EDU 84659

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2229
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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Guillermina speaks Spanish as her native language. Guillermina is considered
A. linguistically diverse.
B. culturally assimilated.
C. to have a language disorder.
D. historically overrepresented.
All of the following are indicative of ASD at a very early age EXCEPT
A. becomes agitated with minor changes in routine.
B. shares and shows toys to others excessively.
C. inability to engage in imaginative play.
D. is less likely to point out objects of interest.
Which method of testing bypasses the outer and middle ear?
A. air conduction audiometry
B. bone conduction method
C. cochlear stimulation method
D. hearing threshold audiometer
Ricardo has a score of 50 dB on the air conduction and 50 dB on bone conduction
methods of audiometry. Ricardo has
A. mild hearing loss.
B. sensorineural hearing loss.
C. conductive hearing loss.
D. severe hearing loss.
There are times when Ms. Dismuke is sure that Jennifer is daydreaming or nearly
falling asleep. She catches Jennifer blinking or exhibiting involuntary arm movements.
In fact, Jennifer is experiencing seizures during that time period, but is unaware of the
fact. Jennifer is having __________ seizures.
A. simple partial
B. complex partial
C. absence
D. generalized tonic-clonic
Isha has ASD. Her parents are looking for apps that will help her communicate more
effectively. They should
A. focus on apps that were designed especially for students with ASD.
B. know that any app will be helpful, because technology supports are universally
C. narrow their search to apps that are appealing to girls.
D. consider apps that focus on the specific communication characteristics that they
Arya is extremely motivated, focused, task oriented, and demonstrates great
perseverance. She demonstrates characteristics of
A. creativity.
B. task commitment.
C. special talents.
D. acceleration.
The rate and flow pattern of a person's speech describes
A. articulation.
B. speech.
C. voice.
D. fluency.
Which model allows people to maintain their various languages, cultures, and
institutions while encouraging their participation in society as a whole?
A. separation
B. melting pot
C. cultural pluralism
D. Americanism
Keone developed normally until he was 5 years old, when his parents noticed a marked
regression in his language and social skills. Keone is displaying characteristics of a
child with
A. childhood disintegrative disorder.
B. Asperger syndrome.
C. Rett syndrome.
D. pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified.
Baylor has just gone through the Assessment step of the IEP process, where it was
determined that he did NOT have a disability. What will happen next?
A. He will be given more tests until a disability is discovered.
B. The IEP process will be discontinued.
C. His parents will be sent a bill to cover the costs of assessment, which are free only if
the child is discovered to have a disability.
D. He will receive individualized services through Section 501)
Makayla's hearing is within the 71"90 dB, where even loud speech is hard to
understand. Which type of hearing loss does she have?
A. severe
B. profound
C. moderate
D. moderately severe
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Medical interventions reduce hyperactivity and improve attention so that
improvement in schoolwork is usually seen immediately.
B. To gain improvement in academics and behavior, students with ADHD require a
combination of behavioral and medical interventions.
C. Behavior therapy is more effective than medical intervention for improving
academic success for students with ADHD.
D. Medical intervention is more effective than behavior therapy in reducing all the
problems associated with ADHD.
Which famous entrepreneur with a learning disability flunked second grade, scored 130
on an IQ test but graduated at the bottom of his/her class, yet still developed a business
that is highly ranked by Forbes Magazine?
A. Gloria Vanderbilt
B. Sean "P. Diddy" Combs
C. Paul Orfalea
D. Lee Iacocca
All of the students in Mr. Adams' language arts class complete the same instructional
activity, but with varying levels of difficulty that are based on their individual readiness
levels. This is an example of
A. instructional scaffolding.
B. tiered content.
C. curriculum compacting.
D. a jigsaw activity.
Bella wants to go outside, so she hands a picture to her mother that conveys her desire.
Bella is using which validated practice?
