EDU 94676

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 2989
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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What system allows for direct transmission of sound from the source to the listener's ear
through an earphone using radio waves?
A) hearing aid
B) telecoil
C) audio loop
D) telecomputer device
____ may rectify problems before they become serious, avoid the need for medication
to control behavior, and reduce stress in the family.
B) Screening tools
C) Manifestation determination
D) Early intervention
Which of the following is an example of a data-based practice that improves students'
vocabulary and reading comprehension skills, particularly for expository text such as
that found in textbooks?
A) explicit instruction
B) graphic organizers
D) communication boards
All of the following social characteristics are common among children with visual
disabilities EXCEPT
A) lack play skills.
B) ask too many irrelevant questions.
C) tend to be more assertive than their sighted peers.
D) engage in inappropriate acts of affection.
When working with preschoolers with autism, Ms. DeVault uses a highly structured
technique involving teacher-directed activities, repetition of skills through practice, and
careful application of rewards. Ms. DeVault is using
A) task analysis.
B) discrete trial training.
C) behavior analysis.
D) structured teaching.
How well individuals can use their sight is described as
A) visual acuity.
B) visual efficiency.
C) visual effectiveness.
D) visual ability.
Student participation in development of their IEPs promotes __________, which are
behaviors needed for independent living such as making decisions, choosing
preferences, and practicing self-advocacy.
A) technical reading skills
B) self-determination
C) life skills
D) community-based instruction
The term __________ refers to equipment or services to help compensate for an
individual's disabilities.
A) universal design for learning
B) assistive technology
C) related services
D) itinerant services
Fourteen-year-old Ellis frequently loses his temper, argues with adults, actively defies
or refuses to comply with requests or rules of adults, and is often spiteful and
vindictive. Ellis meets the
A) characteristics of emotional disturbance, as defined by the federal government.
B) characteristics of oppositional defiant disorder, according to the DSM-IV-TR.
C) traits associated with internalizing behavior disorders.
D) part of the NMHSEC definition for emotional or behavioral disorders.
Sylvia has an intellectual disability. Using the 2002 AAIDD (formerly the AAMR)
definition, this means that her disability originated before age __________.
A) 3
B) 10
C) 18
D) 21
For many cultures, collaboration with family often means
A) rejection of the community's teachings.
B) participation of extended family members.
C) antipathy of parents toward school personnel.
D) respecting the student's right to refuse to do homework.
Prevalence reports on deaf-blind students often vary because
A) many are reported under other categories.
B) most deaf-blind students are in private schools.
C) many deaf-blind students do not attend school.
D) programs for students with severe disabilities are not included in student counts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ziyi have a two-year-old daughter with ASD who is receiving early
intervention services through Part C of IDEA. Once their daughter turns three, what are
the options for her educational services?
Which of the following is NOT one of the typical behavioral traits of children with
A) problems with communication
B) social skills difficulties
C) academic deficits
D) repetitive behaviors or interests
The term "Deaf of Deaf" refers to
A) profoundly deaf.
B) being born Deaf of Deaf parents.
C) prelingually deaf individuals.
D) tired of hearing about Deaf people.
Ms. Derech has two gifted students in her class. One challenge she will face is
A) planning lessons that are stimulating for gifted students often results in the rest of
the class becoming confused or left out.
B) the pressure to increase achievement for all students results in higher order thinking
skills and creativity being eliminated from classroom instruction.
C) dealing with the acting-out behaviors that are common among these students.
D) finding a way to suppress creativity while simultaneously encouraging enthusiasm.
Abdul has mild problems in the areas of communication, social skills, and unusual
behaviors. Which of the following conditions is consistent with his characteristics?
C) Rett syndrome
D) Asperger syndrome
Finding the relationships and connections that units of information possess is referred to
A) generalization.
B) clustering.
C) associatiing.
D) sequencing.
Ms. Lincoln, a special education teacher, and Ms. Waters, a general educator, teach
together in the same classroom, sharing the same group of students. This is an example
A) a resource room.
B) progress monitoring.
C) co-teaching.
D) multitiered instruction.
