family life as intrusive.
e. none of the above
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) object-relations, (b) strategic, (c) structural, (d) multigenerational, (e)
According to the text, research shows that counselor values influence:
a. therapy goals.
b. assessment strategies.
c. treatment outcome.
d. all of these
e. none of these
Which of the following is the correct order in terms of the historical development of
Carl Rogers's approach to counseling?
a. client-centered/person-centered/nondirective
b. client-centered/nondirective/person-centered
c. nondirective/client-centered/person-centered
d. nondirective/person-centered/client-centered
e. person-centered/client-centered/nondirective
Adlerians tend to see counseling as a four-stage process. Which of the following is not
one of the four stages?
a. forming a relationship
b. conducting a psychological investigation
c. exploring the client's multigenerational family characteristics
d. psychological disclosure
e. reorientation and reeducation
Family atmosphere, family constellation, and mistaken goals are key concepts of:
a. Adlerian family therapy.
b. structural family therapy.
c. experiential family therapy.
d. strategic family therapy.
e. the multilayered approach.
Ruth appears to be unable to define herself separately from her husband and her
children. Her struggle with identity leads the family therapist to examine her process of
___________ as a central issue.
a. boundary disturbance
b. differentiation
c. transference reactions
d. maintaining homeostasis
e. idealization
This approach emphasizes personal responsibility, unfinished business, avoidance,
direct experiencing in the here-and-now, and awareness.
a. cognitive behavior therapy
b. Adlerian therapy
c. social constructionism
d. Gestalt therapy
e. behavior therapy
Which humanistic approach emphasizes the basic attitudes of the therapist as the
core of the therapeutic process?
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. Adlerian therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. cognitive-behavioral therapy
e. family therapy
A limitation of Gestalt therapy is that it:
a. does not allow for full expression of feelings.
b. discounts the therapeutic value of dreams.
c. completely ignores the past.
d. offers few techniques.
e. may neglect cognitive factors.
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) total behavior, (b) quality world, (c) confronting irrational beliefs, (d) cycle of
counseling, (e) choice theory
A basic premise of the Adlerian approach to family therapy is that:
a. families experience difficulty because they fail to provide each other with
unconditional positive regard.
b. mistaken goals of parents and children lead to repetitive, negative interaction
c. sibling rivalry is at the core of family discord.
d. dysfunctional families are the product of unfavorable sociocultural conditions.
e. none of the above.
REBT can best be considered as:
a. an educative process.
b. a didactic process.
c. a process challenging ideas and thinking.
d. a teaching/learning process.
e. all of these.
Contemporary reality therapy is based on the assumption that:
a. people are moved by inner forces.
b. external forces have a major influence on people's decisions and actions.
c. behavior is caused by environmental factors.
d. negative attitudes cause behavioral problems.
e. both (c) and (d)
According to the Gestalt perspective, if people do not remember their dreams:
a. they may be refusing to face what is wrong with their lives.
b. that suggests they have no internal conflicts.
c. they are sound sleepers.
d. they lack creativity.
e. they should be referred to a therapist with a different theoretical orientation.
Which of the following is not a key element of the process of in vivo exposure?
a. a functional analysis of objects or situations a person avoids or fears
b. the generation of a hierarchy of situations for the client to encounter
c. a brief, graduated series of exposures to feared events
d. a lifestyle assessment
Which of the following theorists emphasized the development of a nurturing triad?
a. Minuchin
b. Haley
c. Satir
d. Whitaker
e. Bowen
An undisciplined mixture of approaches can be an excuse for failing to develop a sound
rationale for systematically adhering to certain concepts and to the techniques that are
extensions of them.
The Gestalt therapist typically uses diagnosis and interpretation as a basic part of the
therapeutic process.
Existential anxiety is seen as a function of our acceptance of our aloneness.
Ego-defense mechanisms, by their very nature, imply psychopathology.
Resistance, in the analytic view, results from either a conscious unwillingness on the
part of the client to cooperate, or from the ineptness of the therapist in developing a
sound therapeutic program.
REBT hypothesizes that we keep ourselves emotionally disturbed by the process of
Psychodynamic group leaders do not interpret their client's transferences.
Clients are expected to focus on their feelings and attitudes, and then their behavior will
The person-centered approach is based on a set of specific therapeutic techniques
designed to
promote behavior change.
Reality therapy gives only limited attention to helping people address environmental
and social problems.
Because an individual is connected to a living system, change in one part of that system
will result in change in the other parts.
A boundary crossing could potentially benefit a client.
According to the relational-cultural model, a woman's sense of self depends largely on
how she connects with others.
Bowen's multigenerational approach stresses techniques more than it does theory.
All analytically oriented therapists subscribe to the model of the "anonymous therapist"
or the "blank screen" as a necessary way to foster transference.
Reality therapy is not well-suited to group counseling.
The first step in the process of reality therapy consists of a comprehensive assessment
leading to a specific diagnosis.
Strategic family therapists do not generally deal with the presenting problem; rather,
they focus on the underlying symptom of a dysfunctional system.
Reality therapists refuse to accept excuses.

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