A. structured TEACCHing
C. discrete trial
D. a low-tech app
The retina
A. expands and contracts in response to the intensity of light it receives.
B. changes its thickness, thereby bringing objects into focus.
C. has photosensitive cells that react to light rays and send messages along the optic
D. can become clouded as a result of cataracts.
Which person's erroneous theories about "refrigerator mothers" and absentee fathers
being the cause of autism caused untold devastation for families?
A. Hans Asperger
B. Bruno Bettelheim
C. Leo Kanner
D. Ivar Lovaas
The point at which a person first perceives the softest sound at each frequency level is
defined as
A. an audiogram.
B. a decibel.
C. the hearing threshold.
D. a pure sound.
Marland's definition of giftedness does NOT include
A. a specific time period for identification.
B. areas of demonstrated achievement.
C. a minimal IQ score.
D. a consideration for potential ability.
Which student is more likely to be referred and identified as having an emotional or
behavioral disorder?
A. Jennifer, a Caucasian female
B. Joaquin, a Hispanic male
C. Jamal, an African American male
D. Jai, an Asian American male
The IDEA definition of multiple disabilities stipulates that
A. students' needs must be so severe that they cannot be accommodated in special
education programs designed for students with only one impairment.
B. deaf-blindness is included in this category.
C. students must make use of special education services until they turn 21 or risk losing
rehabilitation counseling services as adults.
D. this is an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting
in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment.
Dr. Bordelon is the special education director for a small school district of
approximately 15,000 students, 52% of whom are boys. Assuming her students are
similar to those in the national population, about how many boys with ASD can she
anticipate in her district?
A. approximately 150
B. between 300"400
C. nearly 50
D. about 15
Graylen has an exceptionally challenging condition. He has more than one disability
that influences his learning, independence, and the range of intensive and pervasive
supports that he and his family require. Graylen has
A. multiple-severe disabilities.
B. autism.
D. Asperger syndrome.
The first re-authorization of the EHA
A. added the disability categories of autism and traumatic brain injury.
B. added services for infants, toddlers, and their families.
C. strengthened transitional services for adolescents with disabilities.
D. required students with disabilities to participate in state and district-wide testing.
Which child described below exhibits unexpected underachievement?
A. Lillyann, grade 2, performs math problems at the fourth-grade level.
B. Ariana, grade 4, performs at the third-grade level in all areas.
C. Jasmine, grade 4, performs at the fourth-grade level in all areas except reading,
which is at the second-grade level.
D. Nicole, grade 2, performs at the kindergarten level in all areas.
An example of an internalizing behavioral problem is
A. withdrawal.
B. cursing a teacher.
C. hitting other children.
D. stealing.
The number of vibrations per second determines the frequency of the sound that is
measured by which unit?
A. decibel
B. hertz (Hz)
C. watt
D. volts
Ileana is a college sophomore who is thinking of majoring in education, but is worried
about increasing violence in the schools. Ileana should know that
A. she will have few behavioral concerns as long as she teaches at an elementary
B. violence that results in student and teacher deaths has actually decreased slightly, but
weapons possession has increased.
C. aggressive incidents are actually on the decline, and extreme violence is
comparatively rare.
D. violence tends to occur less in rural or suburban schools, so she should try and get a
job outside of a big city.
Which condition is primarily responsible for the dramatic increase in the other health
impairments category?
B. asthma
C. type 1 diabetes
D. sickle cell anemia
A middle school student is involved in a program where topics or skills are added to the
traditional curriculum, and are often presented in more depth. The student is in which
type of program?
A. grade skipping
B. curriculum compacting
C. enrichment
D. independent study
Briefly describe Gardner's eight dimensions of intelligence.
Discuss the challenges that many diverse students face getting admitted to college.
What is a definition of least restrictive environment?
Explain what mobility is when used to refer to skills for students with visual
Briefly describe juvenile arthritis.
What is the definition of legally blind?
What are the three adaptive skill areas?
Why is early intervention in phonological awareness important?
List four types of internalizing behaviors.
How many students are permitted to take alternate assessments?
Explain curriculum compacting.
What are executive functions?

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