EDUC 18137

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1839
subject Authors William L. Heward

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Whichof the following strategies is least likely to promote successful inclusion for
students with intellectual disabilities?
A) peer tutoring
B) common recess time
C) collaborative learning
D) direct training in social skills
TASH is an advocacy organization for people who
A) are most likely to be granted unique rights
B) have significant disabilities and support needs
C) have the tools and opportunities to make their own decisions
D) are most likely to live, work, and play in integrated environments
Why is choice making important for students with severe disabilities?
A) It increases compliance during instruction.
B) It improves instructional control for educators.
C) It removes some of the burden from parents and caregivers.
D) It improves the quality of life for students with severe disabilities.
Which of the following best illustrates building communication skills?
A) Jason plays quietly with the blocks. He is praised for attending to the task.
B) Kyle rarely demonstrates eye contact. His teacher provides reinforcement when he
C) Madison is learning to do laundry. Her teacher creates a washing machine from a
large box.
D) Kibe's lunch tray is out of reach. He indicates "eat" with his communication device,
so his teacher moves the tray where he can reach it.
Which of the following statements about parent involvement and special education is
A) Parent involvement is an essential element of special education.
B) Parent involvement is generally discouraged by special educators.
C) Parents spend an exorbitant amount of time communicating with special educators.
D) Parents generally perceive special educators as experts and are hesitant to become
involved in educational decisions.
Which subtype of ADHD are students diagnosed with the most?
A) ADHD combined type
B) ADHD early onset type
C) ADHD primarily inattentive type
D) ADHD primarily hyperactive impulsive type
Teaching recreation and leisure skills to students with severe or multiple disabilities is
important for all of the following reasons except
A) accessing the general curriculum
B) helping students interact socially
C) maintaining their physical health and motor skills
D) becoming more involved in community activities
Mr. Nelson helps a group of third graders who are gifted to make crystals while Mr.
Waun engages the remaining students in a more traditional science lesson. Which model
of co-teaching is described in this scenario?
A) alternative teaching
B) one teaching-one helping
C) parallel teaching
D) team teaching
Mrs. O"Shea believes that a combination of practices is better than a single practice.
One disadvantage of her eclectic approach is
A) only the most important parts of a practice may be used
B) some parts of a practice may be implemented for too long
C) elements of different practices may be incompatible with one another
D) teachers may adopt a perfectionist attitude when implementing multiple practices
Complex play activities are important for preschoolers because
A) they reduce dependency on adults
B) they reduce boredom and frustration
C) they are not dependent on gross or fine motor skills
D) they expose children to pre-academic math and literacy skills
According to research, initial reactions of parents who learn that their child has a
disability are generally
A) feelings of shock, denial and disbelief
B) alternating feelings of anger, guilt and depression
C) feelings of shame, rejection of the child, and overprotectiveness
D) feelings of love and appreciation for the positive aspects of family life
Mrs. Lucas is preparing for an annual review of Mia's IEP. The team has recommended
that Mia receive services in the resource room rather than a self-contained classroom.
Mia's current teacher has informed Mrs. Lucas that her parents expect Mia to receive
lots of individual attention in class. Mrs. Lucas is expecting Mia's parents to be angry
about the decision and she has prepared herself to stand firm and defend the team's
decision. Which barrier to effective communication is being displayed by Mrs. Lucas?
A) She is keeping professional distance.
B) She is treating Mia's parents like adversaries.
C) She is treating Mia's parents like they need counseling.
D) She is treating Mia's parents like vulnerable clients rather than equal partners.
According to the author of the text, which subjects are ideally suited to acceleration?
A) reading and math
B) math and science
C) reading and social studies
D) math and foreign language
What is the prevailing outcome of the education of academically talented young
children in most schools today?
A) success
B) boredom
C) underachievement
D) disruptive behavior
Activities to improve the listening skills of students with hearing loss
A) are appropriate for all students with hearing loss
B) are most appropriate for students who prefer oral communication
C) are most appropriate for students who prefer manual communication
D) are most appropriate for students with mild or moderate hearing loss
