EDU 71087

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1717
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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According to the social interactionist perspective, __________, __________, and
__________ combine to help children discover the functions and regularities of
A) positive social interactions; a strong sense of self; an understanding of abstract
B) cognitive ability; physical ability; enthusiasm for learning
C) native capacity; a strong desire to understand others and be understood by them; a
rich language environment
D) the ability to imitate; recognize rules; recognize patterns
An appreciation of mixed emotions helps school-age children realize that
A) people's expressions may not reflect their true feelings.
B) pride elicits the same emotion as happiness and surprise.
C) basic emotions are more complex than self-conscious emotions.
D) two emotions cannot really occur at once.
In ecological systems theory, children are
A) primarily influenced by the social transmission of knowledge.
B) controlled by successful imprinting during the early critical period.
C) both products and producers of their environments.
D) driven solely by their inner dispositions.
Regina is a low-SES mother whose husband has taken on considerable child-care
responsibilities after the birth of their son. Regina is likely to
A) report a higher level of distress due to her husband's actions.
B) engage in high-quality mother"child interactions with her newborn.
C) feel a dependent emotional connection to her spouse.
D) slowly give up larger portions of child-rearing activities in favor of spending more
hours at work.
Mastery of false belief signals a change in representationthe ability to view beliefs as
A) scale errors.
B) desires existing in a person's inner states.
C) mental inferences.
D) interpretations, not just reflections, of reality.
The fact that IQ correlations increase with age for identical twins, but decrease with age
for fraternal twins, suggests that
A) the genetic likeness of identical twins causes them to seek out similar niches in
adolescence and adulthood.
B) the influence of rearing conditions on IQ is stronger for identical twins than fraternal
C) rearing experiences play a larger role early in life, whereas genetic influences play a
larger role later in life.
D) the contribution of heredity to IQ decreases with age.
Two-year-old Nerea uses the word "ball" for anything round, including the moon, a
globe, and a light fixture. She is making an __________ error.
A) overextension
B) overregularization
C) underregularization
D) underextension
Natalie is a girl with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. She will most likely
A) show lower activity levels than other girls.
B) prefer girls as playmates more than boys.
C) experience an insecure gender identity.
D) prefer cars, trucks, and blocks more than dolls.
Research shows that emerging adults who continue to reside with their parents
A) a more successful transition to college life.
B) extreme loneliness and isolation from friends.
C) higher academic achievement.
D) an increase in parent"child conflict over values related to the young person's future.
The most widely discussed threat to the validity of longitudinal findings is
A) biased sampling.
B) selective attrition.
C) practice effects.
D) cohort effects.
Carroll represents the structure of intelligence as
A) 180 unique intellectual factors organized along three dimensions.
B) a pyramid with g at the top, broad abilities in the second tier, and narrow abilities in
the third tier.
C) at least eight independent intelligences that are based on distinct sets of processing
D) three interacting theories: componential, experiential, and contextual.
Cross-cultural findings reveal that most societies promote
A) the genetically primed dominance of females.
B) instrumental traits in males and expressive traits in females.
C) the competition for mates among females.
D) greater androgynous behavior among males than females.
The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition, measures general intelligence and
five intellectual factors:
A) verbal comprehension, verbal fluency, verbal reasoning, number sequencing, and
spatial visualization.
B) fluid reasoning, quantitative reasoning, knowledge, visual-spatial processing, and
working memory.
C) reasoning, memory, knowledge, perceptual speed, and spatial visualization.
D) language comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, sequential reasoning,
abstract/visual reasoning, and quantitative reasoning.
Emergent literacy refers to
A) the automatic retrieval of word meanings in long-term memory during reading and
writing tasks.
B) children's active efforts to construct literacy knowledge through informal
C) a method of reading instruction that parallels children's natural language learning.
D) an approach to beginning reading instruction that emphasizes phonics.
Sometime between 22 and 26 weeks,
A) vernix and lanugo begin to cover the skin.
B) a fetus has a chance of survival outside the womb.
C) synchrony between the fetal heart rate and motor activity peaks.
