Curriculum & Instruction Chapter 9 Chapter 9 Rhythm Instruments 4 tools For Rhythm Amp Beat

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2384
subject Authors Alice P. Whiren, Anne K. Soderman, Marjorie J. Kostelnik

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Chapter 9 True/False Questions
Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if the statement is false.
T F 1. Creative art activities should include teacher-designed step by step instructions.
T F 2. In responding to children's art, teachers should show preference for realistic art.
T F 3. To develop appreciation, children should be exposed to a wide variety of arts.
T F 4. Demonstrating ways to use materials and tools can hinder children’s creative expression
T F 5. To avoid boredom, children should work with new art materials everyday.
T F 6. Extensive use of praise increases children’s motivation to participate in creative activities.
T F 7. Offering painting several times a week is a valuable way to give children experience
with basic art materials.
T F 8. When demonstrating ways to use certain art materials (ex. pipe-cleaners) teachers
should make a recognizable object (ex. a flower) as a model.
T F 9. Babies are able respond to music through their body movements.
T F 10. Responsive art activities show children that different art appeals to different people, and that
each person’s view is valid.
T F 11. Teachers should encourage sensory exploration without much teacher direction or interference
for very young or inexperienced children.
Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the best answer.
12. What are the differences between the responsive component and the productive component in the
aesthetic domain?
a. The productive component includes discovery activities.
b. The responsive component focuses on the appreciation of the arts.
c. The productive component is about expression or output, and the responsive component is
about acquiring and processing information.
d. Appreciation of natural beauty, appreciation of the fine arts and the ability to form judgments
and preferences are all a part of the responsive component.
13. Mr. Diablo planned to work toward the intermediate objective of engaging in art criticism. Which of
the following activities would most likely lead toward that goal?
a. Exploring sculptures
b. Dancing
c. Observing beautiful fish
d. Comparing cats in several picture books
14. Which is the least effective factor to support children’s creativity?
a. The teacher trusts and respects the individual.
b. Children receive instruction in techniques to make all materials and resources basically usable.
c. The physical environment is beautiful, accessible and organized.
d. The appearance of children’s creation to outsiders is most important to the teacher.
15. What is not a technique for art activity?
a. Paint with cotton balls
b. Fabric crayons
c. Fold-over prints
d. Gluing
16. What is a typical characteristic of highly creative children?
a. Are rarely persistent in reaching a goal.
b. Enjoy directed activities that provide the opportunity to imitate.
c. Enjoy inquiring and asking questions, as well as problem solving.
d. Frequently do not laugh or see the humor in situations that age mates find funny.
17. What is the least effective strategy to use when implementing a music activity with young children?
a. Look like you are enjoying singing and being with the children.
b. Start the song and expect the children to know what to do.
c. Know the song well.
d. Use visuals and props.
18. What is NOT a typical criterion for a good song to teach preschool children?
a. The melody is simple and appealing.
b. It tells a simple story.
c. There is coordination of action and sound.
d. It is full of words that are new to them.
19. Which of the following can be classified as a kind of art?
a. Visual
b. Performing
c. Useable
d. All of the above
20. How can line, color, shape, form, texture, composition, balance, and space be classified?
a. Methods of visual arts
b. Basic elements of visual arts
c. Techniques of visual art
d. All of the above
21. Which of the following is true of aesthetic education?
a. It engages children in the arts.
b. It nurtures awareness of art forms.
c. It fosters appreciation of music and dance.
d. All of the above
22. Which of the following is true when children are evaluating art?
a. They are experiencing one aspect of aesthetic learning.
b. They are acting outside the realm of aesthetic learning.
c. They are learning to be judgmental.
d. They are recalling facts.
23. Which of the following is the best response to a child asking “Teacher, do you like my
a. Oh, yes! You are a wonderful artist!
b. “I like everyone’s pictures.”
c. Tell me what you like about the picture.”
d. You used a wide brush to make strong lines in your picture.
24. Which of the following approaches will help children focus on details in their aesthetic creations?
a. Teachers should probe to the child to describe what he made.
b. Teachers should vary the materials available for children to use.
