25) For something to serve as money, it must be
acked by the authority of the government.
B) generally accepted by buyers and sellers.
C) light, durable, and common.
D) convertible to gold.
26) Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of money?
A) Medium of exchange B) Source of wealth
C) Unit of accounting D) Store of value
27) The function of money as a store of value diminishes if
A) prices of goods and services increase. B) interest rates increase.
C) people begin to barter. D) money is no longer backed by gold.
28) Which of the following statements is NOT true about money?
A) Anything that serves as a medium of exchange, as a unit of accounting, as a store of value,
and as a standard of deferred payment can be called money.
B) Money is any medium that is universally accepted by sellers and creditors.
C) Money is a standard of deferred payment.
D) Money can only be coins and paper.
29) A medium of exchange is
A) any asset that sellers will accept as payment.
B) a measure by which prices are expressed.
C) an asset that is used to settle future debts.
D) the thing traded when barter takes place.