EDUC 64544

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2914
subject Authors William L. Heward

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Skills that can help improve the success of children with autism in general education
classes include all of the following except
A) display near zero level problem behavior
B) use of secretin therapy
C) participate in group lessons
D) appropriate participation with peers
Which of the following reflects the change in the number of students with autism over
the past 10 years?
A) The number has tripled.
B) The number has decreased.
C) There has been very little change.
D) There are ten times as many students.
Which is an example of intraindividual differences?
A) Belle has higher scores in math than Tony, but Tony has higher writing and reading
B) Brenna and Deanna take the same analytical abilities test and have vastly different
C) Mia has grade level scores in math, but after receiving tutoring is scoring well above
grade level.
D) Jamie has grade level scores in reading and in mathematics scores typical of children
four years older.
All of the following are disability categories that students with ADHD may be served
under except
A) autism
B) emotional disabilities
C) learning disabilities
D) other health impairments
Teachers who exhibit differential acceptance for students with emotional and behavior
A) like some students better than others
B) accept some inappropriate behaviors but not others
C) justify angry and aggressive student behavior as part of the disability
D) witness anger and aggression without becoming angry or aggressive
Teachers who use mystery motivators correctly
A) always tell what the reward is
B) always tell how to earn the reward
C) always tell where the reward is located
D) always tell when the reward will be available
Which of the following statements about discrete trial training is incorrect?
A) It is a method where children learn games.
B) It can be used in several variations.
C) It is commonly used in school classrooms for teaching any subject.
D) It is used by both law and medical students.
How many children with autism are mute?
A) one fourth
B) one third
C) one half
D) two thirds
All of the following are required components of an IEP except
A) annual goals
B) measures of progress
C) statement of parental supports
D) description of frequency and duration of services
Compared to students of other racial and ethnic groups, African American students are
most likely to be identified as having
A) autism
B) intellectual disabilities
C) specific learning disabilities
D) speech or language impairments
Charley is a student with autism. Her teacher asks, "Do you have a pet?" Charley
replies, "Do you have a pet?" This speech deficit in children with autism is known as
A) echolalia
B) memorization
C) metalinguistics
D) perseveration
Shelly and Sabrina are adults with disabilities. They live together in an apartment and
are able to take care of themselves. They also perform routine household tasks. Once or
twice a week Mrs. Nelson stops by to check on them and help as needed. Once, a
neighbor was disturbing them by playing loud music, and Mrs. Nelson helped them
contact the landlord. This type of living arrangement is known as a/an
A) apartment cluster
B) co-residence apartment
C) group home
D) maximum independence apartment
Which of the following students would be most likely to be classified as a student with
traumatic brain injury?
A) Kelsey, who has hydrocephalus
B) Anna, who has a closed head injury
C) Isaac, who was born with cerebral palsy
D) Jerome, who has Huntington's Chorea
Children with emotional and behavior problems are more likely to come from homes in
A) discipline is harsh
B) supervision is constant
C) spoiling is the norm
D) space is limited
Hector and his family came to the United States from Cuba last year. Hector speaks
only Spanish and seems unable to learn English despite extended help from an ELL
teacher. He is failing all subjects in second grade except for Art and P.E. He was
recently evaluated for the possibility of an intellectual disability. The school
psychologist administered an intelligence test in Spanish. Scores indicate that Hector
has significant cognitive delays. Based on the findings, the IEP team is recommending
that Hector receive special education services as a student with an intellectual disability.
Did Hector receive a nondiscriminatory evaluation as required by IDEA?
A) No; only one test was administered.
B) No; the psychologist was a stranger to Hector.
C) Yes; the testing was done in Hector's home language.
D) Yes; the IEP team recommended that Hector receive services.
Successful co-teaching requires all of the following except
A) flexibility
B) a sense of humor
C) meticulous planning
D) open communication
Tammy's teacher tells her that she will be in hot water if she doesn"t stop talking.
Tammy says "I will be good! Please don"t burn me!" This confusion probably reflects a
problem with
A) morphology
B) pragmatics
C) semantics
D) syntax
Which of the following statements about explicit instruction is not accurate?
A) It shortens learning time.
B) It is most effective in teaching students to read.
C) It is fundamental for students acquiring math skills.
D) It makes the student responsible for learning throughout the process.
What percentage of the school-age population ages 6"17 consists of students with
disabilities in special education?
A) 2%
B) 5%
C) 12%
D) 30%
All of the following tests are components of a comprehensive evaluation to identify
communication disorders except
A) aptitude
B) hearing
C) articulation
D) language function
One reason that the number of students with visual impairments is larger than the
number reported in IDEA is
