EDUC 17372

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2287
subject Authors Marilyn Friend, William D. Bursuck

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Which of the following recommendations would you make to a new teacher about
giving oral directions?
a. Be sure to give a long series of directions together so that students can see their
b. Be sure to use concrete terms in the directions.
c. Avoid giving demonstrations along with directions.
d. Avoid using cue phrases like "please listen" before giving directions.
When developing task goals, team members should remember to be ____.
a. general and overarching
b. clear and explicit
c. revising them frequently
d. consistent and organized
Direct instruction involves ____.
a. guided student practice
b. independent discovery learning
c. limited feedback to students
d. little independent practice
Curriculum-based assessment measures the student's level of achievement related to
a. national norms
b. what is taught in the classroom
c. students in state schools
d. students in nearby school districts
Students who need supplemental instruction for less than 30% of their school day, in
addition to what is offered in the general classroom would utilize ____.
a. a residential facility
b. a resource room
c. a separate school
d. a separate special education classroom
Interactions of individuals with autism spectrum disorder are characterized by ____.
a. significant difficulty with social relationships
b. agitation and irritability
c. lowered social inhibitions
d. impulsivity and low initiative
The "POSSE" strategy is a ____.
a. writing strategy
b. note-taking strategy
c. math problem-solving strategy
d. reading comprehension strategy
Which of the following represents the order in which scaffolding must occur in order to
promote higher-order cognitive strategies?
a. provide varying contexts for practice, regulate difficulty during guided practice,
present new strategies, provide independent practice and provide feedback
b. regulate difficulty during guided practice, increase student responsibility, provide
varying contexts for practice, present new strategies, provide independent practice and
provide feedback
c. present new strategies, regulate difficulty during guided practice, provide varying
contexts for practice, provide feedback, increase student responsibility and provide
independent practice
d. provide independent practice, present new strategies, provide varying contexts for
practice regulate difficulty during guided practice, increase student responsibility and
provide feedback
Which of the following statements is true about giving students positive feedback for
learning strategy usage?
a. Give non-specific praise to students.
b. Praise students for who they are, not what they do.
c. Praise students no mater what the quality of their work to help enhance their
d. Praise students only when they produce work that is praiseworthy.
Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by difficulty with ____.
a. fluency
b. enunciation
c. voice
d. articulation
Which of the following is in the "ANSWER" strategy?
a. If you do not have time to write an essay answer, write the outline for it.
b. Read over the exam as you work your way through it to save time.
c. Write on the back of each page.
d. Do not leave margins.
Effective classroom rules ____.
a. should be general and all-encompassing
b. should be punitive in nature
c. should accommodate all students' cultures
d. should reflect different expectations for students with special needs
One example of a work environment that supports collaboration is ____.
a. district support
b. time to prepare lessons
c. arranged shared planning time
d. extra compensation
Researchers estimate _____ children grow up in families where alcohol or drugs are
a. 1 in 4
b. 2 in 100
c. 1 in 10
d. 5 in 10
Which characteristic is associated with hyperactivity?
a. failing to finish tasks
b. blurting out answers before question is completely asked
c. being defiant
d. failing to read directions
Each of the following is true of students with visual impairments EXCEPT:
a. they have fewer opportunities to acquire information usually learned visually
b. they vary in their social and emotional
c. most have some useful vision
d. they typically have lower cognitive ability than other students
Verbal praise is an example of ____.
a. an activity reinforcer
b. a tangible reinforcer
c. a social reinforcer
d. a primary reinforcer
When trying to modify the learning environment to support the needs of students with
hearing loss, teachers should ____.
a. move about the room as they present lessons
b. exaggerate words to facilitate speech reading
c. support instruction with visual aids
d. repeat information orally until students understand
The role of the social worker in supporting the educational needs and services of
students with disabilities is to ____.
a. assess students social and emotional functioning
b. determine cognitive, academic and behavioral functioning
c. offer knowledge about the entire school community
d. act as a liaison between the school and the family
The principal has asked two teachers to work in collaboration to develop grade level
curriculum. Both teachers have been teaching fifth grade across the hall from one
another for several years, but they have very different curricular ideas. The principal has
required all grade level teams to work together on this. What key element of
collaboration is the principal forgetting?
a. It includes shared responsibility.
