Curriculum & Instruction Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Loretta Must Leave The Area Loretta Can

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1730
subject Authors Alice P. Whiren, Anne K. Soderman, Marjorie J. Kostelnik

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Chapter 6 True/False Questions
Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if the statement is false.
T F 1. Negative commands like “Don’t touch the stove” have no meaning for young children
because they are unable to mentally reverse their actions.
T F 2. Egocentrism refers to an inability to understand a situation from another person’s
T F 3. The ability to understand and relate to another person’s feeling is called egocentrism.
T F 4. The teacher who offers children more time at recess if everyone completes their work on
time is hoping children will respond at the identification level of compliance.
T F 5. Reasons help children consider the impact of their behavior on others.
T F 6. Warm, friendly and creative are all words that describe the authoritarian adult.
T F 7. A rule described as reasonable is one that children have the knowledge and skills to
carry out.
T F 8. The most mature sense of guilt occurs when children feel guilty over breaking a known
T F 9. Children who are subjected to an authoritarian program atmosphere often become
hostile or withdrawn.
T F 10. The teacher who tells a child to repeat to himself, “I can wait” is using private speech
to help the child develop self-discipline.
T F 11. The children begin crashing cars they have made from plastic building pieces. The
teacher is worried the cars will break and directs them to use the wooden vehicles
instead. This is an example of substitution.
T F 12. One way to assist children in developing self-discipline is to encourage them to make
some of the rules themselves.
T F 13. Children should receive at least four warnings before the adult follows-through on the
stated consequences.
T F 14. Although most schools have written discipline policies, childcare settings do not
require such formal documents.
Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Questions
Circle the best answer.
15. Which of the following dimensions is NOT a component of self-discipline?
a. Inhibiting negative impulses
b. Delaying gratification
c. Self-awareness
d. Resisting temptation
16. Which of the following is LEAST characteristic of internalization?
a. It occurs at different times for different issues.
b. It happens spontaneously.
c. It involves behaviors and attitudes that become basic parts of each child’s personality.
d. It involves some measure of self-condemnation.
17. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of preschool-age children’s thinking?
a. Children’s notions of cause and effect are based on mature concepts.
b. Children’s thinking is characterized by centration.
c. Children’s thinking about right and wrong has reached maturity.
d. All the above
18. Which of the following reasons is least likely to be one which children in the early
childhood years use in determining that an action is bad?
a. The action harms a person (e.g., hitting).
b. The action disrupts the social order (e.g. not putting toys away).
c. The action violates people’s rights (e.g., name calling).
d. The action damages property (e.g., breaking something).
19. How do children learn moral reasoning?
a. Listening to stories about characters’ moral decision making.
b. Making decisions to avoid punishments or gain rewards.
c. Observing decisions and the consequences of decisions by peers.
d. All the above
20. The first essential component in authoritative guidance is to:
a. State rules in a positive manner.
b. Develop positive relationships with children.
c. Give reasons for rules.
d. Make sure the consequences fit the broken rule.
21. Authoritative adults are low on which of the following dimensions:
1. Communication
2. Maturity demands
3. Control
4. Nurturance
a. 3 only
b. 2 and 3
c. All of the above
d. none of the above
22. Authoritarian adults are low on which of the following dimensions:
1. Communication
2. Maturity demands
3. Control
4. Nurturance
a. 3 only
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. None of the above
23. Tracy is surrounded by permissive adults. Over time, what does the research say she will
probably be like?
a. Affectionate
b. Compliant
c. Happy
d. Hostile
e. Independent
24. Which of the following attributes does NOT fit the behavior pattern of an authoritarian
adult? The adult:
a. Has high expectations for children’s behavior.
b. Is flexible.
c. Is detached.
d. Expects unquestioning obedience.
25. When deciding what rules to make for the classroom, the teacher should ask herself which of