____ has/have contributed to many public misperceptions of ADHD.
A) Poorly conducted research by specialists in brain injuries
B) Ad campaigns by pharmaceutical companies
C) Sensational media coverage
D) Vaguely written legislation
One problem with the IDEA definition of ASD is that
A) it specifies identification before age 3 when, in fact, most children are not identified
with ASD until the age of 10 or older.
B) the IDEA definition includes NO mention of impact on social interactions.
C) it is a general description and lacks specificity needed to fully understand the
D) the IDEA definition lists serious emotional disturbance as a characteristic of autism.
All of the following are ossicles EXCEPT for the
A) cochlea.
B) malleus.
C) incus.
D) stapes.
An environmental toxin that causes intellectual disabilities among low-income children
due to paint in older apartments and houses is
A) lead.
B) mercury.
C) asbestos.
D) silicon.
All of the toddlers below have speech or language impairments. Which child is likely to
have the best outcomes?
A) Child A, who receives therapy from an SLP in a clinic
B) Child B, who receives home-based interventions with her parents
C) Child C, who receives SLP services in her preschool
D) Child D, who receives therapy in a clinic and home-based interventions with her
Which person is generally considered to have been the first to officially document
characteristics in children now associated with ADHD?
A) Kurt Goldstein
B) Dr. George Still
C) Alfred Strauss
D) Heinz Werner
Mr. Shinawatra allows his students with learning disabilities to listen to a tape recording
of tests to ensure that their poor reading ability does not impact their ability to show
their learning. He is using which type of accommodation that is discussed in your text?
A) giving students feedback and reinforcement for success
B) providing structure and a standard set of expectations
C) adjusting instructional materials and activities
D) making tasks interesting
Reza is having trouble learning to read. His teacher provides increasingly intensive
classroom interventions aimed at improving his skills. When he fails to make adequate
progress with these interventions, his teacher feels that he is resistant to treatment and a
good candidate for having a learning disability. Which method of identifying learning
disabilities is being used with Reza?
A) discrepancy formula
B) response to intervention
D) portfolio assessment
Your textbook lists which of the following considerations when using interpreters from
a family's community?
A) Parents may feel uncomfortable discussing negative aspects of their child's
academics or behavior.
B) The interpreter may not speak the same linguistic dialect as the family.
C) District approval for interpretation services is more difficult to obtain when the
interpreter is a local citizen.
D) Interpreters should only be provided at meetings where legal paperwork is to be
signed, such as IEP meetings.
ESL classes conduct instruction primarily in
A) the home language.
B) English.
C) both languages.
D) English with occasional help from paraprofessionals.
Many parents, deaf students, and educators believe that general education settings are
___ than residential settings.
A) more restrictive
B) less restrictive
C) more inclusive
D) better
Which statement about families of individuals with intellectual disabilities is accurate?
A) These families are usually in crisis.
B) The stress takes a negative toll on siblings.
C) These families function much as typical families do.
D) These families have lower levels of stress than families without a member with a
Students with mental retardation are often unable to learn incidentally, which refers to
A) performing a task when instructed, but failing to repeat it.
B) learning from ordinary or "everyday" experiences.
C) generalizing effects of direct instruction.
D) learning by associating content with a series of incidents in their lives.
Give a brief definition of PECS.
List some helpful accommodations for college students with learning disabilities.
Describe the physical process of hearing.
Damage to the outer or middle ear is called conductive hearing loss. List two other facts
about this type of hearing loss.
What does Identification (Step 3 of the IEP process) include?
Explain the role of interveners in the education of deaf-blind students.
What is a multiple-severe disability?
What is one social goal of inclusive education?
Explain how the bone conduction audiometry method works.
Discuss teaching methods and strategies that promote classroom success for students
with learning disabilities.
List two reasons why cases of TBI may go undetected, or are not detected for a while.
Ms. DeBarysche is an occupational therapist. Give three examples of skills she might
work on with a student.
List some characteristics of mathematics/learning disabilities.
Why do you think students with mild or moderate hearing losses are frequently
overlooked, or incorrectly thought to have an attention or a learning problem?
List at least four characteristics of a culturally competent teacher.
Give some examples of how a teacher can create a language-sensitive classroom by
improving students' pragmatics skills.
Your text mentioned a problem within the foster care system regarding poor continuity
of services for older students. What is that problem?
List four major causes of hearing loss and preventive measures for each.
Describe the characteristics of a child with language delays.

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