EDU 75453

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1546
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Dr. Lector provides a full picture of a convicted criminal's psychological functioning by
combining interviews, observations, test scores, and neurobiological assessments.
Which of the following information-gathering methods is Dr. Lector likely using?
A) naturalistic observation
B) longitudinal research design
C) the clinical, or case study, method
D) ethnography
For collaboration between heterogeneous peers to succeed, teachers need to
A) provide the children with extensive guidance.
B) provide repetitive drill and practice activities.
C) hire formal tutors for students.
D) develop a tracking system to measure individual and group progress.
Research shows that child rearing becomes __________ in middle childhood for those
parents who established a(n) __________ style during the early years.
A) easier; permissive
B) harder; authoritative
C) easier; authoritative
D) harder; uninvolved
When Mario leans in to take his turn at marbles, his knee repeatedly knocks the marbles
askew. Talbot says, "It's frustrating when you do that. Try kneeling over here so that
you don"t mess up the game." Talbot's statement is reflective of a __________ child.
A) popular-prosocial
B) rejected-aggressive
C) rejected-withdrawn
D) popular-antisocial
Which of the following factors underlie the younger-age language-learning advantage?
A) neural networks becoming dedicated to processing native-language sounds
B) sensitivity to sound variations in languages not regularly heard
C) complete lateralization of the language function to the left hemisphere
D) an ability to hear sound variations across all languages
During early childhood, gender-stereotyped beliefs
A) weaken.
B) first emerge.
C) strengthen.
D) disappear.
In a study of the college learning experiences of seniors scoring low and high in
epistemic cognition, high-scoring students
A) frequently reported activities that encouraged them to struggle with realistic but
ambiguous problems.
B) focused primarily on the familiar aspects of a problem.
C) were less likely than low-scoring students to mention faculty encouragement and
D) worked to find the most objective aspects and solutions for a given problem.
Research shows that school-age children who hold flexible beliefs about what boys and
girls can do
A) are extremely critical of peers who engage in traditionally "masculine" or "feminine"
B) may disagree with instances of gender discrimination, but will feel uncomfortable
making changes in the situation.
C) are more likely to notice instances of gender discrimination.
D) have mothers who engage in traditionally "feminine" household duties, such as
cooking and cleaning.
When sampled, most 18- to 25-year-olds in the United States felt they had reached
A) when they turned 18.
B) when they turned 21.
C) about the time they got their first full-time job.
D) when they reached their late twenties and early thirties.
Benita is 14 months old. Her diet should include
A) only breast milk.
B) breast milk and some protein.
C) all of the basic food groups.
D) formula and several servings of cereal.
In the United States, __________ students are the most isolated group.
A) black
B) Hispanic
C) white
D) Asian
Children of __________ show favorable adjustment, such as higher self-esteem,
positive peer relations, less gender-stereotyped beliefs, and better grades.
A) stay-at-home mothers
B) mothers who enjoy their work and remain committed to parenting
C) single parents
D) father-headed households
Which of the following statements is true about individual and group differences in
pubertal growth?
A) Heredity contributes substantially to the timing of pubertal changes.
B) In developing countries, boys and girls reach pubertal milestones at about the same
C) Girls who begin rigorous athletic training at an early age usually experience early
D) In developing countries, girls from affluent families consistently reach menarche 6
to 18 months later than those from economically disadvantaged homes.
Before children can combine words and modify them in meaningful ways, they must
A) have begun the mastery of vocabulary.
B) master their culture's narrative mode.
C) understand the guidelines for effective conversation.
D) figure out how gestures, tone of voice, and context clarify meaning.
Which of the following statements is true regarding fuzzy-trace theory?
A) Gist memories decay more rapidly than verbatim memories.
B) Gist memory requires more mental effort than verbatim memory.
C) Children under the age of 5 show little ability to answer verbatim-dependent
D) School-aged children are better able than preschoolers at answering gist-dependent
Ben is a typical infant. He was 21 inches long and 8 pounds at birth. Assuming normal
growth, what is a realistic estimate of his measurements at age 6 months?
A) 30 inches and 12 pounds
B) 36 inches and 12 pounds
C) 42 inches and 16 pounds
D) 45 inches and 23 pounds
During __________, advances in perspective taking permit an empathic response not
just to people's immediate distress, but also to their general life condition.
A) infancy and toddlerhood
B) early childhood
C) middle childhood
D) late childhood and adolescence
Evidence confirms that, when making decisions, adolescents, relative to adults, are
A) less willing to take risks.
B) more influenced by the possibility of immediate reward.
C) more apt to seek advice from others.
D) more likely to learn from feedback by revising their decision-making strategies.
When participants in her longitudinal study on the effects of child care moved away or
dropped out, Dr. Swan was probably concerned about
A) biased sampling.
B) selective attrition.
C) practice effects.
D) cohort effects.
To learn the words "chef," "pasta," and "sauce," 12-year-old Harris imagines himself
wearing a chef's hat and pouring a special sauce over a plate of pasta. Which of the
following memory strategies is Harris using?
A) rehearsal
B) elaboration
C) organization
D) utilization
John Bowlby's theory of attachment was inspired by studies of
A) imprinting.
B) drive reduction.
C) scaffolding.
D) social referencing.
Three-year-old Ally throws a block at her sister, who starts to cry. Her mother says,
"Your sister is crying because you hurt her." Ally's mother is using __________ as a
form of discipline.
A) induction
B) reverse psychology
C) punishment
D) construction
__________ theory of attachment recognizes the infant's emotional tie to the caregiver
as an evolved response that promotes survival.
A) Ecological systems
B) Sociocultural
C) Behaviorist
D) Ethological
Research on social problem solving shows that
A) without adult intervention, quarrels among preschoolers often result in physical
B) social conflicts have a negative impact on children's problem-solving skills.
C) children who get along well with agemates tend to hold biased social expectations.
D) children with peer difficulties often misinterpret others' behaviors.
At birth, babies
A) cannot hear high-pitched sounds.
B) display no taste preferences.
C) display certain odor preferences.
D) cannot detect nonspeech sounds.
A study that asked infants to distinguish between ABA and ABB structured strings of
nonsense words revealed that infants.
A) cannot detect speech patterns in nonsense words.
B) can detect simple word-order rules.
C) cannot detect regularities in word sequences.
D) are less attentive to nonsense words than to nonspeech sounds.
Which of the following factors fosters resilience?
A) an inability to inhibit impulses
B) having more than two siblings
C) social support outside the immediate family
D) an emotionally reactive personality
The Enlightenment period brought new philosophies that
A) emphasized ideals of human dignity and respect.
B) emphasized original sin.
C) regarded children as noble savages.
D) recognized the need to protect children from people who might mistreat them.
Fourteen-year-old Farica volunteers at a local animal shelter to help her decide whether
to become a veterinarian. Farica is demonstrating identity
A) moratorium.
B) achievement.
C) foreclosure.
D) diffusion.
Children of divorce spend an average of _____ years in a single-parent home.
A) two
B) five
C) eight
D) ten
As part of a school project, Pritindra gathers food donations for the poor and homeless.
What is the likely result of Pritindra's participation in this project?
A) a belief that personal factors, such as low intelligence or addiction problems, are the
cause of an individual's plight
B) a commitment to future community service and a gain further in moral maturity
C) a distaste for community service that is forced upon him by those in positions of
D) a sense of sympathy, but not empathy, for those in need

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