EDU 95706

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 4034
subject Authors Kristin M. Powers, Thomas J. Kampwirth

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Currently, consultation within the mental health model adopts a more
pyschodynamically orientated approach.
Power and resistance may occur simultaneously during the consultation process.
Part of the ethical problem'solving process includes understanding the legal issues
involved in practical decision-making.
The primary purpose of brief experimental analysis method is to determine whether a
student exhibits a skill or performance deficit.
The current state of behaviorism only takes into consideration external and observable
reasons that are driving a person's behavior.
The purpose of transition planning is to provide young people with the services and
supports they need to move successfully into adult life.
The best way to obtain baseline data is to measure a skill 3 times, using the same
assessment, and averaging out the scores of the 3.
A response cost is when a teacher administers a consequence for a maladaptive
behavior in the form of removing one of a pre-specified number of chances to
Districts prevail in most due process cases.
Family-centered transition planning provides the opportunity for the student to learn
and practice self-advocacy and self-determination.
Instructional match is based on the concept of zone of proximal development in which
the material is matched to a student's skills.
Treatment integrity data can be collected through self-report, direct observation, and
permanent products.
A "cognitive-achievement discrepancy" model refers to considering a student's
achievement level and rate of learning.
According to the National Association of School Psychologists, school psychologists
must have written parental permission to observe a student in his classroom.
Parental expectations appear to have a profound effect on students' postsecondary
Questions serve the following three main purposes: gathering information and data, to
seek opinions, and to solve the consultee's problem.
Mentoring is generally short-term and focused on accomplishing specific tasks.
When supporting or providing instruction to ELLs with limited vocabulary and
background knowledge, it is important to teach comprehension strategies that will
encourage them to read more widely.
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) recommended not using
assessments that directly address the referral questions because the consultant may find
other areas of need.
Systems involved in episodic change were identified to be more successful than those
engaged in continuous change.
Students cannot be taught to study more efficiently.
Applied Behavioral Analysis is the deliberate manipulation of variables believed to be
controlling the target behavior.
The most recent reauthorization of IDEA requires transition planning to begin no later
than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined
suitable by the IEP Team.
In a collaborative model, the role of "expert" may shift from one participant to another.
Reframing a problem in a positive way promotes problem solving.
An example of referent power is when the consultant knows more about interventions
related to the referral question than the consultee.
Emotional disturbance is covered under IDEA (2004), while social maladjustment is
The purpose of transition assessment is to determine the student's present level of
School personnel such as school psychologists can recommend and require that students
with ADHD be treated with medication.
The consultant must have the content expertise to be effective.
During the problem identification stage, the consultant should examine intervention
integrity data and progress monitoring data, and decide whether to discontinue,
continue or modify the intervention.
An effective adaptive instructional strategy includes teaching or modifying instruction
according to a student's learning style (i.e visual, kinesthetic, auditory, left-brain etc.).
Instruction that requires students to explain how they came up with their answers is an
example of instruction that includes
a. Relevant practice
b. A cognitive emphasis
c. Instructional match
d. All of the above
Competent consultants will try to strike a balance between __________ and
___________ power bases.
a. Informational and coercive
b. reward and coercive
c. referent and expert
d. empathetic and referent
What types of consultation questions are more efficient and effective?
a. Single questions
b. Assertive questions
c. Multiple questions
d. Empathetic questions
The "fourth grade slump" and the "8th grade cliff" describes
a. The phenomenon that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer
b. The reading patterns of English Language Learners
c. Tier 2 interventions for struggling readers
d. The achievement gap between the different races
Autism Spectrum Disorder
a. Has been decreasing in prevalence over the past 10 years.
b. Occurs more among boys
c. Can be identified as early as 2 years of age
d. Is always associated with impaired intelligence.
___________ is the process in which consultants follow up with consultees and provide
data on how well an intervention is working.
a. treatment integrity
b. consultee evaluation
c. student observation
d. performance feedback
Some areas consultants can continue to develop in order to become better ethical
problem solvers include
a. Knowledge of one's on world and cultural view and how these values may differ
from others.
b. Identifying the cleanest, easiest solution to an ethical problem.
c. See potential unintended negative effects as extraneous and part of the "cost of doing
business' in schools.
d. Increase confidence that they have the most ethical response.
Transition planning is
a. Preparing youth with disabilities for adult life
b. The right to participate in the least restrictive environment
c. Assessing whether an student's disability caused him to break a school rule
d. Preparing a general education teacher to serve a student with disabilities in her
What tool can be used to measure the quality of a targeted intervention implemetation?
a. brief experimental analysis checklist
b. treatment-integrity checklist
c. intervention assessment
d. progress monitoring scale
Differentiated instruction includes ______________________________.
a. heterogeneous cooperative learning groups.
b. various scaffolding techniques.
c. previewing and reviewing content
d. All of the above.
The system change phase that is characterized by data collection is when stakeholder
a. Determining a need or identifying a problem
b. Determining long term visions
c. Determining alternative practices
d. Institutionalization
Challenges yet to be addressed in current transition programs include