Jack is a person with autism. He has severe intellectual disabilities but he can play
many classical piano compositions by ear. Jack probably has a condition known as
A) perseveration
B) Rett syndrome
C) overselectivity
D) savant syndrome
Monica's teacher has taught her to use a self-management strategy to control her
blurting out in class. Her teacher has agreed to let her have extra time in the listening
center if she has fewer than 5 blurt outs during morning work. Monica has been
instructed to color the circle on her chart green if she has met the goal. On Thursday
after morning work, Monica holds up a green circle and smiles at her teacher. The form
of self-management described in this scenario is
A) self-evaluation
B) self-monitoring
C) self-determination
D) self-reinforcement
Teachers who implement home'school contracts
A) deliver a reward for improvements in student behavior at home
B) depend on parents to deliver rewards for progress in the classroom
C) depend on students to report progress in the classroom to their parents
D) deliver a reward for improvements in academic skills practiced at home
All of the following are environmental causes of intellectual disabilities except
A) poverty
B) child abuse
C) diseases or syndromes
D) chronic sensory deprivation
One drawback for students with adventitious visual impairments is that
A) their peers forget that they can"t see
B) they have a greater need for emotional support
C) their visual memories can interfere with learning
D) they are less able to learn through their other senses
The ultimate goal of No Child Left Behind is
A) to identify poorly performing schools.
B) that all teachers will be licensed by 2014.
C) to reduce funding to poorly performing schools.
D) that all children will be proficient in all subject matter by 2014.
All of the following statements about refractive errors are true except
A) they include conditions such as myopia
B) they include conditions such hyperopia
C) they include conditions restricting circulation in the eye
D) they affect approximately half of the general population
Special educators can help students with learning disabilities succeed in general
education classes by
A) providing assistance with homework
B) providing assistance with assessments
C) teaching them basic skills in the resource room
D) teaching them behaviors that general educators value
Which of the following is not true of cued speech?
A) The hand signals must be used along with speech.
B) The hand signals constitute a manual alphabet.
C) It does not disrupt the natural rhythm of speech.
D) It helps students identify speech features such as syllables.
PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1972) granted a free appropriate public
education to
A) all students with disabilities
B) students with intellectual disabilities
C) students with speech and language impairments
D) students who were previously deemed unable to benefit from instruction
Using intelligence test scores and including students regarded as highly talented, the
prevalence for giftedness is estimated as high as
A) l%
B) 3"5%
C) 25%
D) 10"15%
Which of the following does not describe zero dB?
A) audiometric zero
B) zero hearing threshold level (HTL)
C) the smallest sound that can be perceived by a normally hearing person
D) the point at which a person who is deaf can no longer perceive sounds
Which of the following statements about muscular dystrophy is true?
A) Symptoms are evident in infancy.
B) Some forms result from genetic mutations.
C) Current treatments can reverse the effects of this condition.
D) Muscles in the hands and fingers are the first to be affected.
The first parent-to-parent program in the United States was
A) the Association for Retarded Citizens
B) the Council for Exceptional Children
C) Parents of Exceptional Persons
D) Pilot Parents
On average, how many students does a resource teacher serve?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
Which condition is caused by an imbalance of the eye muscles that results in the
inability to focus on an object with both eyes?
A) cataracts
B) glaucoma
C) nystagmus
D) strabismus
The key operational element of family"professional partnerships is
A) ongoing two-way communication
B) flexible scheduling of conferences
C) appreciation of cultural differences
D) recognition of parental expertise regarding their children
Which of the following is an example of BICS?
A) writing a letter to a friend
B) having a conversation about recess with a friend
C) answering computer generated questions to prepare for a quiz
D) participating in an online Discussion Board about the planets
Which of the following conditions account for the most hospitalizations among
A) asthma
B) cancer
C) epilepsy
The first parent group to advocate for children with disabilities was
A) the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
B) the National Association for Retarded Citizens (now called the ARC)
C) the National Society for Crippled Children
D) the United Cerebral Palsy Association

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