EDUC 40875

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1318
subject Authors Herbert Goldenberg, Irene Goldenberg

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Which of the following statements is true regarding structural family therapy?
a. action precedes understanding
b. insight precedes action
c. symptom-removal is the main objective
d. attention remains focused on the identified patient throughout treatment
A complementary pattern of communication emphasizes:
a. a minimization of differences between partners
b. a maximization of differences between partners
c. open quarrels over power and control
d. direct competition between partners
Combrinck-Graham suggests that family development frequently alternates between:
a. centripetal and centrifugal periods
b. horizontal and vertical stresses
c. stage oscillations
d. linear and circular causality
For symbolic-experiential therapists, the focus of therapy is:
a. the content of the session
b. circularity
c. the process during the session
d. cure of the identified patient
Symmetrical escalation occurs when:
a. each participant becomes more and more vicious
b. one participant assumes a "one-down" position and the other a "one-up" one
c. both persons attempt to reduce the intensity of a disagreement
d. one person is weak and the other strong
An adolescent girl and her parents agree, after a series of family therapy sessions, that
they will not argue anymore. This is an example of a:
a. simple cybernetic change
b. complex cybernetic change
c. first-order change
d. second-order change
Many therapists have dismissed published research reports as:
a. irrelevant to their everyday needs and interests
b. too time consuming to read
c. based on too small a sample
d. willing to deal with individuals only but not families
The primary survival triad, according to Satir, refers to:
a. mind, body, temperament
b. pleaser, displeaser, provocateur
c. threat, reward, and seed models
d. father, mother, child
Experiential therapists are especially critical of:
a. intellectualization
b. self-disclosure
c. active therapists
d. emotional imbalance
Insight is not necessary for behavior change to occur, according to:
a. psychoanalysts
b. object relations therapists
c. strategic family therapists
d. Scharff
Which of these is a major example of long-term family therapy?
a. strategic couple therapy
b. psychoanalytic couple therapy
c. social constructionist therapies
d. narrative therapy
Severely disturbed families with centripetal interactive styles often produce
_______________ children.
a. neurotic
b. schizophrenic
c. sociopathic
d. borderline
Little if any interest in family history is displayed by:
a. Bowenians
b. Kohut
c. the British Middle School
d. social constructionists
In the view of family therapists with a functional outlook, the appearance of symptoms
in a family member serves as a:
a. sign of illness in the family
b. manifestation of genetic predispositions
c. family stabilizing device
d. none of the above
Families interact in repetitive behavioral sequences. This is known as:
a. boundary rules
b. homeostasis
c. the redundancy principle
d. the rule repetition phenomenon
Relationship Enhancement programs provide training in all but one of the following.
Which one does not belong?
a. insight skill
b. expressive skill
c. empathic responding skill
d. conversive skill
Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Functional family therapy is effective in treating at-risk adolescents
b. Emotionally-focused couple therapy is based on considerable research
c. Empirically-supported research thus far has been carried out primarily by behavioral
and cognitive-behavioral therapies
d. Validation therapy offers a good example of a carefully researched set of therapeutic
Bowen referred to a family's way of coping with stress and maintaining stability as its:
a. undifferentiated family ego mass
b. nuclear family emotional system
c. system of family obligations and entitlements
d. triangulated stress relief
One criticism of the double-bind concept is its:
a. linear outlook
b. circular outlook
c. paradoxical outlook
d. psychodynamic outlook
Sullivan emphasized all but one of the following as emerging from early mother-child
relationships. Which one does not belong?
a. bad me
b. not me
c. real me
d. good me
According to the text, the postmodern outlook permits:
a. the therapist to be in charge
b. the therapist to not be an expert
c. the family to be programmed for success
d. none of the above
Which of the following constitutes a horizontal stressor?
a. family expectations
b. birth of a handicapped child
c. ethnic loyalties
d. family secrets
Custodial and non-custodial single parents share the following problems:
a. arranging day-to-day child care
b. conflicting loyalties
c. rebuilding social networks
d. returning to their family of origin homes
Which of the following does not characterize Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy is:
a. brief
b. empirically validated
c. experiential
d. cool and cerebral
Medical family therapy tends to:
a. hold families accountable for a member's problems
b. encourage school dropouts to return to the classroom
c. value hospitalization over outpatient care
d. be interdisciplinary
For the most part, behavioral parent training attempts to change:
a. the child's deviant behavior
b. the family's interactive pattern
c. marital tensions in the family
d. intergenerational conflicts
Medical family therapy combines:
a. systems and biopsychosocial approaches
b. structural and strategic approaches
c. psychodynamic and Milan approaches
d. none of the above
Paradoxical interventions are especially useful in attempting to change
_______________ families.
a. defiant
b. placid
c. over-confident
d. shy or over-socialized
Which of the following statements is true?
a. family therapists are likely to be middle-class in background
b. family therapists are likely to be middle-class in viewpoint
c. structural poverty is usually of recent origin
d. most members of the underclass make their living legally
Severely disturbed families with centrifugal interactive styles often produce
_______________ children.
a. neurotic
b. schizophrenic
c. sociopathic
d. borderline
In the case described in the text in which a child comes to live with her father and his
new wife:
a. they were able to integrate the child into the new family with no trouble
b. the stepmother and child got along well, but the father felt left out
c. the therapist adopted a family life cycle approach
d. behavior viewed as objectionable was reframed as really being well-intentioned
Anthropologist Bateson has defined ______________ as "a difference that makes a
a. love
b. family life patterns
c. the environment
d. information
Reflecting teams demonstrate:
a. a postmodern approach
b. a constructivist outlook
c. a view of multiple realities
d. all of the above
Haley and Madanes founded the:
a. Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C.
b. The Mental Research Institute of Palo Alto
c. The Ackerman Institute in New York
d. none of the above
Cognitive-behavioral family therapists rely, for assessment purposes, on:
a. observable behavior
b. underlying causal agents inside family members
c. projective techniques
d. all of the above

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