EDU 29316

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 3317
subject Authors Anita Woolfolk, Nancy E. Perry

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Which of the following normal, healthy children is most likely to have the highest
proportion of body fat?
a. 6-year-old Samuel
b. 5-year-old Keisha
c. 4-year-old Elliott
d. 1-year-old Casandra
Mr. and Mrs. Wright had a positive relationship with their daughter during her
childhood. What is most likely to happen to their relationship during the daughter's
a. They will probably continue to have a good relationship with their daughter during
b. They are likely to encounter drastic changes in their daughter. Parent-child conflicts
are more common between parents and daughters.
c. Children who have a positive relationship with their parents during childhood usually
rebel against parents and demand autonomy from them during adolescence.
d. Adolescent-parent conflict is less common between girls and their parents than
between boys and their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wright will probably see a manageable
decline in the relationship.
Dehlia and Shawn make a decision that their infant son should not receive vaccinations.
Based on research-based reporting by the media, what is their probable rationale?
a. Fear of the development of autism.
b. Fear of infection from the vaccination.
c. Fear of development of one or more diseases included in the vaccine.
d. Fear of exposure to factors contributing to cerebral palsey.
Piaget postulated that adolescents reach the stage of _______________ during
a. abstractionism
b. universal thinking
c. formal operations
d. sociocultural reasoning
Dr. Cohen, a university professor and researcher, conducts research on how state
policies in education impact student achievement over time. Dr. Cohen conducts what
kind of research?
a. Applied research
b. Basic research
c. Pure scientific research
d. Community-based research
In contemporary times, sociologists use the term "minority group" to refer to categories
of persons who are:
a. Fewer in numbers than the majority group or groups.
b. Less powerful than the dominant group, but treated as equals.
c. Less powerful than the dominant group and subject to discrimination.
d. Uneducated and poor, typically from the lowest socioeconomic class.
Which statements show evidence that a child is developing a theory of mind?
a. I"m mad at you, Chelsea. Give me my doll.
b. Chelsea is not nice. She cut my doll's dress " on purpose.
c. Chelsea is my friend. We play together.
d. Chelsea has brown hair. She looks like me.
Test ___________ refers to the accuracy of a test in measuring what it is intended to
a. bias
b. reliability
c. scalability
d. validity
The day after dressing up for Halloween, Lawrence announces he can"t wait for the
next Halloween. His older sister tells him that the next Halloween is a year away. He
seems confused and thinks that "next year" is relatively soon. He believes he needs to
find his costume now because next year is coming up very soon. At what age is
Lawrence most likely to understand lengths of time (such as a year) and first
differentiate events close in time and events further in time?
a. 4 years of age
b. 8 years of age
c. 6 years of age
d. 10 years of age
In general, research supports using _________________ when working with children
with hearing impairments.
a. language reading
b. lip reading
c. a manual method of communicating
d. mobile readers
Over 10% of the children in Ms. Lemley's fourth grade class are from homes of extreme
poverty. What is the most likely effect of this level of poverty on these children's school
a. The most likely effect of this level of poverty is these children's inability to keep up
with wealthier peers in mathematics.
b. These children from extreme poverty will lag behind peers in social skills, but their
school achievement will not be affected.
c. These children will likely lag three years behind children from wealthier families by
the time they reach grade six.
d. Children from extreme poverty begin school behind in literacy and catch up with
wealthier peers by the time they reach grade six.
Which one of the following is a common criticism of the research on parenting styles?
a. The majority of the findings are universal and tend to be overgeneralized.
b. Most of the research is correlational and does not prove cause-and-effect.
c. The research primarily proves cause without correlating differences in SES.
d. The results are statistically significant, but show greatest contrasting effects between
authoritative and authoritarian parenting.
All of the following descriptors characterize adolescence EXCEPT:
a. Their growing cognitive abilities lead to the development of greater idealism.
b. They move toward an independent identity and accept greater responsibility.
c. They are beginning to understand abstract concepts such as intention and morality.
d. They spend more time with peers than with family.
In what ways do teratogens influence prenatal development?
a. Teratogens promote healthy prenatal immune system development.
b. Teratogens may cause miscarriages and birth defects.
c. Teratogens influence nutrition and increase the weight of the fetus.
d. Teratogens may block nutrients in the placenta and inhibit prenatal growth.
Children who have slow body growth, hearing impairment, kidney damage, and low
achievement in school likely:
a. suffered from untreated type 2 diabetes.
b. were exposed to lead in the home.
c. were exposed to second-hand smoke.
d. experienced exposure to environmental chemicals,.
Jamal writes his phone number on the palm of his hand so he will not forget it when he
gets to school and sees his friends. Unfortunately, he forgets to look at his hand and his
memory strategy fails. Although Jamal has developed a good memory strategy, his
failure to produce it when it would be useful demonstrates:
a. memory processing error.
b. automaticity.
c. executive function.
d. production deficiency.
