Curriculum & Instruction Chapter 7 Chapter 7 The Only Problem With Ongoing Observational Assessment

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1530
subject Authors Alice P. Whiren, Anne K. Soderman, Marjorie J. Kostelnik

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Chapter 7 True/False Questions
Circle the T if the statement is true; circle the F if the statement is false.
T F 1. The terms screening and readiness are not synonymous.
T F 2. Validity of a test refers to its consistency over time and also its consistency when
administered by more than one person.
T F 3. All standardized testing for children in early childhood settings should be eliminated in
favor of using classroom-conducted assessment.
T F 4. Rubrics are scoring tools that list gradations of quality from excellent to poor for use in
observing or evaluating behavior or skills.
T F 5. In order to be valid, authentic assessment should be separated from actual classroom
teaching and activity.
T F 6. The uninformed evaluator is the most dangerous element in the evaluation setting.
T F 7. Young children are particularly good subjects for observation, because they haven’t yet
learned how to mask their feelings.
T F 8. Participation charts are used to evaluate the quality of a child’s interaction with others
during a class activity.
T F 9. The assessment of children’s conceptual understanding, skills, and interests should be
the basis for a teacher’s instruction.
T F 10. Portfolios should contain a collection of only the child’s best work at particular points
in time.
Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the best answer.
11. Which of the following should not be included in a portfolio?
a. Written work
b. Drawing and Painting
c. Video- and/or audiotapes
d. Every anecdotal record
12. What is the disadvantage of observational assessment?
a. It is intrusive.
b. It has on-the-spot utility for improving interactions and instructional strategies.
c. Information can be gathered in natural settings.
d. It yields hypotheses that can be evaluated later on.
e. None of the above
13. Which of the following is a necessary component in the responsible administration of tests?
a. Establishing good rapport with children before testing.
b. Choosing an appropriate evaluation setting.
c. Consideration of timing.
d. Determining the purpose of the assessment.
e. All of the above
14. Which of the following is not an issue in assessment?
a. Labeling and tracking typically developing children on the basis of test results.
b. Differences in skill and concept development in young children.
c. Tests that are unrelated to the course of instruction or the learning goals.
d. Cultural bias in the test items.
15. What is the best feature of using portfolios?
a. They focus on what children can do.
b. They clearly document what children have failed to learn.
c. They are less time consuming than giving a traditional paper/pencil test.
d. a and b
e. b and c
16. Which of the following would be required in participation charts?
a. Time sampling
b. Event sampling
c. 10-Minute observation periods
d. Involving other adults in the classroom
e. Dated work samples
17. Which is true of rating scales?
a. They are essentially the same as time-sample participation charts.
b. They exist of frequency counts or behavior tallies of specific behaviors as they occur.
c. They always have an evaluative component qualifying behavior or skill acquisition.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
18. Which of the following portfolios is passed from teacher to teacher at the end of the year?
a. Individual portfolio
b. Institutional portfolio
c. Teacher portfolio
d. Showcase portfolio
e. Class portfolio
19. In scoring an oral reading tape for the child’s reading accuracy, which is the correct
a. Subtract the number of correct words read from the total. Divide the total number of
words read.
b. Multiply the total number of words read by the number of uncorrected mistakes.
c. Subtract the number of uncorrected mistakes from the total. Divide by the total number of
d. Subtract the number of uncorrected mistakes from the total. Divide by the total number of
words read.
20. In order to obtain good reliability in scoring comprehension when taking an oral reading
sample, which of the following would be appropriate?
a. Ask another teacher to listen in.
b. Structure individual, different questions for each child.
c. Ask closed-ended questions to cut down on ambiguity.
d. Structure several questions and ask the same questions of each child tested.
21. In standardized testing, what does the term validity mean?
a. The test measures what it is supposed to.
b. The child’s score will be the same if the test is re-administered.
c. The test has been normed on a population characteristic of the children taking the test.
d. a and c
e. a and b
22. Which of the following is a true statement?
a. If a standardized test is valid and reliable, it can be used to place children in special
b. The only problem with ongoing observational assessment is that it tends to be intrusive.
c. Observation of children can be seriously flawed if interpretation of the evaluator includes
a leniency factor.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
23. Documentation boards:
a. Contain 3-dimensional artifacts produced by children.
b. Should contain a description of the goals and objectives of the project depicted.
c. Are an excellent technological source of information for parents.
d. a and b
e. a and c
24. You ask a child preparing his portfolio, "Tell me why you selected that piece.” He answers,
“I picked it because it was good.” Your response to this is:
a. To teach the child additional self-reflection skills.
b. To accept the child’s response without further comment.
c. To tell the child that his answer is not well thought out and ask for another response.
d. To encourage the child to also tell what is wrong with the piece.
e. a and d
Chapter 7 Short Answer Questions
Give a short, concise answer to each statement.
25. In order to obtain the best response from a child in an assessment situation, what factors need
to be considered?
26. In what way can teachers use assessment data to successfully fulfill their responsibilities?
27. Explain the difference between the "halo” effect and the leniency factor as described in your
28. What is an ecomap?
29. Describe the benefits of observational assessment.
Chapter 7 Essay Questions
Give complete responses to each statement.
30. Explain what is meant by the concept "authentic assessment and evaluation” and how you
would implement it in an early childhood classroom.
31. The school in which you work shares assessment with parents by sending home report cards
at the end of each semester. Explain any changes you would make in order to better share
assessment information with parents.
32. Discuss the strengths and limitations of using standardized tests with young children.
33. You’ve decided to do student-led conferences with your children. Discuss the steps you feel
are necessary in structuring an effective experience for children and parents.
Chapter 7:
Short Answer: Give a short, concise answer to each statement.
Essay Questions: Give complete responses to each statement.

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