EDU Heterogeneity Is An Element Of Audience

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2196
subject Authors David Zarefsky

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Which type of outline is the most complete?
a. presentation
b. preparation
c. key word
d. extemporaneous
In general, the style of any speech should reflect __________.
a. formality
b. consistency
c. conciseness
d. congruence
Which element of the conclusion reminds listeners of the response the speaker wants
from them?
a. summarizing the end
b. gaining the audience's favor
c. signaling the end
d. making a final appeal
Exposing listeners' inconsistencies is a good way to combat the resistance strategy of
a. dismissal
b. denial
c. belittling the source
d. compartmentalization
Tenzing is planning a speech on the Chinese occupation of his Tibetan homeland and is
not sure how to create identification with his classmates. Which element of the
rhetorical situation is he concerned with in his search for identification?
a. the speech
b. the speaker
c. the purpose
d. the audience
Visual aids should be selected by carefully considering the __________.
a. audience and the purpose of the speech
b. speaker and the message
c. thesis of the speech and the size of the room
d. supporting material, the reasoning, and the claim
Public speaking occurs __________.
a. in a specific situation
b. in response to feedback
c. in response to a speaker's urge to speak
d. in response to the audience's need to know something
Michelle, an advocate for women's rights, used her persuasive speech to urge her
classmates to participate in the campus "Take Back the Night" event. Her purpose was
to __________.
a. set an agenda
b. strengthen a feeling
c. strengthen a commitment
d. induce a specific action
Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective delivery?
a. It has a clear thesis and purpose.
b. It has a distinct introduction, body, and conclusion.
c. It is natural and uncontrived.
d. It is choreographed.
What are the alternatives to a well-cultivated public forum?
a. anarchy and chaos
b. autocratic rule and anarchy
c. autocratic rule by experts but not rulers
d. civic engagement and traditional politics
Two techniques that can help you become a careful listener are __________.
a. selection and retention
b. criticism and assimilation
c. mapping and note taking
d. identification and description
What are the three parts of every speech?
a. ethos, pathos, and logos
b. the introduction, the body, and the conclusion
c. the speaker, the speech, and the audience
d. the preparation, the presentation, and the feedback
Which style of delivery is used by most successful speakers?
a. memorized
b. spontaneous
c. manuscript
d. extemporaneous
Which term refers to the character that listeners attribute to a speaker based on what the
speaker says and does in the speech?
a. style
b. invention
c. ethos
d. memory
In a speech about local crime rates, Angela stated, "The chief of police says that
neighborhood watch programs are the best defense against property crimes." What type
of support is this?
a. personal experience
b. direct observation
c. factual testimony
d. opinion testimony
A speech designed to prompt the audience to think about an issue that they had
previously ignored has the purpose of __________.
a. creating a positive feeling
b. agenda setting
c. inducing a specific action
d. strengthening commitment
The two basic requirements for effective style in all speaking situations are
a. simplicity and repetition
b. informality and reflexivity
c. vividness and clarity
d. accuracy and appropriateness
Which of the following statements is true about effective delivery?
a. The audience should be able to notice your excellent delivery skills.
b. If your delivery is too effective, it will distract from your message.
c. An effective delivery leads listeners to believe that the speaker is different and more
talented than they are.
d. An effective delivery helps the audience remember the speech.
In a speech, pathos refers to the __________.
a. emotional appeals in the speech
b. audience's judgments of the speaker's character
c. substance and structure of the speech's ideas
d. purpose and thesis of a speech
A speaker who repeats the main ideas and key points of a speech helps to combat
selective attention and motivate the audience by making the message __________.
a. personally relevant to the listeners
b. stand out
c. easy to follow
d. vivid
The speaker's characteristic use of language to convey meaning and evoke emotion is
called __________.
a. invention
b. arrangement
c. style
d. delivery
What three goals should a conclusion accomplish?
a. summarize main ideas, gain attention, and signal the end
b. signal the end, summarize the main ideas, and make a final appeal
c. transition, restate the thesis, and end humorously
d. restate the purpose, give an internal summary, and preview topic development
Which of the following is appropriate dress for a classroom speech?
a. Scrubs
b. Sweatpants and hoodie
c. Tuxedo/formal gown
d. Slacks and a polo shirt
An effective summary should __________.
a. repeat the main ideas completely
b. reiterate the development of the main ideas
c. remind the audience of the key points
d. signal the end
When an object is either too large or not portable, the speaker's next best option is to
a. use a picture of the object
b. use a working model
c. pass the object around
d. draw an illustration of the object
Notes on a speaker's preparation outline indicating when the speaker should emphasize
a point, repeat a phrase, pause, or speak slowly are called __________.
a. transitions
b. speaker cues
c. footnotes
d. stage directions
What is the most significant resource for creating an effective speaking style?
a. language
b. eye contact
c. vocal variety
d. gestures
Rhetorical proof consists of __________.
a. a claim, credibility, and common ground
b. reasons, rhetoric, and shared values
c. common values, beliefs, and judgments
d. supporting material, reasoning, and a claim
When evaluating a speech, one should consider two sets of constraints imposed on the
speaker by the __________.
a. title and the thesis of the speech
b. immediate audience and the instructor
c. rhetorical situation and the speaker's purpose
d. thesis and the main ideas
Which of the following is an example of a properly written main point for a preparation
a. Censorship in the USA
b. Speech codes on campus: Stifling student voices
c. What can you say nowadays?
d. Special interest groups are restricting the speech of their members.
Which type of conclusion illustrates the speaker's identification with the subject and
encourages the audience to identify with the speaker?
a. summarizing
b. quoting someone
c. making a personal reference
d. challenging the audience
Miriam used parallel wording to introduce each of her main points because she knew
that an effective oral style should be __________.
a. simple
b. repetitive
c. informal
d. reflexive
Wilson wanted to illustrate for his high school listeners the set of interrelated questions
that one should consider when selecting a college major. Which type of visual aid
would serve him best?
a. a flowchart
b. a columnar chart
c. a bar graph
d. a consequential chart
What is true of the rate of speech?
a. Persuasive speakers talk at a speed that is faster than average.
b. Persuasive speakers talk at a speed that is slower than average.
c. Regional differences in speech rates are getting larger.
d. Successful speakers vary considerably in their rate of speech.
How does an understanding of the public forum promote civic engagement and
effective democracy?
The purpose of a speech that causes people to think about a topic that they previously
knew nothing about is called _____________.
When preparing a speech, ask yourself why __________ should regard the supporting
material as grounds for your claim.
When a speaker intends to change and update the audience's common knowledge, the
purpose is to provide new __________.
__________ is the outcome the speaker wishes to achieve, the response desired from
the audience.
__________ refers to the character attributed to a speaker by listeners on the basis of
what the speaker says and does in the speech.
When you rely on the information or opinions of others to support your claims, you are
using reasoning by __________.
When listeners assess a speech solely on the basis of whether it accomplishes the
speaker's purpose, they are applying the __________ standard.
What are the six general strategic resources for persuasive speakers? How does each
resource promote persuasive purposes?
Identify and explain the five distinctions between oral style and written style. Explain
the implications for the use of language in a speech.
The purpose of any chart is to __________ complex information.
Strategic planning for persuasive speeches requires which two audience analysis
activities? Describe each and how they are different, and give an example of each from
your class.
Whenever possible, transitions should relate ideas to each other using __________, a
repeated pattern that may make the link more memorable.
Explain the concepts of coordination, subordination, and discreteness.
Adapting a speech to a particular audience requires an examination of audience
__________, which includes characteristics such as the size, heterogeneity, and
educational level of the listeners.

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