Teachers should be concerned about Samantha, a tenth grade student who shows no
connection to her high school. The real concern is that Samantha may:
a. leave high school early to attend college.
b. not develop lasting friendships during high school.
c. engage in disruptive behavior during classes and distract other students.
d. engage in behaviors that increase her health risks.
Keisha grew up in an average American family with authoritative parents. In
adolescence, Keisha is most likely to:
a. experience depression and high levels of guilt when her actions meet her parents'
b. demonstrate controlling behaviors toward her siblings and peers.
c. appear happy and confident and relate well to other people.
d. appear "clingy" or overly dependent on her parents for making decisions.
It is recommended that a child with a body mass index over the _____ should see a
health care provider.
a. 15th percentile
b. 20th percentile
c. 85th percentile
d. 50th percentile
Oksana is a seventeen-year old girl with limited English proficiency (LEP). We can
predict Oksana will:
a. have delayed cognitive and identity development.
b. use less digitalk than other adolescents.
c. have lower school achievement and a harder time finding a job.
d. not benefit from native-language maintenance instruction.
Danielle is about to transition from middle school to high school. We can inform
Danielle's father that:
a. her transition is most likely to be positive and any disruption will probably be
b. most adolescents have about a two-year period of adaptation to the high school
c. the transition from middle school to high school is significantly more difficult for
girls than boys.
d. most students perform significantly better in high school as a result of increased
What is the relationship between IQ and achievement in school? Students' IQ scores
____________ their school achievement.
a. Studies show no correlation between IQ and achievement in school.
b. IQ as assessed by standardized tests predicts achievement in school.
c. IQ predicts achievement in school for Caucasian children, but not for ethnic minority
d. IQ as assessed by standardized tests predicts success in life, not school achievement.
What is the definition of 'school attachment"?
a. School attachment is associated with students whose self-esteem is dependent upon
success at school.
b. School attachment is the connection between school personnel and the families of
c. School attachment is the extent to which students feel supported, valued, and
connected to their school.
d. School attachment is the support of students for their school's athletic teams (soccer,
football, basketball, baseball).
Most researchers agree the birth of child development studies in the United Sates began
in the ______ under the scholarship of John Dewey.
a. 1920s
b. late 1800s
c. 1960s
d. 1950s
What were the findings of the American Psychological Association's Zero Tolerance
Task Force in 2006?
a. Lower suspension rates with zero tolerance have led to less racial bias in disciplining
b. Zero tolerance programs are more effective for girls than for boys.
c. Zero tolerance practices can lead to increases in bad behavior that then lead to higher
dropout rates.
d. Schools are safer and more effective in disciplining students now than before they
instituted zero tolerance.
During middle childhood, children can begin to recognize the logical stability of the
physical world, which is one of the cornerstones of:
a. Vygotsky's stage of classification.
b. Piaget's stage of concrete operations.
c. Vygotsky's stage of concrete reasoning.
d. Piaget's preoperational stage.
Shannon is three years old and can access video games by following the step-by-step
verbal directions and symbols. Shannon's memory is developing, and she can follow
logical steps in a sequence. However, she does not like to stop playing games and often
throws tantrums to get her way. What might we conclude about her brain development?
a. She has an overabundance of synapses.
b. Myelination is not developing properly.
c. She has an immature prefrontal cortex.
d. She has an immature left hemisphere.
Joseph believes that the solutions to complex world problems, such as hunger, war, and
global warming can be solved quickly if the right people come together and make a
commitment to finding solutions to global problems. Which one of the four major
periods of development can we predict Joseph is in?
a. Adolescence
b. Between early and middle childhood
c. Middle childhood
d. Adulthood
Of great concern is the fact that 60% of American children ages 3 to 11:
a. are exposed to second-hand smoke.
b. live in an area with substandard air pollution.
c. are victims of accidental poisoning.
d. play with toys that may be harmful.
Children in the cognitive development stage of preoperational thought still struggle
a. deferred imagination.
b. reversible thinking.
c. using goal-directed actions.
d. developing and using schemes.
Mr. Morrison is a dad who often tells his teenage daughter to do as she is told, and he
uses the phrase, "Because I said so." What parenting style is he most likely practicing?
a. rejecting
b. authoritative
c. permissive
d. authoritarian
What is the leading cause of newborn mortality?
a. Low production of surfactin
b. Anoxia
c. Pneumonia
d. Premature birth
Six-year-old Myla announces to her dad, "I don"t eat vegetables or anything that's
green." Her dad responds appropriately by:
a. allowing Myla to make her own food choices at dinner meals.
b. not allowing Myla to eat any type of food until she eats her vegetable serving first.
c. banning junk food in the home.
d. involving Myla in selecting and preparing vegetables.
Athetotic is one type of:
a. cerebral palsy.
b. psychosocial impairment.
c. sensory impairment.
d. electronic implant.
Alcohol is the most widely used drug among adolescents. What percentage of high
school seniors claim that they were drunk at least once in the last year?
a. 13%
b. 30%
c. 41%
d. 66%

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