EDUC 37817

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2685
subject Authors Burl E. Gilliland, Richard K. James

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REACT is a hostage negotiation task model that starts with the recognition of the
conditions needed to make an incident negotiable and ends with what will happen after
a surrender is made. .
Rape education programs are effective in preventing rape
Professional organizations such as the National Association of School Psychologists'
NEAT Teams deal mainly with school disasters such as Columbine.
The Equilibrium model of crisis intervention seeks to equalize faulty thinking.
Discussing suicide with a client will usually cause the person to move toward doing it.
The term burnout comes from mental patients who were burned out physically and
Reminiscence therapy allows clients to reflect on their lives and restore credibility to
Females are becoming more violent and in some studies have been found to be as likely
to assault staff as males.
Monitoring and assessing body language is an as important as monitoring and assessing
verbal responses in crisis work.
People who have a blood alcohol level of .15% will all act in a similar manner.
It is important to determine whether a client is experiencing an acute versus chronic
crisis event.
Narrative therapy is particularly important in grief work because it involves the
thematic meaning of the loss
While the potential for people diagnosed with a mental illness to become violent is not
high, there are some diagnoses such as organic brain disease that are.
Structured Interviews such as theCAPS-1 are the best way of diagnosing PTSD . . . . . if
time is available to conduct the interview.
Stress occurs when there is a substantial imbalance between the demands of the
environment and the capabilities of the worker and is always negative in its outcome.
Historically, the United States has always regarded alcohol as a problematic substance.
Complicated grief occurs because there are very few clues to identify it.
When clients have been successful in accomplishing their goals in long-term therapy
and are ready to terminate, they may suddenly experience profound problems that
require the therapist to use crisis intervention techniques.
The best method of dealing with a sexually explicit caller is to stay on the line and
establish a trusting relationship.
Having fun is a critical part of burnout-proofing oneself.
People all share a common sense of what normal behavior is.
Education of a client is the first stage of violence prevention in institutions.
Research has shown that because of a lack of cognitive development, young children
grieve little, if any.
There is no clear way to predict when, where, and which clients will become violent,
but the pooled clinical judgment of workers is one of the better ones.
Fractals , bifurcations , intermittences and smooth noodle maps have to do with how
well ego reintegration occurs in psychoanalytic crisis theory.
There is evidence that psychopathology and neurophysiological disorders play a part in
the reason some perpetrators batter.
Emoticons are cute, but cute has no place in crisis intervention.
Transcrisis states are identical to posttraumatic stress disorder.
Ethical standards have the weight of law because violation of ethical codes by helping
professionals can get them in trouble with their professional organizations or licensing
Workplace violence has become so bad that the National Center for Disease Control
views it as a national health problem.
According to Shneidman's concept of situational characteristics of suicidal people, the
common stimulus in suicide is unendurable psychological pain and
the common stressor in suicide is frustrated psychological needs.
The Kubler-Ross model proposes that individuals go through common stages as they
experience a loss .
Societal attitudes about rape and sexual assault have long enhanced survivor advocacy.
Establishing a psychological connection is a critical component of Task 1. .
Because the internet is international in scope there is no need to carry liability insurance
if you are offering professional counseling services over it because there are no
international ethical standards.
The behavioral dynamics of battered women and hostages after their escape are much
alike. (p. 588, 589)
The possibility of secondary victimization is an excellent reason for using telephone
counseling because the client is in complete control of the process.
Because establishing psychological contact is so important when conducting telephone
crisis counseling, typical problem definition and exploration is not the first thing that a
crisis counselor does.
Predispositioning is one of the most important tasks when using the internet for crisis
If a worker quietly set by an allowed a client to cry for five minutes and bemoan her
broken engagement, the worker would be engaging in ______as a technique.
a. sympathy eliciting
c. empathic responding
b. catharsis
d. providing support
Initial screening for EVJOs is best done by
a. writings and drawings they make.
b. personality and mental ability tests.
c. past violent acts.
d. All of the above, combined, make the best screening predictor.
A crisis which is not properly dealt with may become submerged from awareness,
where it forms a disease reservoir. The phenomenon in which such a crisis reemerges
later in life, causing the person's previous crisis symptoms to recur has been termed:
a. acute depressive onset.
b. regression.
c. recidivism.
d. transcrisis.
One of the reasons the Vietnam War was a fertile breeding ground for PTSD was
a. the war was always ideologically unacceptable.
b. the country was in a patriotic frenzy and couldn"t accept defeat.
c. there were no front lines and one had to be alert at all times.
d. average age of combat participants was 26.5.
Which one of the following is not listed as a myth about suicide?
a. Clients who threaten suicide don't necessarily mean it.
b. Persons who commit suicide are insane.
c. Talking about their desire to kill themselves decreases the danger that suicidal
individuals will do it.
d. Suicide is always an impulsive act.
An intrusive but effective method for extinguishing PTSD in adult survivors of
childhood sexual abuse is______ of the event.
a. psychoanalytic processing
b. behavioral conditioning and desensitization
c. prolonged exposure through flooding and cognitive restructuring
d. All of the above will work depending on the client.
Individualism is a cultural world view that believes
a. the individual is subservient to the group.
b. the group always petitions the individual for support and input.
c. the exosystem has a profound impact on individual functioning.
d. personal goals and uniqueness are paramount.
Laura Brown uses the___________ model to delineate her social locations approach.
Of the following statements, which does not apply to the disturbed caller?
a. Behavior is always purposeful and serves conscious or unconscious motives.