b. It is emergent.
c. It is voluntary.
d. It is based on parity.
The IDEA category "other health impairments' includes ____.
a. traumatic brain injury
b. epilepsy
c. muscular dystrophy
Which of the following is true about evidence-based practice?
a. It allows for continued use of interventions grounded in teacher familiarity, tradition,
and anecdote.
b. It is mandated in ESEA, but not IDEA.
c. All interventions, strategies, techniques, policies, and programs should be grounded
in research with demonstrated effectiveness.
d. It is not possible to close the gap between research and practice, so teachers need to
be able to call on tradition and anecdotal evidence.
The preferred approach to behavior management is ____.
a. increasing positive behaviors through extinction of negative behaviors
b. decreasing negative behaviors through the use of presentation punishment
c. decreasing negative behaviors through the use of removal punishment
d. increasing positive behaviors through the use of reinforcers
Students can be best taught to use self-monitoring by ____.
a. reminding them to check their work
b. giving clear oral instructions
c. providing background knowledge
d. demonstrating the process, practice, and feedback
When modifying test construction for students with special needs ____.
a. eliminate all multiple choice questions; they are too hard
b. reduce the number of possible choices on multiple-choice tests
c. stress fill-in the blank items; they require less reasoning
d. use lengthy matching questions; they are easier for students to do
Which of the following is not a role of an advocate on an IEP team?
a. He/she acts as a spokesperson for the parent.
b. He/she assists in the implementation of the IEP.
c. He/she makes recommendations to the parent.
d. He/she supports and advises the parent.
The first step in getting and keeping students motivated to learn is to _____.
a. clarify expectations
b. provide a strong rationale for why learning something is important
c. present positive and negative examples of the construct to be learned
d. ask them frequent questions to determine their level of interest
Students with low-incidence disabilities ____.
a. constitute over twenty percent of all students with disabilities
b. include students with mild, moderate, and severe disabilities
c. need more attention from teachers than other students with disabilities
d. often have received special education services since birth
Immediate feedback on practice items is important so that students ____.
a. will maintain their motivation
b. can make meaningful corrections of their work
c. will have important conceptual understanding
d. can feel successful and competent
Teacher-developed learning strategies should cue students to do each of the following
a. think
b. assess
c. do
d. self-evaluate
Students who know how to act appropriate in social interactions but often act
impulsively benefit from ____.
a. self-control training
b. behavior contracts
c. social skills training
d. attribution retraining
When a student has extraordinary difficulties communicating for reasons other than
maturation, they are typically diagnosed with ____.
a. speech or language impairments
b. autism
c. orthopedic impairments
d. severe intellectual disability
Equipment used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with
a disability is _____.
a. drill-and-practice programs
b. independent tutorials
c. simulations
d. assistive technology
Students who live in homes in which alcohol and drugs are abused often display several
characteristics in school. List three characteristics.
Alternative assessments do not scale down performance based tasks.
Increased inclusion in schools of English-Language Learners has lead to the recognition
that their scores can be improved by decreasing the complexity of test language.
Discuss four aspects of basic skills instruction effective for differentiating instruction.
Computer-based tutorials facilitate learning by providing students adequate
opportunities to review.
Molly has great difficulty with multiple-choice questions. Explain one modification you
can make for Molly in your test construction of multiple-choice questions.
Putting information in a more general framework to make the content more
understandable is an advance organizer.
The primary purpose of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is to prevent
Explain the difference between 'station teaching" and "parallel teaching."
Poor self-image can lead to learned helplessness.
What is the primary role of the special education teacher when a student with
disabilities is placed in the general education classroom?
Students need to perform independently in five key areas. What are they?
Give two examples of how you can structure meaningful activities to promote positive
interactions between students with and without disabilities.
Despite accommodations you have made for a student, including attempts to remediate,
the difference between the student and his/her peers continues to worsen. Explain the
next step in the RtI process.
Why should the arrangement of your class should be predictable? Provide one example.
"Anecdotal recording" can be extremely important for the general education teacher.
Explain this strategy. Provide one example of how this strategy can be applied to
transitions from one activity to another.
Many students, including those who are at-risk, lack basic independent learning skills.

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