a. Narrowing of curriculum, limited access to postsecondary education, and lack of
b. Narrowing of curriculum, lack of collaboration, and lack of legal mandates
c. Limited access to postsecondary education, lack of collaboration, and lack of legal
d. None of the above
Coaching is
a. Developing skills and assessing treatment integrity
b. Working with individual or small group of educators
c. Providing performance feedback to teachers
d. All of the above
The awkward stage in the Fixsen et al. stages of implementation is
a. Exploration
b. Installation
c. Initial implementation
d. All of the above
Implementation science is/are
a. Interventions that are tested and found to produce excellent outcomes in student
b. Continuous improvements in schools made through data-based decision making
c. A team of researchers who confront or reflect on issues related to academic or
behavior needs of the school
d. The study of conditions that lead to successful implementation of an evidence based
practice in a typical school
Methods to overcome resistance include
a. Making the consultee feel comfortable and establishing a clear plan
b. Reducing the threat and amount of effort required by the consultee
c. Developing positive expectations and offering incentives
d. All of the above
What type of referral should an observation ALWAYS take place?
a. reading problem
b. behavior problem
c. math problem
d. health problem
Student with disabilities are less likely to
a. Drop out of high school
b. Attain competitive employment after high school
c. Be exposed to risk factors associated with school failure
d. None of the above
One of the What Works Clearinghouse suggestions for assisting students with ADHD is
a. Provide explicit, structured and high quality instruction matched to the student's
learning style (probably kinesthetic)
b. Increase the amount of time the student has to take a test
c. Provide behavioral interventions
d. All of the above
__________________ produces a score for each teacher based on his students' increase
or decrease in test scores relative to those same students' prior year results.
a. Teachers' evaluations at high poverty, high performing
b. Value added modeling
c. Treatment integrity
d. Annual yearly progress (AYP)
All of the following are causes of resistance EXCEPT:
a. Habit strength
b. Direct block
c. Lack of skills
d. Poor planning
Positive child-teacher relationships encourage students to:
a. Internalize the teacher's values about school and school work
b. Increase their capacity to "Free think" and work creatively.
c. Talk to their parents more about school
d. Increase the amount of work they get done in a day.
What are the three tiers of an MTSS in a school?
a. Universal, Targeted and Intensive
b. Progress monitoring, Student Study Teams and Treatment Fidelity
c. Primary Education, Secondary Education and Special Education
d. Evidence-based interventions, Problem-solving, Curriculum-based measurement
The purpose of transition planning, a collaborative effort between a student, his/her
parents and teachers, and adult agencies, is to:
a. Improve the perception of consultation among participants
b. Improve the student's academic functioning
c. Improve the student's postsecondary outcomes
d. All the above
The most important and delicate skill applied during consultation is
a. Active listening
b. Questioning
c. Sympathy
d. Examining existing data
What is the purpose of an IEP team?
a. For all professionals to discuss a student's weaknesses compared to his/her peers.
b. To discuss a child's progress throughout the year/ reporting period, and determine
next goals and programs/ resources needed.
c. To conduct interviews for a FBA on the student's behavior.
d. To determine how building funds should be allocated.
What are the two types of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in schools?
a. Special Education, and IDEA (Individual's with Disability Act)
b. SWPBS (school wide positive behavior support and RTI (response to intervention)
c. SST (student support team) and PLC (Professional Learning Communities)
d. Behavioral intervention plans (BIP) and Brief Experimental Analysis (BEA)
Which type of social power is characterized by the ability to dispense or withhold
benefits from another person?
a. Reward
b. Coercive
c. Legitimate
d. Expert
The two ecological systems that consultants need to be cognizant of are family and
community and _____________.
a. Classroom and Schools
b. School districts and socio-economic status
c. Community and ethnicity
d. Consultants and teachers
a. Requires teachers to have a master's degree
b. Discourages consultation because of its expense
c. Is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
d. Has been credited with closing the gap in achievement among all students.
VanDerHeyden and Witt (2008) found that _______________ of students identified as
having academic learning problems actually had performance, not skill, deficits.
a. 35% to 50%
b. 7% to 15%
c. 27% to 50%
d. 50% to 65%
The transition planning process involves making decisions about
a. Living arrangements
b. Further schooling
c. Career choices
d. All of the above
Name and describe five areas of potential conflict of interest for consultants.
Describe person-family centered planning.
Person-centered transition planning emphasizes thinking about transitions into
adulthood from the perspectives of persons with disabilities, their parents, and their
Describe Crane and Mooney's (2005) fours steps to the community resources mapping
As mentioned in the chapter, how can study skills be taught?
Describe 5 of the 10 suggestions for being goal-oriented.
What is School Wide Positive Behavior Support, and how can a consultant be able to
help implement this at a school?
Describe three core features of intensive technical assistance.
What purposes do questions serve, and what are some types of questions that a
consultant may pose?
Describe the key factors influencing transition outcomes for students with disabilities.
Describe four of the six barriers to effective communication.
Describe how assertiveness can facilitate or inhibit consultation.
Compare and contrast expert and referent power.
Compare and contrast "differentiated instruction" and" tracking."
What are some causes of learning problems that consultants can help improve?
Explain when resistance occurs, and describe four of its possible causes.
Provide an example of a measurable postsecondary goal and a measurable annual goal.
What is the relationship between a pro-social student and a student with social,
emotional or behavioral problems? How can this relationship be better facilitated?
Describe the purpose of transition planning, and the decisions that are made through
this process.

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