EDU 85328

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1699
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Which of the following statements is true about postpartum depression?
A) About 3 to 5 percent of fathers report symptoms after the birth of a child.
B) It subsides as the new mother adjusts to hormonal changes in her body.
C) It subsides as the new mother gains confidence in caring for her baby.
D) It is common and does not interfere with children's development.
Gina said, "My toy breaked," and her mother replied, "Yes, you broke your toy." Her
mother's response is an example of
A) shading.
B) recasting.
C) turnabout.
D) overregularization.
__________ is the first depth cue to which infants are sensitive.
A) Motion
B) Stereopsis
C) Perspective
D) Texture
The still-face reaction
A) occurs when communication is between an infant and a still-faced doll.
B) does not occur in nonindustrialized countries.
C) occurs only when natural human communication is disrupted.
D) is a learned response to a caregiver's ambiguous communication.
Heritability estimates computed within black and white populations provide
A) direct evidence on what accounts for between-group differences in both black and
white populations.
B) direct evidence on what accounts for between-group differences in black populations
but not in white populations.
C) direct evidence on what accounts for between-group differences in white populations
but not in black populations.
D) no direct evidence on what accounts for between-group differences.
Dr. Miller wants to assess the moral reasoning of young children with a short-answer
questionnaire that allows for efficient gathering and scoring of information. Dr. Miller
will most likely use the
A) Wechsler Inventory of Social-Conventional Reasoning.
B) Woodcock-Johnson Assessment of Moral Reasoning.
C) Moral Judgment Interview.
D) Sociomoral Reflection Measure"Short Form.
Dr. Milo believes that moral behavior is acquired through reinforcement and modeling.
Dr. Milo's view is consistent with
A) the biological perspective.
B) psychoanalytic theory.
C) the social learning perspective.
D) Piaget's theory of moral development.
The risk of bearing a baby with Down syndrome rises dramatically with
A) paternal age.
B) maternal age.
C) maternal smoking.
D) paternal radiation exposure.
According to the investment theory of creativity, which of the following children
exhibits an essential characteristic of creativity?
A) Polly is intolerant of ambiguity.
B) Swen alternates between fluid and crystallized thinking.
C) Yasmin has the ability to find problems.
D) Tanner has a high IQ.
When June's father enters the room at her child-care center, June breaks into a broad,
friendly smile. When he picks her up, June pats his face, explores his hair, and snuggles
against him. June is exhibiting
A) attachment.
B) empathy.
C) temperament.
D) compliance.
Two interrelated factors that increase the chances that an intimate bond forged in
emerging adulthood will be satisfying and last a lifetime are __________ and
A) initial period of cohabitation; strong sexual attraction
B) financial stability; complex self-concepts
C) partner similarity; good communication
D) "opposites attract"; sexual compatibility
Which of the following is a side effect of harsh punishment?
A) It models aggression.
B) It helps children distinguish between prosocial and antisocial behaviors.
C) It permanently stops children's misbehavior.
D) It encourages children to seek closeness with adults.
Today, _____ percent of U.S. schools no longer provide recess to students as young as
second grade.
A) 2
B) 7
C) 15
D) 20
Control over the treatment is generally weaker in a __________ experiment than in a
__________ experiment.
A) field; natural, or quasi-,
B) laboratory; field
C) field; laboratory
D) laboratory; natural, or quasi-,
Dean associates certain activities, roles, and traits as being typical for either males or
females. His associations conform to cultural stereotypes and encompass many
gender-linked responses. This is an example of gender
A) atypicality.
B) roles.
C) typing.
D) identity.
Five-year-old Johan has very high self-esteem. His parents wonder whether this will
change once he enters elementary school. Most likely, Johan's self-esteem will
A) continue to rise, as long as he does not engage in social comparison with his peers.
B) maintain its current level, but will slowly decline in the areas of peer relationships
and athletic competence.
C) continue to rise until he makes the transition from elementary to middle school.
D) decline over the first few years of elementary school, but will likely rise after fourth
Nathan is not especially good at disclosing information to his parents. Which of the
following is most likely true for Nathan?
A) His parents use an authoritative parenting style.
