EDUC 79908

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 3001
subject Authors Marilyn Friend

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Executive functions can be grouped into which four mental activities?
A. Working memory, self-directed speech, control of emotions and motivation, and
B. Working memory, self-directed speech, self-esteem, and reconstitution
C. Long-term memory, self-directed speed, control of gross motor skills, and
D. Long-term memory, self-directed speech, self-esteem, and reconstitution
The two main definitions of learning disabilities used today are
A. NJCLD and IDEA 97.
B. IDEA 97 and Council for Exceptional Children.
C. NJCLD and Council for Exceptional Children.
D. A combination of the various definitions.
Which statement BEST describes why negative interactions between parents and school
professionals are heightened during meetings?
A. Most parents simply do not show up to meetings, which makes professionals angry.
B. Parents often are worried about meeting with professionals because they do not want
to learn about additional issues related to their child.
C. School professionals treat families of children with emotional and behavior disorders
differently than other families because the family is usually the cause of such disorders.
D. Due to the few number of meetings, families and school professionals have poor
relationships that make meetings awkward and uncomfortable.
Professionals who coordinate their efforts but keep separate the responsibilities
traditionally associated with their roles are part of which type of team?
A. Trandisciplinary
B. Interdisciplinary
C. Independent
D. Multidisciplinary
The dot-based system of reading and writing is known as
A. Braille.
B. Fingerspelling.
C. Sign language.
D. Speed reading.
Mr. Edwards is a single dad whose son has recently been diagnosed with
Tourette's syndrome. He will begin kindergarten in the fall. Mr. Edwards knows that by
law his son in entitled to specialized instruction, related services, and supplemental aids
and services. Mr. Edwards and his son are guaranteed these rights by which provisions
of IDEA?
A. Least Restrictive Environment
B. Zero Reject
C. Nondiscriminatory Evaluation
D. Free and Appropriate Education
A form of authentic assessment is
A. A functional-ecological assessment.
B. A standardized assessment.
C. A criterion-referenced assessment.
D. A teacher-created assessment.
A disease that can occur in premature babies that causes severe visual impairments or
blindness is called
A. Retinal detachment of prematurity.
B. Retinal degeneration of prematurity.
C. Retinopathy of prematurity.
D. None of the above.
In the late nineteenth century, students who were deaf or hard of hearing were educated
in residential schools. During this time period, which of the following statements
accurately depicts the attitude toward deafness and communication?
A. Students were encouraged to sign and received intense training to improve signing
B. Students who signed were made to sit on their hands because cued speech was the
preferred method of communicating.
C. Students who signed were made to sit on their hands because the oral approach was
the preferred method of communication.
D. Students were encouraged to use both sign language and the oral approach because
this increased their vocabulary and conversational skills.
Brian asks for help from others on math word problems prior to even reading the
problem. This is an example of
A. Syntax deficiencies.
B. Lack of motivation.
C. Learned helplessness.
D. Attention deficit disorder.
Less than .5 percent of students with disabilities receive services in which setting?
A. Home or hospital
B. Residential
C. Separate school
D. Separate classroom
The Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act focused on identifying
and serving gifted students from all of the populations below EXCEPT
A. Students from culturally diverse groups.
B. Students living in poverty.
C. Students with disabilities.
D. Students with disabled parents.
The most commonly accepted general term for people with decreased vision is
A. Visual impairment.
B. Low vision.
C. Blind.
D. Functionally blind.
An individual who is employed as a non-certified staff member to assist certified staff
in carrying out education programs is a
A. Volunteer.
B. Speech therapist assistant.
C. Paraprofessional.
D. One-on-one assistant.
Currently, the most controversial causal issue related to autism spectrum disorder is
A. Immunizations.
B. Environmental toxins.
C. Mothers' care.
D. Drinking water.
A new option for addressing serious student learning problems that may indicate a
learning disability is
A. Response to Intervention.
B. Response to Treatment Programs.
C. Individualized Education Program.
D. Individualized Education Plan.
Inclusive practices for students with severe and multiple disabilities benefit
A. Students with disabilities.
B. Students without disabilities.
C. Teachers.
D All of the above.
A training program run by a special educator or parent that involves following the
pattern of: give a prompt, student performs command, and then receives a reward for
desired behavior is called
A. Priming.
B. Discrete trial training.
C. Peer tutoring.
D. Social tutoring.
Approximately what percentage of students with physical disabilities, health
impairments, or traumatic brain injury are placed in the general education classroom?
A. More than 40 percent
B. More than 60 percent
C. Less than 40 percent
D. Less than 15 percent
Learning disabilities are a result of
A. Other disorders or problems (examples: deafness, emotional disabilities, etc.).
B. Dyslexia.
C. Poor teaching.
D. A dysfunction in the brain.
Mrs. Jones opened the IEP meeting by welcoming Marty's parents and thanking them
for making time in their busy schedules to attend this important meeting. She then
asked, "What concerns do you have about Marty's academic progress so far this year?"
Mrs. Jones is
A. Inviting parent input.
B. Using effective listening.
C. Using nonverbal communication.
D. Showing understanding.
When a problem occurs in the inner ear or along the nerve pathway to the brain stem,
what type of hearing loss occurs?
A. Unilateral
B. Conductive
C. Mixed
D. Sensorineural
Emanuel is immediately enrolled in a class where he will learn to speak English. This is
called a/an
A. Bilingual education program.
B. English as a second language program.
C. Sheltered English program.
D. Multicultural education program.
Collaboration is referred to as emergent because
A. It takes many long meetings for people to effectively collaborate.
B. The characteristics necessary for collaboration take time to develop.
C. The lack of time is a barrier for immediate collaboration for teachers and parents.
D. Some individuals are not willing to collaborate with co-workers.
Professionals can assist parents in effectively interacting with their children with speech
and language disorders by
A. Providing parents with literature on strategies to use.
B. Advising parents to attend to their children's speech.
C. Providing parents the names of family counselors.
D. Increasing parent awareness and understanding of speech and language
