Economics Chapter 22 1 The levels of income per capita among developing countries

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2151
subject Authors Campbell McConnell, Sean Flynn, Stanley Brue

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Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
1. The poorest 20 percent of the world's population receives about what percentage of world
2. The poorest 60 percent of the world's population receives about what percentage of world
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
3. More than 80 percent of the world's income is held by what percentage of the world's
4. What measure of economic development is used most often to classify nations as
industrially advanced or as developing?
5. The levels of income per capita among developing countries (DVCs) are:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
6. Brazil, Russia, and Thailand are referred to as:
7. Indonesia, Pakistan, and Nigeria are classified as:
8. Developing countries (DVCs) can be subdivided into the following groups, except:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
9. The industrially advanced nations had an average per capita income in 2008 of about:
10. The average per capita income in 2008 for low-income developing nations was:
11. Which of the following nations is not considered an industrially advanced country?
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
12. The United States has about:
13. Low-income developing countries generally have the following characteristics, except:
14. The annual world revenue of Wal-Mart in 2008 was $379 billion, which was greater than
the national incomes of all but ___ nations in the world:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
15. If the per capita of DVCs (developing countries) grew at the same annual rate as those of
IACs (industrially advanced countries), then the absolute income gap between rich and poor
nations over the years will:
16. At the beginning of the year one developing nation has a real income per capita of $600.
In a developed nation, the real income per capita is $12,000. Both nations have a 4 percent
growth rate for the year. At the end of the year, the absolute income gap will have increased
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
17. An IAC had a per capita income of $28,190 while a DVC had a per capita income of
$2,770. Suppose both nations had a growth rate of 2 percent. What would have happened to
the absolute income gap between the two nations after a year?
18. Which of the following countries had the highest per capita income in 2008?
19. Per capita income in the United States in 2008 was how many times greater than that in
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
20. Per capita income in the United States in 2008 was about:
21. A developing country would probably exhibit a low level of:
22. Which nation would best fit the following statistical description based on 2008 data? 1)
per capita income: $35,190; 2) life expectancy: 83 years; 3) infant mortality per 1000 births:
4; 4) adult illiteracy rate: 1 percent; 5) personal computers per 100 people: 75; 6) per capita
energy consumption: 4,019 kg. of oil equivalent.
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
23. Expanding the supplies of raw materials, capital equipment, effective labor, and
technological knowledge will:
24. Which factor most contributes to high per capita incomes in nations?
25. One essential for economic growth is:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
26. One major avenue for growth in both developing and industrially advanced nations is that
productive resources must be:
27. What factor contributes to poor economic growth in DVCs?
28. Human resources in the poorest DVCs have the following characteristics, except:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
29. Assume that the real output of a developing nation increases from $120 billion to $140
billion while its population expands from 100 to 110 million. As a result, real income per
capita has increased by about:
30. Assume the total real output of a developing country increases from $8 billion to $8.2
billion while its population expands from 14 to 15 million people from one year to the next.
Over the year, per capita income has:
31. Over the next 15 years, what percentage of the world population increase will come from
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
32. The average annual rate of population increase in the Philippines from 1990-2008 was
about 2 percent. Based on this rate of population growth, the population of the Philippines
will double in about:
33. World population growth averaged about 1.3 percent in the period 1990-2008. Using the
rule of 70, this rate of growth suggests that the world population will double in about:
34. A developing nation may not experience an increase in the average standard of living even
if it increases its output of goods and services because of:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
35. The traditional view of population growth in DVCs argues that:
36. The demographic transition view of population growth in DVCs argues that:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
37. Which view of population growth would be associated with the statement: "The standard
of living of DVCs will rise when actions are taken to reduce population growth"?
38. A study concludes that in DVCs rising incomes must first be achieved and only then will
there be slower population growth. What view of DVC population growth would it be
39. A developing nation's standard of living may not rise even with an increase in real output
because of:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
40. Income gains in the poorest DVCs may increase population growth initially, at least for a
while, due to the following reasons, except:
41. Population expansion can impede economic development for the following reasons,
42. Development economists suggest that the best strategy for the poorest DVCs to break out
of their poverty is to implement policies that boost their:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
43. Based on population and economic development trends, the world population is expected
to ____ in the last part of this century.
44. The population growth rate of the DVCs (developing countries) as a group in recent
decades has:
45. Which is most typical of human resources in developing nations?
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
46. Which of the following is most characteristic of developing nations?
47. Surplus agricultural labor in a developing nation usually means that there is:
48. The lack of an entrepreneurial class in developing nations tends to:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
49. All developing countries suffer from a critical shortage of:
50. An obstacle to economic growth in developing countries is:
51. A reason for placing special emphasis on capital accumulation in developing countries is
the high:
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
52. Studies generally show that if there is more investment in capital goods in DVCs, there
will be greater:
53. One of the major investment obstacles in less developed nations is:
54. Which is an obstacle to economic growth in DVCs?
Chapter 22W - The Economics of Developing Countries
55. Which is a factor limiting saving in DVCs?
56. A factor that limits the amount of saving in developing countries is that:
57. What is needed to aid capital formation in developing countries?

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