b. Behavior is comprehensible and has meaning even though the language may not.
c. Behavior needs to be differentiated as to whether it is biochemically or
psychologically based.
d. Behavior is used to keep a person safe and free of anxiety.
The exosystem includes
a. communications created by word-of-mouth, cell phones, and local newspapers.
b. timelines for easing or exacerbating the crisis.
c. the community and even state or regional entities
d. federal agencies such as NIMH and FEMA
The police Crisis Intervention Team concept has developed because
a. of the Community Mental Health Act of 1963 specifying how and where the mentally
ill are treated.
b. of the lack of qualified mental health professionals.
c. more police officers are interested in defusing techniques.
d. none of the above are why the CIT program has prospered.
Researchers have found that added physical violence during the rape of children was
predictive of ___________ when they reached adulthood
a. increased false memories.
b. chronic PTSD and early psychological and behavioral problems.
c. legitimized violence for them in their adult sexual relationships.
d. females who grew up to be aggressive and became sexual abusers themselves.
Of the following, which is not a building block for burnout?
a. role ambiguity
b. incompetence
c. inconsequentiality
d. isolation
Successful crisis work may be described as
a. positive addicting behavior for the worker.
b. successfully resolving long standing trauma of the client.
c. stopping transcrisis events.
d. generating in the client a long term resiliency to ward off future crisis
Collaborative counseling means
a. being directive.
b. being nondirective.
c. working with clients who may have partial mobility
d. giving informational and logistical support.
Kubler-Ross believes that our culture sees death as
a. a transition into a greater eternal life.
b. defeatable through modern medical science.
c. an unspeakable issue, more so than sex or violence.
d. a resolvable issue through erecting monuments and memorials.
Regarding the disclosure phase in which the child sexual abuser's molestation is
accidentally discovered, sometimes the abuse is disclosed by the child or someone else
and intentional disclosure enormously complicates crisis intervention related to the
abuse because
a. the abuser was also a victim during childhood.
b. the disclosure phase itself is characterized by myth.
c. parents or significant others are in denial, refuse to face it, and don't believe the facts.
d. most therapists have little knowledge in this area and abhor the work.
Following a disaster, the debriefing of the crisis workers themselves helps such workers
deal with the
a. crisis event, its victims, and the response to the event by the crisis workers.
b. the individual crisis worker's personal/professional response to the survivors.
c. dynamics of the group as it goes through the debriefing process.
d. all the above.
A theory of crisis that views the person as being the victim of faulty thinking is
a. adaptational.
b. interpersonal.
c. chaos.
d. none of the above
Anger and grief are emotional by-products in the lives of children who have been
sexually abused. Venting of these feelings should be encouraged, particularly when
a. adults are uncomfortable with such venting and attempt to repress such feelings when
children exhibit them.
b. such venting provides legal evidence and data for court action against perpetrators.
c. play therapy, relaxation techniques, and stress reduction measures fail to produce
positive results.
d. children's developmental immaturity impedes the therapeutic process.
Which of the following is appropriate in dealing with a self"defeating personality?
a. Getting expert help for immediate consultation with such tough customers.
b. Caringly confront their rejected attempts to help them.
c. Stress their talents and the behavioral consequences of sabotaging themselves
d. Interpret their defense mechanisms and caringly break through their denial.
In an assisted suicide, someone else provides the means (lethal agent) but the person
who is dying administers it. In euthanasia
a. the person who is dying provides both the means and the administration of the agent.
b. someone else does the administration.
c. the Hemlock Society provides the necessary support and expertise.
d. an attending physician provides the necessary support and expertise as legally
sanctioned by the state.
Children who live in a battering relationship
a. commonly rebel at the violence and become much more passive and as adults
b. are often lost in the shuffle of the domestic violence.
c. will become batterers if male and battered if female.
d. generally have increased appropriate behavior and higher self-esteem immediately
after leaving a battering relationship.
Of the following types of hostage-taking, which would be viewed as an instrumental
a. A bank robber to aid an escape.
b. A suicidal person who wants the police to kill her.
c. A person who was fired from a job of twenty years.
d. A jilted lover who wants a reconciliation.
The super mesosystem is a
a. communications system
b. link between macrosystems and the exo- and microsystem.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b.
If you were using the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) you would be
assessing for
a. compassion satisfaction.
b. compassion fatigue.
c. burnout.
d. all three.
According to Schneider, all crises can eventually be
a. reformulated within a context of growth.
b. classified under one of the three patterns of responses ofdeath accepting, death
defying or death denying.
c. viewed within a multicultural context.
d. classified under the Kubler-Ross model of the stages of grief and bereavement.
Validation therapy is used to indicate that the client
a. has valid concerns.
b. is lucid and in touch with reality.
c. affirms what s/he is saying even though it may have little basis in reality.
d. is about to become violent.
Which statement best describes the antisocial hostage taker?
a. False system of beliefs along with hallucinations and delusions.
b. Confused and unable to make a decision along with reduced energy and affect.
c. Narcissistic and attention-seeking.
d. Conflicts with society, blames others, is concerned only for him-/herself.
Chronic or regular callers should be
a. terminated quickly so others can use the line who are in need.
b. traced and told not to call again because they jam phone lines like 911 problem
callers if they keep repeating.
c. both a and b
d. set up with ground rules and have calls limited because they are calling for some
good purpose no matter how weird or inappropriate they may seem.
The Army's Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program in part consists of (pp.163-164)
a. The Global Assessment Tool, the Master Resilience Trainer program
b. The Structured Interview CAPS-1, EMDR groups
c. The DS-IV Diagnostic Master Recovery Plan, Intrusive Thoughts groups
d. All of the above are part of the program

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