EDU 69981

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1750
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Most children are first able to produce a subject"verb"object word order
A) by age 2.
B) in the third year.
C) upon entering kindergarten.
D) by the end of elementary school.
In studies of adults who had damage to their left hemisphere, __________ abilities
suffered much more than __________ abilities.
A) phonological; semantic
B) pragmatic; grammatical
C) grammatical; semantic
D) semantic; phonological
Alonzo and Rita are ethnic minority parents without extensive schooling. When they
are involved in completing tasks with their children, they are most likely to prefer a(n)
__________ style of communication.
A) collaborative
B) hierarchical
C) authoritarian
D) uninvolved
Which of the following statements is supported by cross-cultural research on sexuality?
A) Most North American adolescents get information from parents about sexually
transmitted diseases and contraception.
B) Sexual attitudes in North America are liberal compared to other Western nations.
C) In some cultures, adolescents are expected to engage in sexual experimentation with
a variety of partners.
D) Rates of extramarital sex among North American adolescents have risen sharply in
recent decades.
Games like pat-a-cake and peekaboo
A) tend to confuse children and may actually delay pragmatic development.
B) hinder the transition from preverbal to verbal communication.
C) foster infants' understanding of the turn-taking pattern of human conversation.
D) facilitate children's understanding of illocutionary intent.
Opponents of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
A) maintain that its provisions would shift the burden of child rearing from the family
to the state.
B) believe that investing in children yields valuable returns to a nation's economy.
C) are mostly located in war-torn nations.
D) argue that it should contain child abuse and neglect protections.
__________ was the first influential factor analyst.
A) Louis Thurstone
B) Charles Spearman
C) Raymond B. Cattell
D) John Carroll
Breastfed babies in poverty-stricken regions are __________ formula-fed babies in the
same regions.
A) much more likely to be malnourished than
B) just as likely to die during the first two years as
C) 6 to 14 times more likely to survive the first year of life than
D) much more likely to be iron-deficient than
During adolescence,
A) boys' shoulders broaden relative to the hips.
B) boys and girls have similar body proportions.
C) girls' legs are longer than boys' in relation to the rest of their body.
D) girls' shoulders broaden relative to the hips and waist.
Which of the following young adults is at risk for long-term identity foreclosure or
A) Vintrea, a college graduate who switches majors
B) Coulter, an aspiring chef who has no opportunity for culinary training
C) Lindsay, a young woman with several possible vocational choices
D) Susannah, a Peace Corps volunteer
In an electroencephalogram (EEG), researchers
A) examine brain-wave patterns for stability and organization.
B) detect the general location of brain-wave activity.
C) take three-dimensional computerized pictures of the entire brain.
D) beam infrared light at the brain.
Psychologist William James viewed the world of a neonate as a(n)
A) blooming, buzzing confusion.
B) blank slate.
C) ordered, predictable environment.
D) refined, complex place.
Which of the following statements is true about teratogens?
A) Harm done by them is usually simple and straightforward.
B) Larger doses over longer time periods usually have more negative effects.
C) They are not influenced by heredity.
D) The presence of several negative factors at once can lessen the impact of a single
harmful agent.
The only country with a national, school-based prevention program targeting sexual
abuse is
A) the United States.
B) Sweden.
C) New Zealand.
D) China.
Trying to push infants beyond their current readiness to handle stimulation
A) will delay social development.
B) can undermine the development of important motor skills.
C) enhances early motor development.
D) can cause depression and insecurity in early childhood.
One possible explanation for girls being ahead of boys in language progress is
A) that parents use more child-directed speech with their infant daughters than their
infant sons.
B) a biological advantage in earlier development of the left hemisphere of the cerebral
C) that female infants initiate more "conversations" with caregivers than male infants.
D) that adults reinforce female infants more than male infants when they begin to coo
and babble.
Make-believe play is a major means through which children
A) develop and refine representational schemes.
B) learn about prejudice and the differences among different racial and ethnic groups.
C) learn language and its more subtle nuances.
D) extend their cognitive skills and learn about important activities in their culture.
For research methods to have high validity,
A) they must yield consistent results over time.