D) the external genitals are formed.
In her classroom, Kim and small groups of students take turns leading dialogues on the
content of various texts. This is an example of
A) cooperative learning.
B) reciprocal teaching.
C) scaffolding.
D) guided participation.
Research indicates that children's cognitive immaturity
A) results from overstimulation during infancy and toddlerhood.
B) results from a lack of stimulation.
C) hinders their mastery of basic academic skills.
D) may be adaptive.
Attributional retraining is most effective when
A) parents engage in authoritarian child rearing.
B) begun early, before children's views of themselves become hard to change.
C) children are presented with simple tasks that require little effort.
D) low-effort students are encouraged to focus more on grades and less on mastering a
task for its own sake.
A major criticism of theories that regard morality as entirely a matter of internalization
of societal norms is that
A) the role of emotion is disregarded in the development of prosocial behavior.
B) they do not consider cultural influences on moral development.
C) they overemphasize biological contributions to morality.
D) prevailing standards sometimes may be at odds with important ethical principles and
humanitarian goals.
Which of the following statements is true about antisocial adolescents?
A) They are delayed in maturity of moral judgment.
B) They tend to view aggression as within the moral domain.
C) They score high in moral identity.
D) They have low self-esteem.
In his psychosocial theory, Erik Erikson emphasized that
A) conflicts about anal control may appear if parents toilet train before children are
B) in addition to mediating between id impulses and superego demands, the ego makes
a positive contribution to development.
C) children feel a sexual desire for the other-sex parent.
D) directly observable eventsstimuli and responsesare the appropriate focus of study.
Which state-word distinction is most likely to appear first in a child's vocabulary?
A) "today"tomorrow"
B) "big"small"
C) "wide"narrow"
D) "now"then"
Nutrition is especially crucial during
A) the first two years.
B) the preschool years.
C) middle childhood.
D) adolescence.
Some evidence indicates that although the morality of males and females includes both
orientations, females tend to stress __________, whereas males stress __________.
A) justice; empathetic perspective taking
B) empathetic perspective taking; care
C) care; justice
D) justice; care
Once young people enter the formal operational stage, they are able to systematically
isolate and combine variables to see which of these inferences are confirmed in the real
world through
A) hypothetico-deductive reasoning.
B) animistic thinking.
C) transitive inference.
D) analogical problem solving.
According to Piaget, tertiary circular reactions include
A) the ability to find a hidden object that has been moved while out of sight.
B) deferred imitation and private speech.
C) the ability to search in several locations for a hidden object.
D) make-believe play and social speech.
Currently, statistical learning theorists are investigating how __________ might
combine with other general-cognitive and language-specific processing abilities to
explain children's acquisition of increasingly complex language structures.
A) sensitivity to statistical regularities
B) learning American Sign Language
C) becoming bilingual
D) sensitivity to nonspeech sounds
According to research on language development, when do children begin to detect the
internal structure of sentences and words?
A) almost immediately after birth
B) by the time they are 7 months old
C) in the second half of the first year
D) when they are between 12 and 14 months old
Baby Brenda is an anxious, emotionally reactive child with a reduced capacity for
regulating emotion. Brenda's inability to learn to calm herself may be a result of parents
A) do not intervene when she is agitated, but rather let her "tough it out" on her own.
B) wait to intervene until she has become extremely agitated.
C) read and respond contingently and sympathetically to her emotional cues.
D) attempt to intervene before she becomes agitated in any way.
Which of the following toddlers would you expect to have the most advanced
A) Claire, a shy girl
B) Clarisse, an outgoing girl
C) Carlton, a shy boy
D) Carter, an outgoing boy
Elementary and middle school students exposed to reciprocal teaching
A) tend to experience more conflict and competition.
B) have dramatically higher IQ scores than children exposed to traditional methods.
C) show impressive gains in reading comprehension.
D) are often overly dependent on adults.
Researchers can measure gender identity during __________ because self-concepts
begin to emphasize psychological dispositions over concrete behaviors.
A) toddlerhood
B) early childhood
C) middle childhood
D) adolescence

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