CS 48004

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 30
subject Words 5001
subject Authors Alan Dennis Barbara Haley Wixom David Tegarden

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A method that combines two functions that use the same attributes to execute exhibits
Communicational cohesion.
Time required to develop and test user documentation should be built into the project
Open-ended questions gather rich information because they are questions that permit
the interviewee to elaborate on answer.
The conversion approach that converts all locations at the same time is simultaneous
A formal way of representing how a business system interacts with its environment is
termed a use case.
Object diagram is just another name for class diagram; they both show the same
The leader in the database market and a system that can handle diverse data needs is the
relational DBMS.
Modeling the real world in behavioral models is relatively easy.
A drop-down box displays selected items in a one-line box that opens to reveal a list of
choices. Common applications include a list of the 50 states and the selection of a
printer from a list of 12 available.
The purpose of the network model is to convey the complexity of the system, to show
how the system's components will fit together, and to help the project team develop the
hardware and software specification.
A transaction file is primarily used to update a master file.
PERT chart can be used to track the tasks of a project when task time estimates are
fairly uncertain.
Online support, the most common form of on-demand training, includes the
documentation and help screens built into the system, as well as separate Web sites that
provide answers to frequently asked questions.
The destruction of temporary objects is shown on sequence diagrams with an X at the
end of the lifeline.
The most common source of a change request is from the operations group that
identifies bugs in the system.
The Unified Modeling Language is a collection of terms and diagrams designed to be
used in data-oriented software projects.
The user interface includes three parts; the input mechanism, the output mechanism,
and the reporting mechanism.
In a deployment diagram, an artifact is a piece of the information system that is to be
deployed onto the physical architecture.
The traditional Work Breakdown Structure approach is very useful when the
requirements of the system are not well understood.
For use-case point estimation purposes, actors/use cases can be classified as simple,
common, or complex.
The primary advantage of the Waterfall Development methodology is requirements are
completely specified and held relatively constant prior to programming.
The role of the change management analyst includes ensuring that adequate
documentation and support are available to the users.
Extreme programming depends on refactoring to ensure that the code is kept simple.
In-house experience is not a factor to be considered for selecting a design strategy since
a company is always able to hire experienced developers.
Activity diagram, use-case diagram and use-case descriptions are three different
representations for the non-functional model.
The primary actor is the person or thing that starts the execution of a use case.
Both the communication diagram and the sequence diagram can show return messages.
The document that describes the project's objectives and rules is called the project
Ease of use and ease of learning are important interrelated aspects of the user
experience design principle.
The object persistence format that supports simple data types only is OODBMS.
When all of the modules of a system are installed at one time, an organization is using
whole system conversion.
An image file stores past transactions that may no longer be needed, is usually stored
off-line, and can be accessed on an as-needed basis.
Helping the users to use the system after installation is called system maintenance.
One of the principles for common sense based user interface design is "Don"t make me
For complex systems, prototyping is not a suitable methodology, since it will lead to
problems with maintaining the system.
In the symbol for a class, the name goes in the bottom compartment.
The correct sequence of the major steps in creating use case diagrams is _____.
a. identify the major use cases, expand the major use cases, confirm the major use
cases, create the use-case diagram
b. identify the major use cases, expand the major use cases, create the use-case diagram,
confirm the major use cases
c. create the use-case diagram, identify the major use cases, expand the major use cases,
confirm the major use cases
d. create the use-case diagram, identify the major use cases, confirm the major use
cases, expand the major use cases
e. identify the major use cases, confirm the major use cases, expand the major use
cases, create the use-case diagram
The ________ brings together into a single comprehensive document the material
created during planning and analysis
a. project charter
b. system proposal
c. system request
d. requirements document
e. vision document
The acronym CRUD stands for _____.
a. create, read, update, delete
b. create, reference, underline, delete
c. create, re-do, underline, delete
d. collaborate, read, update, delete
e. collaborate, reference, update, discard
The three steps of project management are _____.
a. controlling the project, directing the project, and creating the work plan
b. creating the work plan, staffing the project, and controlling and directing the project
c. directing the project, creating the work plan, and naming the tasks
d. naming the tasks, creating the work plan, and completing the deliverables
e. setting the start date, estimating the time, and reading the actual time
Which of the following are used to create objects?
a. concrete objects
b. abstract objects
c. concrete classes
d. abstract classes
e. concrete instances
The public key infrastructure (PKI) is ______.
a. hardware
b. software
c. organizations
d. policies
e. all of these
When training users from a collectivistic culture it makes sense to use _____.
a. online support (OLS)
b. frequently asked questions (FAQ)
c. on-demand training (ODT)
d. group-based training
e. computer-based training (CBT)
Feasibility analysis examines several questions, including "_____?"