c. The same materials should be used repeatedly so children vary their techniques.
d. Teachers should have children discuss what they are going to make before they begin.
25. In which of the following are children ages 2-4 primarily interested?
a. Working with the materials (the process)
b. What they make (the product)
c. The larger concept (the theme)
d. None of the above
26. What is the first stage in representational art?
a. Painting shapes
b. Drawing people
c. Scribbling
d. Doodling
27. Which of the following is true about techniques used in art, music, dance and drama?
a. They are determined by the topic or theme of the activity.
b. They are ways in which the elements are manipulated and combined.
c. They should never be directly taught.
d. None of the above
28. Musically, what can be said about infants and toddlers?
a. They are capable of vocal play.
b. They experiment with sounds.
c. They produce phrase-songs.
d. All of the above
29. Mr. Garland frequently comments, "Good job.” Which of the following is most likely true about this?
a. He is using a highly effective response to children.
b. He is encouraging them to tell something about their work.
c. He is being judgmental and should avoid such phrases.
d. He is introducing the child to elements of art.
30. Which of the following is NOT a benefit children gain from aesthetic experiences?
a. Assists children in acquiring skills related to perceptual abilities.
b. Provides an outlet to express feelings.
c. Allows teachers to identify artistic talent early.
d. Provides children opportunities to experience success.
Chapter 9 Short Answer Questions
Give a short, concise answer to each of the statements.
31. Define the following musical terms and give an example of how each could be used in a sentence.
a. Melody
b. Beat
c. Tempo
32. Which activity is considered an art? Of those that are considered an art, in which of the four broad
categories of arts (Visual, Performing, Useable, Literary) does each belong?
Ordering food at a restaurant
Singing a song
Dancing a jig
Sanding a block of wood
Telling a story with puppets
Making up a poem
Weaving a basket
Using table manners
Clay sculpture
Talking on the telephone
Gadget printing
Taking photographs
Doing the dishes
Taking a walk
33. Match the following aesthetic terms with their meanings:
a. Early scribbling 1.How materials are used
b. Music, dance, drama, visual art 2.Relative speed of music
c. Basic art materials 3.Steady pulse of music
d. Rhythm instruments 4.Tools for rhythm & beat
e. Creative movement/dance props 5.Valuing creative works
f. Techniques 6.Form or outside edge
g. Early pre-schematic 7.Kinds of arts
h. Tempo 8.Likes and dislikes
i. Shape 9.Disordered, kinesthetic
j. Beat 10.Materials used often
k. Appreciation of the arts 11.Symbols change
l. Preferences 12.Streamers or scarves
34. For each of the scenarios below: a) tell if it is an effective or ineffective strategy or response and b)
tell why.
a. The teacher looks at Andrew's clay and says "What is it?"
b. The teacher shows the class what their puppets will look like when they're done.
c. The teacher puts a frowning face sticker on Rhonda's painting of a blue dog.
d. The teacher says students may make their own drawing in their own way because everyone has
different ideas.
e. Mrs. Aranson tells Jason to sing very quietly or just mouth the words during the performance.
35. Describe three ways teachers can modify art activities to include children with special needs.
Chapter 9 Essay Questions
Give complete responses to each of the statements.
36. Your second grade class is preparing to perform "Jack and the Beanstalk". They are gathering and
making props, writing scripts for the narrator and the characters, painting simple scenery and
making programs for the audience. In what kind of arts are they engaged? Explain why this project
is or isn't age-appropriate for the group.
37. Describe a lesson plan that encourages your kindergarten children to use creative dance to tell a
story. Tell which parts of the activity the teacher will decide, and which parts will be decided by the
38. Your 3 and 4 year-olds will be using glitter for the first time in your room. What
assumptions will you make about children this age related to this material? What
techniques, knowledge and skills are they likely to need in order to be successful?
39. A teacher in your school is doing a unit on farm animals. She plans what she considers an "art
activity" in which children trace a shape of a sheep, cut it out, and glue cotton balls on it. Using the
information you've gained from this chapter, describe 3 ways this lesson could be improved and tell
why you would make those changes.
Chapter 9:
Short Answer: Give a short, concise answer to each of the statements.
32. Which activity is considered an art? Of those that are considered an art, in which of the four broad
categories of arts (Visual, Performing, Useable, Literary) does each belong?
33. Match the following aesthetic terms with their meanings:
Essay: Give complete responses to each of the statements.

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