EDU 50897

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1572
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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An assistive technology device such as a cushion, a railing, or a pencil grip would be
considered a(n)
A) example of bionics.
B) example of robotics.
C) high-tech device.
D) low-tech device.
A student is provided with extra time during tests. Which type of accommodation is
A) scheduling accommodation
B) setting accommodation
C) accommodations regarding directions
D) accommodations during testing
When schools' and families' sets of beliefs clash, it is important that
A) teachers adjust their classroom expectations to match those of the family.
B) teachers and parents talk openly and frankly about the differences.
C) family members adjust their expectations at home to match those of the school.
D) an external mediator be utilized to avoid an escalation of conflict.
Rashna has been identified as having emotional disturbance. In order to qualify for
special education services, the IEP team must also determine that
A) she has a conduct disorder.
B) she does not have schizophrenia.
C) her educational performance has been adversely affected.
D) this condition has lasted longer than a month.
Tera has a moderate intellectual disability. Her educational goals contain little access to
the general education curriculum, and focus more on a functional skills curriculum.
Tera's progress will be assessed using
A) high-stakes testing.
B) alternate assessments.
C) standardized, district- and state-wide tests.
D) behavioral checklists.
Which of the following is NOT indicative of autism at a very early age?
A) lacks direct eye contact
B) shares and shows toys to others excessively
C) inability to engage in imaginative play
D) is less likely to point out objects of interest
The primary idea behind the 100 Black Men of America organization is to
A) provide African American youths with mentors and role models.
B) recruit African American boys into blue collar jobs.
C) provide business apprenticeships for gifted students who were at risk of dropping out
of high school.
D) advocate for African American gifted students who are often underidentified in
school settings.
The intent and meaning of spoken or written statements defines
A) content.
B) use.
C) form.
D) syntax.
__________ is considered to be the father of American psychiatry, and proposed more
humane methods of caring for children with emotional problems.
A) Sigmund Freud
B) Benjamin Rush
C) Samuel Gridley Howe
D) Philippe Pinel
____ is another term for severe disabilities that include intellectual disabilities.
A) Multiple-severe disabilities
B) Low-incidence disabilities
C) Mental retardation
D) Developmental disabilities
Which of the following sounds is one of the first that young children are able to
A) k
B) p
C) f
D) s
Because of the efforts of Bob and Suzanne Wright and Autism Speaks,
A) millions of dollars have been raised for autism research.
B) children with autism can attend special summer camps that are designed to meet
their unique needs.
C) children with autism in Baltimore have a specially designed playground that
enhances communication efforts.
D) many formerly nonverbal children with autism have developed limited verbal skills.
Which person is usually the medical liaison between home, school, and medical
community for a student with ADHD?
A) the school nurse
B) the parent
C) the pediatrician
D) the psychiatrist who prescribes the medication
Speech or language impairments would be the largest special education category if
A) assessments were conducted properly and thoroughly.
B) primary and secondary disabilities were combined.
C) all parents allowed their children to be tested for disabilities.
D) children with articulation problems were included in the count.
Dulcea has a learning disability which prevents her from reading her social studies
textbook. However, she has an electronic version of the book on her computer. Using
text-to-speech technology, she is able to listen to a computerized voice read her text
while the words are highlighted on the screen, allowing her access to the same
information as her classmates. This is an example of
A) multitiered instruction.
B) differentiated instruction.
With regard to nondiscriminatory testing, IDEA does NOT require that tests, assessment
procedures, and evaluation materials
A) be nondiscriminatory on a racial or cultural bias.
B) be administered in the language or form most likely to provide accurate information
on the child's abilities.
C) be administered by bilingual personnel.
D) include a variety of assessment tools.
Which of the following behaviors would be INAPPROPRIATE for self-management?
A) improving a student's self-esteem
B) improving time on task
C) decreasing out-of-seat behavior
D) increasing the number of problems that a student works independently
A special requirement of IDEA that assists in the referral process by identifying
children who may benefit from special education, even if they are not in school yet, is
A) the children's placement service.
B) The Child at Risk.
C) child find.
D) child referral.
Which statement below was probably NOT made by a student exhibiting learned
A) "I knew I'd get a bad grade."
B) "It's not my fault I did poorly; the test was just too hard."
C) "I'd have done better if I'd just studied a little harder."
D) "I'd do better if I weren't in special ed classes."
Trina is a kindergarten student who can already read books, write stories, and solve
math problems. Which of the following would be the best option for Trina?
A) honor sections.
B) grade skipping.
C) home schooling.
D) ability grouping.
When Erin stops reading a book and looks across the room, her lens adjusts to help her
focus on objects at a distance. This adjustment is called
A) accommodation.
B) modification.
C) peripheral vision.
D) residual vision.
D.P. is an individual with cerebral palsy who has written and directed a small film. He
wants to showcase his work at a film festival. Which of the following should D.P.
consider because it highlights films made by people with disabilities?
A) the Academy Awards' Special Films category
B) Sundance Film Festival
C) Sprout Film Festival
D) Cannes Film Festival
The term learning disabilities was coined by
A) Kurt Goldstein.
B) Alfred Strauss.
C) Sam Kirk.
D) Heinz Werner.
What is the abbreviation of the prominent professional organization of specialists in
speech or language impairments?
Tyree refers to himself as a CODA. What can you infer about him?
A) He and both his parents are Deaf.
B) At least one of his parents is Deaf.
C) He is a Childhood Organization Disability Advocate.
D) He cannot spell.
Ms. Allen has identified inappropriate behaviors in one of her students, and has
determined which events stimulate the student to exhibit those behaviors. If she is to
teach functionally equivalent behaviors, her next step should be to
A) work with everyone to be sure that there is consistency across all settings.
B) teach and reward alternate behaviors.
C) determine substitute behaviors to develop.
D) analyze the behavior and the events that stimulate and maintain it.
When Harper talks, people have to lean in closely to hear her because her voice is so
soft. Harper has a problem with
A) pitch.
B) loudness.
C) articulation.
D) fluency.
Kris is a 4th-grader with a reading/learning disability. Based on information in your
text, Kris probably
A) reads at the same rate as his peers, but does not think about what he reads.
B) is able to read silently, but has more difficulty reading out loud.
C) reads at a much faster rate than his peers, but with more errors.
D) learns reading skills differently than his peers, and at a much slower rate.
C.J. has an intellectual disability and participates in a general education science class.
His classmates must memorize the first 15 elements on the periodic table for an
upcoming test, and be able to diagram their molecular structure. In contrast, C.J. must
match each element name to its correct abbreviation. The different test and expectations
for C.J. in science are examples of __________.
A) instructional accommodations.
B) instructional modifications.
C) functional skills curricula.
D) self-determination skills.
Tamara has difficulty with peripheral vision and is unable to see a wide area. She
probably has
A) tunnel vision.
B) visual acuity problems.
C) visual efficiency problems.
D) problems with accommodation.

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