B) His parents will have difficulty in successfully monitoring Nathan's activities.
C) His parents have established a healthy dominance hierarchy within the family.
D) His parents have been influential in Nathan's prosocial behaviors.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the results of a survey about the
Internet as a "sex educator"?
A) Media exposure to sexual content causes adolescents to engage in risky sexual
B) The Internet is the best source for accurate medical information about sexual
C) Youths who were involved in delinquent activities had more encounters with Internet
D) Nearly 90 percent of 10- to 17-year-olds said they viewed online pornographic
websites while surfing the Internet in the past 12 months.
If you ask 4-year-old Mariah to describe herself, she will most likely mention
A) personality traits.
B) special competencies.
C) social virtues.
D) observable characteristics.
Although he was long overlooked in the history of child development, Baldwin
A) adapted Binet's intelligence test for use with English-speaking children.
B) granted nature and nurture equal importance.
C) viewed development as a continuous process.
D) was among the first to make developmental research relevant to parents.
Research suggests that infants first use statistical learning abilities to
A) learn a foreign language.
B) locate words in speech.
C) establish joint attention with caregivers.
D) produce short sentences.
Baby Raja accidentally pushes over a tower of blocks. Each time his sister rebuilds the
tower, Raja tries to push it over. In Piaget's theory, this is an example of a __________
circular reaction.
A) reflexive
B) primary
C) secondary
D) tertiary
Yolanda has learned how to solve math problems by rote, which means she
A) seldom makes errors on new problems.
B) understands why certain strategies are essential for solid mastery of basic math.
C) often invents successful strategies to solve new problems.
D) cannot apply the procedure to new problems.
According to Piaget, two factors that limit children's moral understanding are
__________ and __________.
A) a limited understanding of conservation; egocentrism
B) animistic thinking; a lack of concern for others
C) the power of adults to insist that children comply; cognitive immaturity
D) an underdeveloped ego; poor perspective-taking skills
When an authoritarian child-rearing style high in psychological or coercive control
becomes excessive, the child will
A) display anxiety, depression, and aggressive behavior.
B) show respect only for adults who are in positions of authority.
C) become a socially competent and independent adult, but will have unhappy
childhood memories.
D) become a passive, submissive teenager who is unable to make independent
Gina is an intellectually curious child. She is a familiar patron at her local library. This
example illustrates
A) canalization.
B) an evocative gene"environment correlation.
C) a passive gene"environment correlation.
D) an active gene"environment correlation.
Mischel's research shows that diverting attention is especially important in teaching
children to
A) monitor temptation.
B) resist temptation.
C) transform stimuli in ways that emphasize arousing qualities.
D) be able to plan effectively.
In event sampling, the observer records
A) all instances of a particular behavior during a specified time period.
B) all behaviors that occur during a specified time period.
C) whether certain behaviors occur during a sample of short time intervals.
D) similar behavior patterns in participants who are the same age.
Cross-cultural research shows that German and Greek caregivers use a(n) __________
parenting style common in cultures that value independence, while Nso caregivers use
a(n) __________ parenting style typical in cultures that value interdependence.
A) authoritarian; permissive
B) permissive; uninvolved
C) distal; proximal
D) proximal; distal
Seven-year-old Carlos is presented with a verbatim digit span task. Carlos should be
able to recall _________ digits.
A) 1 or 2
B) 2 or 3
C) 4 or 5
D) 6 or 7
Today, Bandura's theory stresses the importance of
A) cognition.
B) punishment.
C) heredity.
D) classical conditioning.
Research conducted on schooled and nonschooled children in the Jimi Valley of Papua
New Guinea indicates that
A) nonrepresentational scribbles seem to be a universal beginning in drawing.
B) schooled children include fewer details in their drawings than nonschooled children.
C) early drawings of the human figure produced by nonschooled children emphasize
the head and face over the hands and feet.
D) schooling has minimal impact on children's first representational shapes and forms.
Many adult reformulations inform children about grammar through which of the
following two techniques, often used in combination?
A) turnabout and shading
B) overregularization and shading
C) recasts and expansions
D) semantic bootstrapping and infant-directed speech

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