EDUC 63772

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2558
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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Which is NOT a typical characteristic of a gifted preschool child?
A) social immaturity (solitary play)
B) large vocabulary
C) use of abstract language
D) exceptional memory
Individuals who use hearing aids typically have __________ hearing loss.
A) sensorineural
B) an inherited
C) prenatal
D) prelingual
A separate funding base for students with deaf-blindness was initiated in 1969
A) during a time of national crisis caused by a rubella epidemic.
B) because of lobbying efforts of parents of students who with deaf-blindness.
C) because three Congressmen serving on education subcommittees had relatives with
D) as part of the Special Olympics program.
Hearing loss caused by meningitis is typically
A) mild to moderate.
B) due to a bacterial infection.
C) congenital.
D) conductive hearing loss.
Ty has a condition of the eye muscle where the two eyes are not properly aligned and
two images are received by the brain simultaneously. What condition does Ty have?
A) aniridia
B) strabismus
C) hyperopia
D) cataracts
Which of the following is an example of common technology that can help students
with ADHD organize their time?
A) an iPod
B) the Web
C) Kidspiration
D) a tape recorder
In a comprehensive follow-up study, students with learning disabilities and speech
A) were very socially isolated as adults.
B) tended to live at home and be unemployed.
C) appeared to have better outcomes than other youth with disabilities.
D) had high school graduation rates of approximately 95%.
One common frustration voiced by many parents of children with ASD is that they
A) cannot find the thousands of pictures necessary to incorporate PECS into their home
B) have difficulty connecting with or relating to their child.
C) wish that autism were not such a visible disability.
D) are constantly pressured by news media for interviews because of the public
fascination with autism.
Which of the following is an example of phonology?
A) "clicking" sounds found in Swahili and Native American languages
B) "ed" at the end of a verb refers to a past event
C) a noun precedes a verb
D) stuttering
Elba is learning to speak English as her second language. The most current term used to
refer to describe Elba is
A) bicultural.
B) bilingual.
C) limited English proficient.
D) English language learner.
Jackson is a first-grade student who has displays aggressive behavior toward his
classmates and teacher. Which of the following would be appropriate to use with
One important principle when developing IEPs is that
A) services which are unavailable may be left off the IEP.
B) all services listed do not necessarily have to be provided.
C) all of the student's needs must be met.
D) all of the parents' requests must be met.
Valerie is in high school, taking high school courses, but earning college credit. This is
an example of
A) honor sections.
B) advanced placement.
C) individualized instruction.
D) ability grouping.
Ricardo has a score of 50 dB on the air conduction and 50 dB on bone conduction
methods of audiometry. Ricardo has
A) mild hearing loss.
B) sensorineural hearing loss.
C) conductive hearing loss.
D) severe hearing loss.
Special education and general education differ across all of the following dimensions
A) they are not designed for students with the same learning needs.
B) general education requires parental participation as a basic tenet.
C) key components of special education are based in law.
D) general education focuses on groups of learners, while special education is
D.J.'s teacher takes him to the supermarket, where he learns to put items from his
grocery list in his shopping cart, place these items on the check-out conveyor belt, and
pay the cashier. This is an example of
Who has a cane named after him, and is credited with developing a mobility and
orientation system?
A) Samuel G. Howe
B) Frank Hall
C) Louis Braille
D) Richard Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Habibian want their son, who has an intellectual disability, to be educated
with his peers as much as is appropriate and possible. Which component of IDEA does
this refer to?
D) related services
In the 1970s, the process/product debate pitted direct instruction approaches against
A) learning strategies
B) cognitive therapy
C) perceptual training approaches
D) behavioral counseling
Kailyn has a hereditary disorder which causes a distortion of the red blood cells, thus
restricting their passage through the blood vessels. Kailyn has
A) sickle cell anemia.
B) hemophilia.
Jax is an adult with intellectual disabilities who has a high level of participation in his
community. As a result, Jax is more likely to
A) engage in recreational activities during his leisure time.
B) experience feelings of loneliness.
C) require intensive supports, and have fewer natural supports.
D) spend his leisure time at home watching TV.
When people with intellectual disabilities develop friendships with college students
through the Best Buddies program, they are creating ____ supports.
A) nonpaid
B) generic
C) natural
D) specialized
Letaya uses devices that take advantage of her senses of sight and touch. She uses
A) assistive listening devices.
C) alerting devices.
D) TTYs.
Eduardo has a genetic birth defect that results in chronic lung infections and digestive
difficulties. Eduardo has which of the following conditions?
A) cystic fibrosis
B) diabetes
C) tuberculosis
D) hemophilia
Recreational therapy is
A) a special education service where physical education and recreational skills are
B) a related service that helps student learn to access community recreational programs.
C) a form of counseling that helps students determine their leisure skill preferences.
D) typically provided only to individuals who have moved into the vocational
rehabilitation system.
All of the following are traits associated with ADHD EXCEPT
A) creativity.
B) intuitiveness.
C) emotional awareness.
D) positive self-image.
This protest was an important event in the history of Deaf advocacy and activism.
A) Lexington Center protest over a hearing chief executive
B) Deaf President Now Movement
C) Bell's protests regarding marriage between two Deaf individuals
D) the granting of voting rights to the Deaf on Martha's Vineyard
A building that was designed according to the principles of __________ would be
barrier free and meet the needs of everyone, including people with physical challenges.
A) universal design
B) barrier-free living
D) Section 504
Mrs. Nanas incorporates peer supports when planning for a student in her class who has
ASD. These peer supports would generally be planned for which area?
A) instructional situations
B) after-school activities
C) leisure activities
D) lunchroom situations
Rafik has ADHD with comorbidity. This means that
A) his symptoms are life-threatening.
B) he also has another disability.
C) he has a dour sense of humor.
D) there is a family history of ADHD.
Imagine that you have decided to work on self-determination skills with a
middle-school student who has an intellectual disability. What are some of the broad
skills that you would be addressing?
Members of an IEP team are considering testing accommodations for a student with a
visual disability. What are two options they should consider?
Name the seven steps of the IEP process, and describe briefly what occurs at each step.
Why do so many individuals with visual disabilities lack job opportunities and work
experience during their high school years?
Discuss the different viewpoints surrounding the concept of disability.
Briefly describe Gardner's eight dimensions of intelligence.
Describe the issues that professionals should be aware of when working with
linguistically diverse children, including how to distinguish between language
differences created by dialects and learning English and language delays.
When are the two points in a student's school career where grade skipping typically
What are two things you can do to improve communication and collaboration with the
parents of students in your class?
What are the key features of learning strategies?
What are the three skills considered to be fundamental to reading development in young
Explain the differences between natural, nonpaid, generic, and specialized supports for
people with mental retardation.
List four types of internalizing behaviors.
Why would people in ancient Rome toss a coin to Balbus Balaesus the Stutterer?
List the individuals who must be included in a multidisciplinary team.

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