The essential feature of Asperger syndrome is
A. Visual acuity.
B. Language disorder.
C. Mobility impairment.
D. Social interaction.
The Boyd family has twins, Markus and Valeria, both of whom have been identified
with emotional and behavior disorders. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd as well as Mrs. Williams,
the grandmother, have begun meeting twice each month at the community center with
other families. During these meetings the families share information about local
resources; ideas and suggestions for dealing with behavior, social, and academic issues;
and strategies for coping on a day to day basis. This is an example of
A. Parent education.
B. Parent and community collaboration.
C. Parent support groups.
D. Parent counseling.
Which of the following educational approaches is/are helping to "open doors for
students traditionally excluded from the general education environment"?
A. Universal Design for Learning
B. Cooperative learning
C. Thematic instruction
D. All of the above
Direct instruction would NOT be appropriate for which task?
A. Diagramming sentences
B. Writing a paragraph
C. Comparing the different tribes of the Native American culture
D. Solving word math problems
Autism was added to IDEA in
A. 2003.
B. 1990.
C. 1997.
D. 1975.
Closed head injuries and open head injuries are types of
A. Cerebral palsy.
B. Traumatic brain injury.
C. Spinal cord injury.
D. Muscular dystrophy.
The continuum of placements includes which settings?
What are the causes of autism spectrum disorder?
Resilience is the ability to recover and not experience long-term harm from brief
episodes of stress or a single negative experience.
CASE STUDY: Blake is a fifth-grade student who has been identified as gifted in the
areas of reading and math. Test scores indicate that he is three grade levels ahead of his
peers in both reading and math. Socially, he enjoys his peers, and he is very popular
among his classmates. His teachers have approached Blake's parents about changing his
placement in terms of receiving instruction because they cannot "keep his attention" and
have noted that Blake's behavior is becoming "increasingly challenging" because they
feel his unique needs are not being met.
Blake's younger brother, Bert, is demonstrating some of the same characteristics and
tendencies as Blake. Blake's parents want Bert "tested and identified" now so he can
enter school as a recognized "gifted" student. However, Bert is only 4 years old. What
are some of the issues in regard to early intervention for children who are gifted?
Define interaction processes. Which type of interaction process is most commonly used
in schools?
CASE STUDY: Bobby is a 12-year-old student who was diagnosed with severe mental
retardation and orthopedic impairments at the age of 4. Bobby was born as a normal,
healthy baby. While on vacation with his family at the age of 4, Bobby had his first
seizure. Although Bobby was rushed to a hospital by his parents, it took hours before
the seizure was stopped by medical professionals. The result of this seizure was severe
brain injury. Bobby does not have the ability to verbally communicate his wants and
needs. His parents have moved him from his neighborhood school where Bobby spent
his elementary school years misunderstood and frustrated. His parents now have turned
to a specialized school hopeful that their son will receive the care and education they
believe he deserves and needs.
Although Bobby's parents have chosen to place him in a specialized school, what are
the benefits of Bobby interacting with nondisabled peers who are his same age?
How has the multimodal treatment study of children with ADHD contributed to the
Individuals with ADHD experience many difficulties in all facets of their lives. Briefly
discuss the academic, social, emotional, and behavior characteristics of individuals with
ADHD and how these characteristics can negatively affect their daily functioning.
CASE STUDY: You are a professional who is routinely involved in the educational
process of children with disabilities. As you chat with your new next-door neighbor, he
mentions that his son is 10 years old and is struggling academically and socially in
school. He has real concerns that his son might have some learning differences but does
not know where to begin or to whom he should discuss these issues with. In order to
assist your neighbor in making decisions about his son, you give him a quick course in
special education. In doing so, you answer the following questions:
How are special education services monitored?
What are five barriers to family and professional collaboration? How can professionals
overcome these barriers and increase parental participation? List examples of personal
experiences that you have had where such barriers affected your interaction with
What strategies might general education teachers, special education teachers, and other
professionals who work with children identified with emotional and behavior
disabilities use to enhance learning while maintaining appropriate behavior?
Outline the process that occurs when a student is being assessed for special education
Students with multiple disabilities spend most of their day in special education settings.
However, the professional literature suggests there are many benefits to placing these
students with their classmates without disabilities. Which setting do you feel is more
appropriate for these students in meeting their academic, social, and emotional needs?
Who participates as members of the IEP team?
What are access technologies and what are they used for?
For students with chronic health problems who have frequent absences from school,
maintaining contact with the school during absences helps students to feel connected to
their classmates and it reminds students and their families of their "other life" without
hospitals and treatments.
CASE STUDY: Alex has just begun attending a new elementary school. She is nervous
about meeting new friends and having new teachers. She finds that schoolwork at her
new school seems much harder than at her previous school. The difficulties she was
having at her old school seem even worse here. She is a very fluent reader but she
cannot seem to answer questions about what she has just read. She is very accurate in
math (computation,) but the word problems cause her a great deal of frustration. Alex is
very popular with her peers and makes friends easily. However, her teachers are always
telling her to "be still, stop talking out of turn, and stay in your seat." Alex loves to tell
stories and is very creative. If her teachers would let her tell stories instead of write
them, she would get better grades. She has difficulty getting her thoughts down on
paper and her handwriting is very messy. Alex loves school and wants to do well, but
she sometimes feels that she does everything wrong.
How would you determine if Alex's difficulties are a result of her transition to a new
school or true learning differences? What questions might you ask of Alex's former
teachers and parents?

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