B) observations cannot be unique to a single observer.
C) they must accurately measure characteristics that the researchers set out to measure.
D) the participants' responses must be similar when the same measures are given on a
different occasion.
Which of the following traits is considered instrumental?
A) emotional
B) self-confident
C) needs approval
D) considerate
In a study, researchers taught 2- to 8-month-olds to pull a string to activate pleasurable
sights and sounds, to which the infants responded with interest, happiness, and surprise.
Then, for a short period, pulling the string no longer turned on the attractive stimuli,
and the babies' emotional reactions changed to anger and sadness. Once the contingency
was restored, the sad babies
A) showed renewed interest.
B) showed renewed enjoyment.
C) turned away.
D) reacted with high anxiety.
A correlational coefficient can range in value from _____ to _____.
A) "100; +100
B) "1.00; 0
C) 0; +1.00
D) "1.00; +1.00
Family A has one child and Family B has four children. Based on findings from the
U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, what can we infer about the IQs of the
children in these families?
A) The oldest child in Family B will have the lowest IQ of any of the siblings.
B) The youngest child in Family B will have the lowest IQ of any of the siblings.
C) The child in Family A will have a higher IQ than any of the children in Family B.
D) There is not enough information to make any predictions about IQ in either family.
High levels of stress sparked by economic insecurity contribute to
A) high-SES parents' teaching of independent decision-making skills to their children.
B) low-SES parents' greater use of coercive discipline.
C) middle-SES parents' preference for an uninvolved child-rearing style.
D) low-SES parents' use of a permissive child-rearing style.
__________ girls are especially prone to depression, particularly when they face other
stressful life events.
A) Low-SES
B) Early-maturing
C) Later-maturing
D) African-American
Nine-year-old Kael has difficulty putting what he knows about thinking into action
because he is not yet proficient at
A) metacognition.
B) cognitive self-regulation.
C) constructing mental inferences.
D) constructing a theory of mind.
As an information-processing researcher, Tim finds diagrams and flowcharts useful for
A) recording stimulus"response associations.
B) mapping the exact series of steps children and adults follow when faced with a task
or problem.
C) documenting the role of reinforcement in cognitive development.
D) building computers with humanlike circuitry.
Sydney views herself as hardworking and high-achieving. She believes that she will
succeed if she relies on her abilities. Sydney has developed a sense of
A) generativity.
B) industry.
C) self-efficacy.
D) equilibrium.
Betty was born with deformities of the arms and legs, as well as damage to her heart
and kidneys. She scores below average in intelligence. Based on the damage to the
developing organism, you could conclude that Betty's mother took __________ while
A) diethylstilbestrol (DES)
B) Accutane
C) aspirin
D) thalidomide
Experience-dependent brain growth
A) occurs early and naturally.
B) provides a foundation for experience-expectant brain development.
C) occurs as a result of specific and varied learning experiences.
D) occurs as caregivers engage babies in daily routines.
At what age will infants first look longer at a video image of a peer than at a video
image of themselves?
A) 1 month
B) 4 months
C) 6 months
D) 9 months
After his parents' divorce, if Cade's noncustodial father is permissive and indulgent with
him, how will this behavior affect Cade's relationship with his mother?
A) It makes his mother's task of managing Cade even more difficult.
B) It makes his mother's task of managing Cade easier.
C) It helps Cade to understand how stressful child rearing can be for his mother.
D) It has no impact on Cade's relationship with his mother.
A baby coos and pats his mother's face, but she does not respond. The baby makes
repeated attempts through facial expressions, vocalizations, and body movements to
gain her attention, all to no avail. The baby is now likely to
A) coo at a toy.
B) adopt a still-faced expression.
C) engage in self-comfort strategies.
D) turn away and cry.
__________ is the aspect of grammar that provides the rules by which words are
arranged into sentences.
A) Phonology
B) Morphology
C) Syntax
D) Semantics
Early adolescents of both sexes are attracted to __________ as friends, a trend that
contributes to a rise in antisocial behavior.
A) high-status, aggressive boys
B) low-status, aggressive boys
C) highly influential, older peers
D) popular boys and girls

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