EDU 37395

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1631
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Newborn Amelia is presented with the odor of chocolate. Which of the following facial
expressions do you expect to see?
A) pursed lips
B) a frown
C) a relaxed, pleasant face
D) a distinct, archlike mouth opening
Habituation and recovery make learning more efficient by
A) helping us anticipate what event is about to happen next.
B) focusing our attention on those aspects of the environment we know least about.
C) helping us generalize newly learned behaviors to unfamiliar contexts.
D) influencing the occurrence of stimulus events in the environment.
Which of the following is the best example of babbling?
A) "oooo"
B) "mommy"
C) "go car"
D) "dadadadadada"
Research shows that __________ heighten(s) the chances of reporting false items
consistent with the fuzzy meaning of an experience.
A) autobiographical narratives
B) theory of mind
C) gists
D) infantile amnesia
Which of the following statements is true about parent"child relationships in
A) Studies show a decrease in parent"child conflict after puberty ends.
B) Psychological distancing may contribute to a rise in family tensions.
C) Parent"son conflict tends to be more intense than parent"daughter conflict.
D) Parent"daughter conflict is more evident in countries where gender-role values are
more traditional.
Which of the following functions do mixed-sex cliques serve during the teenage years?
A) They provide boys and girls with models for how to interact with the other sex and a
chance to do so without having to be intimate.
B) They offer the security of a permanent identity as teenagers separate from the family
and begin to construct a coherent sense of self.
C) They offer security based on the notion of "safety in numbers," particularly for
teenagers in urban locations.
D) They provide warmth, support, and structure that many teenagers lack in their home
Research on the development of make-believe play indicates that
A) girls spend more time in sociodramatic play than boys.
B) preschoolers who devote more time to sociodramatic play are seen as more socially
competent by their teachers.
C) school-age children are more self-centered in their pretend play than preschoolers.
D) preschoolers who create imaginary companions are at risk for maladjustment.
Epidural analgesia
A) does not cross the placenta.
B) weakens uterine contractions.
C) induces labor.
D) has no negative impact on the baby.
Close friends behave more prosocially toward each other
A) when they are rewarded for helping and sharing.
B) when other people are observing them.
C) but they also disagree and compete with each other more than nonfriends.
D) but have difficulty expressing hurt feelings during conflict.
A strength of __________ is that it yields richly detailed case narratives that offer
valuable insights into the many factors affecting development.
A) the clinical, or case study, method
B) ethnography
C) naturalistic observation
D) structured observation
Locke regarded development as __________ and largely influenced by __________.
A) continuous; nature
B) continuous; nurture
C) discontinuous; nature
D) discontinuous; nurture
Cassandra's working-memory capacity is enhanced following age-related gains in her
A) metacognition.
B) ability to scaffold.
C) processing speed.
D) cognitive self-regulation.
In one study, 2-year-olds were unable to use a scale model of a room to find a toy
hidden in the room that the model represented. This is because young preschoolers have
difficulty with
A) deferred imitation.
B) analogical problem solving.
C) transitive inference.
D) dual representation.
According to Erikson, children gain insight into the person they can become through
make-believe play during the __________ stage.
A) basic trust versus mistrust
B) autonomy versus shame and doubt
C) initiative versus guilt
D) industry versus inferiority
Which of the following procedures can be used to determine the reliability of
ethnographic and clinical studies?
A) Responses to the same measures can be compared on separate occasions.
B) Researchers can measure the quantitative scores yielded by these two methods.
C) Answers on different halves of the same measure can be compared by judges.
D) Judges can see if they agree with the researcher that the patterns and themes
identified are grounded in evidence and are plausible.
Which of the following statements is true about obesity?
A) Obese children and adolescents report fewer emotional and school difficulties than
their normal-weight peers.
B) Overweight individuals are less likely than their normal-weight agemates to receive
financial aid for college.
C) Childhood obesity is fairly easy to treat with strict diet and exercise.
D) The most effective interventions are individually based and focus on weight loss.
Mr. Hernandez is a lawyer and Mrs. Hernandez is an accountant. Which of the
following traits are they likely to desire in their children?
A) obedience, politeness, neatness, and cleanliness
B) autonomy, assertiveness, a strong work ethic, and ethnic pride
C) curiosity, happiness, self-direction, and cognitive and social maturity
D) assertiveness, insight, stubbornness, and strong leadership skills
To create autobiographical memories that persist for a lifetime, children must
A) have a well-developed language system and a repertoire of memory strategies.
B) have a clear self-image and learn to structure significant memories in narrative form.
C) be attentive to routines and embed novel events into their long-term memory of
those routines.
D) possess metacognitive awareness and an elaborative style of talking about
During the period of the fetus,
A) neurons are first produced.
B) the organism remains awake about 6 hours a day.
C) brain weight increases tenfold.
D) teratogenic damage is the most severe.
When children grasp the principle of cardinality, they understand that
A) attainment serves as the basis for more complex understandings.
B) the last word in a counting sequence indicates the quantity of items in a set.
C) adding and subtracting the same number leaves the original quantity unchanged.
D) the most efficient addition strategy is to start with the highest digit and count on.
Parents tend to be especially committed to ensuring the gender typing of
A) sons more so than daughters.
B) children of the other sex from themselves.
C) children of their own sex.
D) daughters more so than sons.
Kris and Kayla are the parents of two teenage boys. Which of the following statements
are Kris and Kayla likely to make?
A) "Living with teenagers is stressful."
B) "Living with teenagers is easy."
C) "Boys are easier to raise than girls."
D) "Strict discipline is essential for raising well-adjusted children."
Twelve-month-old Britney picks up a raisin from the table. Britney is most likely using
A) the ulnar grasp.
B) prereaching.
C) the pincer grasp.
D) proprioception.
When Chi compared the performance of child chess experts and adult chess novices on
a task involving memory for the layout of chess pieces on a chessboard, she found that
the children
A) outperformed the adults because the children were very bright and had exceptional
B) performed as well as the adults, suggesting that knowledge can compensate for
memory limitations.
C) performed as well as the adults when there were fewer than eight pieces on the
D) outperformed the adults because their knowledge base contributed to memory
Which of the following theories emphasizes many possible courses of development?
A) psychoanalytic perspective
B) cognitive-developmental theory
C) information processing
D) social learning theory
Baby Grace sees and hears a bouncing ball. When she hears the sound later, without
seeing the ball, she is nonetheless able to recognize a picture of a ball. Grace is
A) size constancy.
B) shape constancy.
C) intermodal perception.
D) object perception.
Hunter watches a lot of violence on television. As a result, when confronted with
aggression in real life, Hunter will likely
A) be confused when no protagonist shows up to resolve the situation for him.
B) react passively and try to avoid confrontation.
C) display relationally aggressive behavior.
D) indicate that he does not feel threatened.
Research on language acquisition in animals
A) supports Chomsky's assumption of a uniquely human capacity for an elaborate
B) shows that animals can produce complex and novel sentences.
C) shows that not even the brightest animals can comprehend language.
D) shows that chimps are intelligent enough to comprehend and produce elaborate,
human-like sentences.
In classrooms, men and women teachers alike value obedience and discourage
assertiveness. This is referred to as
A) gender congruence.
B) a "masculine bias."
C) a "feminine bias."
D) gender typicality.
__________ seem(s) to be a particularly effective context for promoting peer
interaction skills.
A) Child care
B) Preschool
C) Parent"child play
D) Cartoon characters

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