EDUC 45280

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2728
subject Authors Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F. Cole

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Which police unit identifies, apprehends, and collects evidence against lawbreakers?
a. Traffic
b. Investigation
c. Juvenile
d. Administrative
Which is a technique used to control the police?
a. Violent protests
b. Media criticism
c. Peaceful protests
d. Civilian review boards
What are the "invisible punishments" offenders are subjected to after release from
a. Difficulties finding a job
b. Denial of government assistance
c. Unlikelihood of getting married
d. Both difficulties finding a job and denial of government assistance
A source of crime data collected from interviews used to gather information on
unreported as well as reported crimes is called
a. NCVS.
b. dark figure of crime.
c. UCR.
An inmate who finds that functioning in the prison society is difficult is called a ______
a. dysfunctional
b. disorganized
c. gleaning
d. disoriented
Courts have required decent treatment and minimum health standards for prisoners,
making it unconstitutional for officials to show deliberate indifference.
a. True
b. False
Where is one most likely to find extensive use of day fines?
a. United States
b. Europe
c. Asia
d. Mexico
Dominic is currently a successful high school teacher. When Dominic was 17 years old
he was recruited by a gang. He joined the gang in order to establish a sense of
belonging. Dominic went through the initiation process when he found out that his last
"duty" was to rob a local gas station at gunpoint. Dominic went into the store, but
readily noticed that his old high school football coach was standing in line to check out.
Dominic went up to the coach, who he has always had a special relationship with, and
told him what he was just about to do. The coach immediately was able to assist
Dominic to get out of the gang. He was able to attend a different school in a different
county, which eventually leads to a college degree. Dominic always wonders what
would have happened if he had ventured deeper in the gang style.
Dominic participated in crime as a teen, but was able to go on and make a successful
life for himself. Which theory would Dominic's case best support?
a. Psychological theory
b. Life course theory
c. Sociological theory
d. Gender theory
State legislators always support increases in funding for educational programs within
the prison system because of their success in reducing recidivism.
a. True
b. False
Dominic is currently a successful high school teacher. When Dominic was 17 years old
he was recruited by a gang. He joined the gang in order to establish a sense of
belonging. Dominic went through the initiation process when he found out that his last
"duty" was to rob a local gas station at gunpoint. Dominic went into the store, but
readily noticed that his old high school football coach was standing in line to check out.
Dominic went up to the coach, who he has always had a special relationship with, and
told him what he was just about to do. The coach immediately was able to assist
Dominic to get out of the gang. He was able to attend a different school in a different
county, which eventually leads to a college degree. Dominic always wonders what
would have happened if he had ventured deeper in the gang style.
Dominic has high, prominent cheekbones. This physical attribute in a criminal would be
considered a(n) ____ trait.
a. criminogenic
b. psychoanalytic
c. antisocial
d. sociopath
Officer Goldman responds to a call of an active shooter during a home invasion at a
local residence. Officer Goldman arrives on the scene and quickly surveys the
residence. He and his partner immediately enter the home and see the suspect. They
command the suspect to drop his weapon, and the suspect responds by dropping the
weapon. Officer Goldman arrests the suspect and searches him.
Which aspect of the law allowed the officer to enter the house?
a. Awarrant.
b. Probable cause.
c. Reasonable suspicion.
d. Just cause.
If a person is defined as criminogenic, this means that he or she
a. became a criminal as an adult.
b. was born a criminal.
c. became a criminal as a result of a traumatic experience.
d. will never become a criminal.
Which is true regarding the measurement of positive police productivity?
a. The clearance rate is the most effective measure.
b. The crime rate is the most effective measure.
c. The clearance rate and crime rate together provide an accurate picture.
d. The clearance rate and crime rate do not give an accurate picture.
Who was the leading advocate of professionalism within law enforcement?
a. George Kelling
b. Catherine Coles
c. O. W. Wilson
d. Sir John Fielding
Maria is a 16 year-old Hispanic female from South Carolina who has been charged with
assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill. Maria used a baseball bat to beat a
classmate close to death leaving the victim with brain damage. The judge will render
her decision tomorrow if Maria should be tried as an adult or if the case should stay
within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court system. Currently, Maria is being held in an
institution until an appropriate decision can be made.
Maria did not go to adult court because rather than a jury trial, the decision regarding
her guilt and punishment occurred in a process called
a. intake.
b. adjudication.
c. disposition.
d. diversion.
When officers are in hot pursuit of a fleeing suspected felon, they need to stop to seek a
