EDU 99202

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2697
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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When conducting an FBA, Mr. Miller notices that Jason's behavioral outbursts
frequently occur after a teacher has handed him a worksheet to complete. When Jason
displays this behavior, he is sent to the principal's office. In this case, the act of handing
him the worksheet would be considered the
A. antecedent.
B. problem behavior.
C. consequence.
D. reinforcer.
Every day, Caleb takes a one-minute test on his "x4" multiplication facts. When he is
able to pass this test, he will begin taking one-minute tests on his "x5" facts. Caleb is
engaged in an example of
A. differentiated instruction.
B. summative assessment.
D. mastery measurement.
A student with fine motor coordination problems puts a light mark on the bubble that
indicates the correct answer on his exam answer key. An assistant later goes back and
fills those bubbles in completely, and dark enough to be read by the electronic scanner.
Which type of accommodation is this?
A. scheduling accommodation
B. setting accommodation
C. response accommodation
D. presentation accommodation
To implement an evidence-based practice with fidelity, teachers must
A. accurately follow the same procedures the researchers used to validate the practice.
B. implement the practice daily.
C. make sure to miss no more than 4"5 sessions per semester due to holidays, field
trips, assemblies, etc.
D. one on which rigorous research has been conducted that produces data which
verifies its effectiveness.
The use of technology for progress monitoring
A. can reduce the amount of time teachers spend on CBM activities.
B. has not yet advanced to be truly helpful for teachers.
C. is one reason why this practice is so widespread.
D. is more readily available for math than for reading.
Emmett has just been found eligible for special education services. The next step in the
IEP process is
A. evaluation and reviews.
B. implementation of the IEP.
C. development of the IEP.
D. identification.
Which of the following retroactively changed the term mental retardation to
intellectual disabilities in all federal laws?
A. Rosa's Law
B. the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2000
C. the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
D. the Assistive Technology Act of 2004
According to IDEA, a 16-year-old student's IEP should contain
A. transition goals to help the student enter college.
B. postsecondary goals, transitional assessments, and service needs.
C. a statement giving the student all IEP-approval privileges formerly assigned to the
D. educational goals delineating training and services through age 21)
The most common childhood chronic illness is
A. leukemia.
B. cystic fibrosis.
C. diabetes.
D. asthma.
One important premise of PBIS is
A. prevention.
B. medical intervention.
C. reducing overrepresentation.
D. rewarding appropriate behavior.
Because of the efforts of Bob and Suzanne Wright and Autism Speaks,
A. millions of dollars have been raised for ASD research.
B. children with ASD can attend special summer camps that are designed to meet their
unique needs.
C. children with ASD in Baltimore have a specially designed playground that enhances
communication efforts.
D. many formerly nonverbal children with ASD have developed limited verbal skills.
Antonia and her family are involved in a service delivery model in which their needs
are met through the collaboration of many agencies and systems. Through this model,
they were able to get counseling services for Antonia and parent training for her mother
and father. Social service agencies also provided additional support to the family. This
is an example of
A. foster care.
B. curricular adjustments.
C. wraparound services.
D. transition planning.
Reza is having trouble learning to read. His teacher provides increasingly intensive
classroom interventions aimed at improving his skills. When he fails to make adequate
progress with these interventions, his teacher feels that he is resistant to treatment and a
good candidate for having a learning disability. Which method of identifying learning
disabilities is being used with Reza?
A. discrepancy formula
B. response to intervention
D. portfolio assessment
What percentage of students is eligible to take alternate assessments?
A. 1 percent of all students
B. 1 percent of all students with disabilities
C. 1 percent of all students who receive special education services
D. 1 percent of all students with low-incidence disabilities
Rapid advancement in robotics is due largely to the
A. advanced technology now available through iPads™ and other tablet devices.
B. emphases on STEM subjects in high schools and colleges.
C. many injuries incurred by soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.
D. collaboration between science fiction writers and scientists via online gaming
Joffrey has limited vision and hearing. Which of the following would you recommend
that he use when he wants to order from the menu in a restaurant.
A. communication board
B. speech synthesizer
C. Deaf-Blind Communicator™
D. portable brailler
Mr. Reid has two students who are recent immigrants, one from Bosnia and one from
Colombia. Whenever possible, he incorporates aspects of the students' languages and
cultures into his teaching, while also instructing them in the expectations and culture of
the school. This is an example of
A. sheltered instruction.
B. mutual accommodation.
C. culturally-dominant programming.
D. code switching.
All of the following are challenges of deaf-blindness that teachers and families must
address EXCEPT
A. feelings of isolation
B. problems with communication
C. problems with mobility
D. student preferences for one sense over another
__________ orchestrated wheelchair sit-ins, demonstrations, and lobbied Congress for
rights for individuals with disabilities.