the following questions?
1. “Is the child’s behavior irritating to me?”
2. “Is the child’s behavior violating someone’s rights?”
3. “Is the child’s behavior unsafe?”
4. “Is the child’s behavior damaging to property?”
a. All of the above
b. 1, 2 and 3
c. 2, 3, and 4
d. None of the above
26. To which of the following directions are children most likely to respond?
a. Use your fork to eat your peas.
b. Don’t eat with your fingers.
c. Don’t talk with your mouth full.
d. You’ll choke. Stop eating so fast.
27. Billy is holding the gerbil. Suddenly he begins to squeeze the gerbil tightly. If you want to
change his behavior right then, what would you say or do?
a. Nice boys hold him gently, like this.”
b. “Don’t squeeze the gerbil so hard.”
c. “You’re going to hurt him if you keep doing that.
d. Physically intervene then talk about it.
28. Loretta slams the keys on the computer very roughly after being told to push them more
gently. What would be a logical consequence?
a. A key breaks.
b. 5 minutes deducted from recess.
c. Loretta must leave the area.
d. Loretta can only use the computer with adult assistance.
29. Megan and Jerome have been warned that if they continue to throw sand they will have to go
to another area to play. You observe them throwing sand again. In this situation what would an
authoritative adult do?
a. Escort the children to a different area.
b. Give the children a second warning of what will happen if they continue.
c. Explain that the sand is blowing in other children’s eyes.
d. Ask children what they think should happen as a result of their actions.
30. Two children are arguing over who will get to use the toy stethoscope. They are pulling on it
and pushing each other. What might an authoritative teacher do first?
a. Take the stethoscope away for the rest of the day.
b. Send the children to time-out.
c. Negotiate the conflict.
d. None of the above
31. Which of the following is an example of a positive consequence?
a. Saying, “You worked a long time on that project. I’m pleased you were so thorough.”
b. Giving a start sticker on a spelling paper.
c. Allowing children to earn video game tokens for reading ten books.
d. b and c only
e. All the above
32. Mr. Sanchez walks into the school library and finds 3 second graders behind the shelves,
cutting pages out of a book about shells. He considers the following consequences. Which of
these would be defined as logical according to your book?
1. The children must earn the money to replace the shell book.
2. The children may not use the library until a new shell book is purchased.
3. The children must tape the pages back into the book.
4. The children must stay after school and work in the library for the next month.
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 1, 3 and 4
33. When is modeling most effective?
a. When the model is another child.
b. When the model is doing something children wish they could do but are not yet capable of
doing on their own.
c. When the model’s behavior is pointed out to the children.
d. When the model is a male.
e. None of the above
34. Four-year-old Sara waits to get a snack until everyone else has one. Her teacher says, Sara,
you are a very patient girl.” What strategy did her teacher use?
a. Positive attribution
b. Rewards and punishments
c. Direct instruction
d. Modeling
Chapter 6 Short Answer Questions
Give a short, concise answer to each statement.
35. What is the term for the force that motivates people to comply with a rule because someone
they admire advocates the rule?
36. What are the four Experiential Influences through which children develop self-discipline?
37. What is the emotional component of self-discipline that serves a ‘stop’ function?
38. What is the difference between the uninvolved teaching style and the permissive teaching
39. What is the least intrusive phase of the Authoritative Teaching Continuum? What adult
behavior represents maximum control?
Chapter 6 Essay Questions
Give complete responses to each statement.
40. Discuss each of the four discipline styles described in your textbook and their implications
for children’s behavior over time.
41. Describe the relationship between the authoritative teaching style and developmentally
appropriate practice. Provide examples to illustrate your response.
42. Describe why a team approach to discipline is important and three ways in which you would
achieve such an approach in your early childhood classroom.
43. Describe how you could partner with parents to promote self-discipline among the young
children in your classroom.
Chapter 6:
Short Answer: Give a short, concise answer to each statement.
Essay: Give complete responses to each statement.

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