warrant and thereby risk permitting the suspect to get away.
a. True
b. False
Throughout the United States, the upper age limit for juvenile court jurisdiction
typically varies from ________ years of age.
a. 12 to 14
b. 14 to 16
c. 16 to 18
d. 18 to 20
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that lawsuits can be filed against individual officers and
agencies when civil rights are violated by the customs and usages of the department in
a. Whren v. U. S. (1996).
b. Maryland v. Wilson (1997).
c. Tennessee v. Garner (1985).
d. Monell v. Department of Social Services for the City of New York (1978).
Which is true about weapons technology?
a. There have been no new advances in weapons technology in the past 50 years.
b. Police departments need to consider nonlethal weapons because departments have
been sued over injuring or killing suspects.
c. New technologies in weaponry present no problems at all for police.
d. Police do not have nonlethal weapons currently available for use.
What is the most likely punishment for a misdemeanor traffic violation?
a. Community service
b. Restitution
c. Fines
d. Warning
Which intermediate sanction is not administered in the community?
a. Intensive supervision parole
b. Home confinement
c. Day reporting centers
d. All of these intermediate sanctions are administered in the community.
When given the choice, many offenders choose prison over intensive supervision
a. True
b. False
High-profile criminal cases are typical of the nature of crime in the United States.
a. True
b. False
When can home confinement be used in the criminal justice system?
a. During the pretrial period
b. After a short term in jail or prison
c. As a condition of probation
d. As a condition of parole
Police need to develop new technologies in weaponry because of the increased lethality
of the weapons used by criminals.
a. True
b. False
At the federal level, drug offenses are the most common violation of the criminal law.
a. True
b. False
The world's first probation officer was
a. James Ferguson, an Irish police officer.
b. Sir Robert Peel, head of the London police.
c. O.W. Wilson, an American police chief.
d. John Augustus, a Boston bootmaker.
The television image of defense attorneys as strong advocates for their clients is based
on the ______ model.
a. crime control
b. due process
c. equal protection
d. celebrity
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) enacted by Congress in 2004 establishes a
zero-tolerance standard for the incidence of rape in prison.
a. True
b. False
Racial conflict is not a problem in most U.S. prisons.
a. True
b. False
Forensic analysis of hair, semen, and blood can only be used to determine guilt; these
findings cannot be used to establish the innocence of incarcerated people.
a. True
b. False
Brady has just been charged with murder in the first degree. His previous record
includes several drug charges and a sexual assault that is pending. Brady will not be
released on bail. His attorney believes the prosecutor and judge will agree to a 20-year
sentence through a plea bargain, which will eliminate the chance of a life sentence.
Brady will await his trial or plea agreement in jail. Which is a characteristic of those he
is serving time with?
a. They are serving a sentence of more than one year.
b. Fellow inmates have not been offered bail.
c. They have all been sentenced.
d. Waiting trial at a federal court.
In some states, it is not illegal for correctional officers to have sex with inmates.
a. True
b. False
State _________ are typically composed of citizens who are appointed for fixed terms
in office by the governor.
a. reentry boards
b. community boards
c. parole boards
d. probation boards
__________ is the subjecting of a person to prosecution more than once in the same
jurisdiction for the same offense, and is prohibited by the Fifth Amendment.
Fines are administered by the ______.
Explain the use-of-force mechanisms available to correctional officers if needed inside
the prison walls.
The U.S. Supreme Court decided in the case of _____ that the death penalty is
unconstitutional for offenders under the age of 18.
Identify and analyze the functions of the police.
__________ policingis an approach which in conjunction with concerns about
homeland security emphasizes gathering and analyzing information to be shared among
agencies in order to develop cooperative efforts to identify, prevent, and solve
Under the _____ system, inmates' labor was sold to private employers.
Apply two crime-causation theories to females as offenders.
Discuss the role of the police in handling juvenile cases and how juveniles are handled
differently than adults.
Explain what life course theories seek to do.
Explain the necessity of fusion centers in the War on Terror. Do fusion centers have the
capability to infringe on the rights of U.S. citizens?
Imagine you are a legislator in your home state. What policy might you suggest for
reducing racism in the criminal justice system?
How did the abolition of the death penalty in 2011 in Illinois reflect changes in the use
of technology? What other issues relating to cost were involved?
Explain the concept of double jeopardy and its significance to the criminal justice
_________ is the choice of those who cut themselves off from the outside and try to
construct a life within the prison.
Many exonerations are not based on DNA evidence but rather on the discovery that
police and prosecutors had ignored or hidden _____.

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