A) some students refuse services
B) some students are counted in other categories
C) some students receive services outside of school
D) some people become visually impaired in adulthood
A bright line test is used to determine
A) if a medically fragile student can be placed in a general education class
B) if a student with physical disabilities can benefit from assistive technology
C) if a student with a health impairment such as AIDS can attend public school
D) if the school district must pay for related services needed by students who are
medically fragile
Which of the following is not a typical responsibility of a resource teacher?
A) assisting general educators with program planning
B) teaching social skills to students with learning disabilities
C) teaching learning strategies to students with learning disabilities
D) writing lesson plans for general educators who teach students with learning
Which of the following statements about HIV and AIDS is true?
A) People who contract HIV will eventually develop AIDS.
B) Parents must inform school officials that their child has HIV.
C) Students with HIV and AIDS can legally be excluded from school.
D) Students receiving special education services may be more likely to contract HIV.
Why must children with cystic fibrosis undergo physiotherapy?
A) to strengthen their lungs
B) to aid in the digestion of food
C) to improve pancreatic sufficiency
D) to dislodge mucus and drain loosened secretions
Which of the following is NOT true about stuttering ?
A) stuttering is situational
B) stuttering occurs more often in twins
C) stuttering affects more girls than boys
D) stuttering is in some ways least understood
Patricia is a fifth grade student with a learning disability. Mrs. Duley, her teacher, wants
Patricia's mother to provide some home tutoring in reading. She has sent a list of
tutoring guidelines to Patricia's mother. Which of the following guidelines on Mrs.
Duley's list is inappropriate?
A) Be sure to have limited opportunities for responding to prevent boredom.
B) Be sure to keep tutoring sessions positive.
C) Provide frequent opportunities for your child to respond.
D) Tutoring should allow your child to practice or extend skills learned at school.
Which of the following is true of a student with a high frequency hearing loss?
A) She would have a hard time hearing the /d/ sound.
B) She would have a hard time hearing men's voices.
C) She would have a hard time hearing women's voices.
D) She would have a hard time hearing normal conversation.
All of the following are characteristics of cooperative learning except
A) shared goals
B) individual accountability
C) small homogeneous groups
D) group recognition for success
Which of the following court rulings declared that school districts could not be
compelled to provide costly related services if a student with a disability made adequate
progress in general education without those services?
A) Honig v. Doe
B) Stuart v. Nappi
C) Armstrong v. Kline
D) Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley
Breaking down complex skills into smaller subskills or steps to make learning easier is
known as
A) task analysis
B) applied learning
C) direct instruction
D) programmed instruction
What is pica?
A) self-injurious behavior
B) eating of nonfood items
C) self-stimulatory behavior
D) excessive fear of loud noises
Gina is a student with epilepsy. Her teacher took her to the nurse because she was
wandering around the playground shouting at students. Her eyes were open but she did
not seem to know what she was doing. Gina was not able to tell the nurse anything
about the incident. Which type of seizure did her teacher probably witness?
A) an absence seizure
B) a complex partial seizure
C) a grand mal seizure
D) a simple partial seizure
What percentage of children received special education services for other health
impairments during the 2009"2010 school year?
A) 1.8%
B) 7%
C) 11.6%
D) 20%
Why is it important to adapt toys for use by children with disabilities? How might you
try to adapt a toy for a child who has limited use of fingers and hands?
Defend the position that all children are educable.
Explain the shift of instructional focus that has occurred over the years for students with
learning disabilities.
Identify the type of team composed of professionals who work independently of each
other. Explain how this team functions.
What are the four visual motor skills?
In what life-cycle stage does a parent need to be concerned with helping with career or
vocational choices? What are concerns for sibling at this same stage?
What is the best placement for a student with severe disabilities?
Provide four examples of tactile, technological, and/or optical aids you would expect to
see available across the curriculum to a fourth grade student who is functionally blind
and how it provides access to the general education curriculum.
What are the two difficulties that teachers of the gifted and talented face regarding the
acceleration of the math curriculum?
Define and give an example of alternative assessments.
Describe the four life-cycle stages and their age parameters. Share one concern from
each stage that a parent of a child with a disability might have.
List and explain four modifications teachers use in Maker's Active Problem Solver
Explain the steps in the special education process.
Provide a task analysis for either tying a shoe or making a peanut butter sandwich.
Assume the shoe is already on the foot and that all the ingredients for the sandwich are
out. Assume the student has typical motor skills and knows right from left. Number
each step.
Explain the controversy surrounding cochlear implants.
Give an example of a measurable skill.

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