EDU 60815

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1308
subject Authors Peter F. Oliva, William R. Gordon II

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The most common form of curriculum organization in the world is:
a. the activity curriculum
b. the subject matter curriculum
c. core curriculum
d. liberal arts curriculum
Curriculum may be interpreted as:
a. a set of subjects
b. a set of materials
c. a sequence of courses
d. all of the above
According to the text, transferability is that characteristic of learning which:
a. when realized in one setting permits the learner to perform well on a standardized test
b. when realized in one setting permits it to be carried over into another setting
c. is a much-desired goal of education
d. "b" and "c" are correct
As defined in the text, instructional evaluation is a means to:
a. evaluate pupils directly and programs indirectly
b. evaluate school performance
c. evaluate a state's ability to produce training for its teachers
d. all of the above
The state's power over education comes from the following amendment to the U.S.
a. First Amendment
b. Second Amendment
c. Tenth Amendment
d. Eighteenth Amendment
In the Broad Fields curriculum:
a. teachers select certain general concepts and principles that should be taught each year
b. effort is made to unify and integrate content of related disciplines around broad
themes or principles.
c. an emphasis of covering the content is prevalent instead focusing on depth of content
d. all of the above
Included in sets of group process skills of particular significance noted in the text are:
a. change process
b. research skills
c. leadership skills
d. communication skills
The National Commission on Excellence in Education produced:
a. Education for All American Youth
b. The Paideia Proposal
c. No Child Left Behind
d. A Nation at Risk
The unit plan, or unit, is a means of organizing the instructional components for:
a. teaching a particular topic or theme
b. a daily assignment
c. a means to assign grades to an assignment
d. none of the above
The curriculum worker is able to identify the needs of the community because they are
usually aware of significant changes in:
a. the demographics of the community
b. the politics of the community
c. the major businesses and industry in the community
d. "a" and "c" are correct.
The ability to teach pupils to solve a quadratic equation is an example of a specific:
a. style
b. goal
c. model
d. skill
The psychomotor domain includes primarily:
a. intellectual skills
b. emotional skills
c. physical skills
d. memorization skills
The various types of educational outcomes presented in this text are:
a. independent
b. hierarchical
c. indistinguishable
d. prescribed
Flexible scheduling, unit teaching, problem solving, project method, nongraded
schools, and open education owe a debt to:
a. the activity curriculum
b. the essentialists
c. the progressivists
d. "a" and "c" are correct
Pierce v. Society of Sisters addressed:
a. selection of textbooks
b. hiring of faculty
c. construction of schools
d. choosing private schools
An international exam that measures the achievement of 15-year-olds' capabilities in
reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy is known as:
a. the PISA
b. the TIMSS
c. the PIRLS
d. the NAEP
The "woolly mammoth syndrome" is exemplified by all except:
a. national standards
b. low expectations
c. omission of fine arts
d. ignoring student health
The concept at the heart of spiral curriculum is:
a. articulation
b. transferability
c. continuity
d. relevance
A Learning Management System allows teachers to:
a. track student progress
b. post schedules
c. provide tests and quizzes
d. all of the above
The most superior model for curriculum development is:
a. The Anderson Model
b. The Tyler Model
c. The Vazquez Model
d. No model is more superior than the others
John W. Gardner in Goals for Americans viewed education as serving most directly:
a. equality of opportunity
b. liberty for all
c. justice for all
d. self-fulfillment
Dividing students largely on the basis of chronological age was a product of the:
a. community school
b. graded school
c. magnet school
d. open education school
That education is the responsibility of the state comes from the U. S. Constitution's:
a. First Amendment
b. Second Amendment
c. Third Amendment
d. none of the above
Open Education Resources provide:
a. access to free academic tools via the Internet
b. increased access to academic content to educators all over the world
c. increased access to academic content to third world countries
d. all of the above
The practice of instituting professional learning communities into the fabric of schools
has become:
a. a way of establishing collaborative groups that focus on student achievement
b. an effort to eliminate the 'silo effect" that is present in many educational
c. an effort to create time for educators to meet and collaborate
d. all of the above
D. Jean Clandinin and F. Michael Connelly perceived curriculum as:
a. a set of subjects
b. a course of study
c. a course of life
d. a set of units
As teachers gain experience, less detail in planning is:
a. possible
b. not suggested
c. preferred
d. none of the above
Some theoreticians equate with curriculum:
a. processes
b. strategies
c. techniques
d. all of the above
Of the curriculum plans listed below the least flexible is:
a. sequencing format
b. test-coding format
c. course of study
d. resource unit
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, requires all children to perform on grade level
as determined by state content standards and performance measures, by:
a. 2014
b. 2015
c. 2016
d. 2017
Deciding whether curriculum goals and objectives are appropriate is referred to as:
a. confirmation
b. justification
c. validation
d. determination
Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan on maps of the Middle East is an example of:
a. instructional goal
b. instructional objective
c. curriculum goal
d. curriculum objective
J. Galen Saylor and William M. Alexander likened the process of curriculum planning
a. games
b. combat
c. drama
d. science
Achievement in the cognitive domain is ordinarily demonstrated in school by pupil
performance on:
a. oral exams administered to individuals
b. written tests given to an individual
c. written tests administered to a group
d. "a" and "c" are correct
Robert J. Havighurst popularized the concept of:
a. dual high school-college enrollment
b. outcomes-based education
c. lengthened school day/year
d. developmental tasks of adolescence

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