A. Ed Burke
B. Ed Roberts
C. Stuart Little
D. William J. Little
What event spurred the government into action to create programs for giftedness?
A. the end of the Great Depression
B. the launch of Sputnik
C. the end of the Vietnam war
D. the civil rights movement
Mr. Adams has divided his 4th-grade classroom into two teams. He keeps track of the
number of times that students exhibit noncompliant or disruptive behavior. At the end
of the day, each team with fewer than a pre-set number of disruptions earns a reward.
Mr. Adams is implementing which of the following?
B. curricular adjustments
C. wraparound services
D. the Good Behavior Game
A large percentage of Geoffrey Canada Elementary School students are experiencing
illness due to infections and diseases. What could you recommend to school leaders to
easily prevent many of these from occurring?
A. have teachers implement universal health care precautions and enforce vaccination
B. close down the school for a few months to prevent contact between the children
C. newborn screening to identify genetic conditions early
D. have students wear rubber gloves and masks while at school
Phillip is being bullied at school. He is likely to display all of the following warning
signs EXCEPT
A. headaches or stomachaches.
B. a lack of empathy toward others.
C. unexplained injuries.
D. appetite loss or sleeplessness.
Calum's body stiffens and he falls to the floor, unconscious but jerking. He is confused
and exhausted when he regains consciousness. Calum has had a ____ seizure.
A. petit mal
B. complex partial
C. absence
D. generalized tonic-clonic
Section 504 and the ADA are considered to be all of the following EXCEPT
A. civil rights laws.
B. anti-discrimination laws.
C. laws that ensure greater access for people with disabilities.
D. educational laws.
Alejandro, an adult with an intellectual disability, wants to live independently and go to
work just like everyone else. This is consistent with the philosophy of
A. dignity of risk.
B. institutionalization.
C. normalization.
D. systems of support.
The __________ contributes to the communication process by providing the air and
pressure necessary to produce speech sounds.
A. respiratory system
B. vibrating system
C. resonating system
D. speech mechanisms
The vocal production of language refers to
A. communication.
B. speech.
C. symbol.
D. mechanisms.
Which researcher's work in applied behavior analysis has produced many positive
benefits for children with ASD and their families?
A. Hans Asperger
B. Bruno Bettelheim
C. Leo Kanner
D. Ivar Lovaas
According to IDEA, the decision to instruct a child in the use of braille should be based
A. the child's skill levels and future need for braille.
B. the availability of braille instruction.
C. the availability of alternative reading methods.
D. the parents' wishes for literacy instruction.
Huaquing's speech is unrecognizable. She communicates with others using an electronic
device into which she types or programs information. This information is then "read"
back to listeners by the device. Huaquing is using a(n)
A. obturator.
B. low-tech device.
C. speech synthesizer.
D. communication board.
Sierra Blanca Elementary School teachers have just finished assessing all of their
students to determine which students are at risk for academic failure. Which aspect of
the RTI process have they just completed?
A. universal screening
B. Tier 1
C. Tier 2
D. Tier 3
Eduardo has a genetic birth defect that results in chronic lung infections and digestive
difficulties. Eduardo has which of the following conditions?
A. cystic fibrosis
B. diabetes
C. tuberculosis
D. hemophilia
What is an exception to the "people first language" guidelines discussed in Chapter 1?
What is a high school re-entry program, and what elements are necessary for this
program to be effective?
Describe the broad characteristics that a student identified with oppositional defiant
disorder would display.
A student in your classroom has receptive language difficulties. What are some steps
that you can take to make sure she understands what you are telling her (e.g.,
instruction, directions)?
What are the four most commonly used related services?
List three negative, long-term consequences that high-school dropouts experience.
What does the term autistic savant mean?
What are four sources of lead poisoning in children?
Give examples of how a child who is dysfluent and a child who stutters might ask the
question "May I have some milk?"
What are four components of effective early intervention programs for children with
What does the National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program do?
What is a language-sensitive environment?
What are graphic organizers, and how can they help students learn?
List two possible explanations for the increase in the prevalence of ASD.
Define giftedness.
What are the three leading causes of intellectual disabilities?
What is enrichment?
Provide a brief definition of bullying.

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