a. Can it be built (technical feasibility)
b. Do we have the right people to build it (organizational feasibility)
c. If we build it, can our computers handle the load (operational feasibility)
d. Can we get afford it (economic feasibility)
e. all of these
Which one in the following is one of the set of obstacles that cloud computing must
overcome before it becomes the primary approach to provision the physical architecture
a. the cost of the cloud
b. the level of availability of the cloud
c. the security in the cloud
d. the safety of the cloud
e. the usability of the cloud
Laura sorts the information on all of her reports into alphabetical order, which makes it
very hard to notice the X, Y, or Z. By sorting the information in this way Laura has
introduced _____ into the manager's decision process.
a. bias
b. information availability
c. information overload
d. real-time reporting
e. report usage
When assigning programmers to a programming team, the best size of the team is
a. five
b. six
c. the largest number of people possible
d. the smallest number of people possible
e. twenty-two
Which of the following Structured English statements is an advanced form of an IF
a. action statement
b. For statement
c. While statement
d. Case statement
e. Do statement
One of the rules used for verifying and validating the structural model is to check that
every CRC card should be associated with a class on the class diagram, and vice-versa.
The conversion style that recommends operating the new system along side the old
system for a trial period is known as _____.
a. direct
b. parallel
c. phased
d. pilot
e. simultaneous
The most commonly used information-gathering technique is _____.
a. interviewing
b. joint application design (JAD) sessions
c. document analysis
d. observation
e. questionnaires
Fundamentally, cloud computing is an umbrella technology that encompasses the ideas
of ________________, service-oriented architectures, and grid computing.
a. distributed computing
b. e-business
c. Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
d. virtualization
e. networking
The type of database that is most capable of supporting complex data types is _____.
a. sequential files
b. relational DBMS
c. object-oriented DBMS
d. object-relational DBMS
e. random access files
The information gathering technique that enables the analyst to collect facts and
opinions from a wide range of geographically dispersed people quickly and with the
least expense is the _____.
a. document analysis
b. interview
c. JAD session
d. observation
e. questionnaire
Jim has documented a use case that describes the functionality of a system as "To
compute gross pay, multiply the hours worked that are recorded on the time card from
the time clock by the hourly rate that is recorded in the employee master file from the
MS SQL server database." This is an example of a(n) _____ use case.
a. overview
b. detail
c. essential
d. real
e. imaginary
Which of the following would notbe an appropriate class name?
a. student
b. patient
c. John
d. customer
e. doctor
Examples of development costs include all EXCEPT _____.
a. consultant fees
b. hardware expenses
c. salaries for the project team
d. software licensing fees
e. none of these
Moving files by dragging and dropping is an example of _____ navigation controls.
a. command language
b. direct manipulation
c. menu
d. natural language
Every actor and object included on a sequence diagram must be included as an actor
and an object on a communication diagram, and vice versa.
_____ documentation is designed to help programmers and systems analysts understand
the application software and maintain it after the system is installed.
a. Acceptance
b. Integration
c. Navigation
d. System
e. User
A JAD session can reduce scope creep by _____.
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 40%
d. 50%
e. 75%
Kathryn has little experience estimating the time it will take to complete a systems
project. She has just completed the planning phase of the project. What method should
she use to estimate the time required to build the system?
a. adjusted project complexity
b. function points
c. industry standards
d. Microsoft Project
e. more complex approach
If real-time information is required by the information system, then the appropriate
input processing mechanism is _____.
a. back room processing
b. batch processing
c. off-line processing
d. on-line processing
e. real-time processing
If end users feel fearful or threatened by a proposed new system, this factor should be
included as a part of the _____.
a. economic feasibility assessment
b. organizational feasibility assessment
c. system proposal
d. system request
e. technical feasibility assessment
Adding people to a project team in order to speed up total development time _____.
a. is a standard task in timeboxing
b. is a useful way to meet a tight deadline
c. may actually increase total development time
d. simplifies communication within the team
e. none of these
This chapter suggested three representations that could be used for structural modeling:
CRC cards, class diagrams, and ___________________.
a. object diagrams
b. use case diagrams
c. activity diagrams
d. use case description
e. business models
There are three methods to create a new system. They are _____.
a. buy a package, external vender, external service provider
b. develop custom application in-house, external service provider, and external vender
c. external service provider, rely on a developer, and external vender
d. in-house custom application, buy a package, and external vender
e. in-house custom application, external service provider, and external vender
A(n) _____ use case is typically created early in the process of understanding the
system requirements as a way of documenting basic information about the use case.
a. overview
b. detail
c. essential
d. real
e. imaginary
Which approach to system testing checks to see if the new system can handle high
volumes of transactions?
a. requirements testing
b. usability testing
c. security testing
d. performance testing
e. documentation testing
The layer that keeps the user interface implementation separate from the application or
problem domain classes is the _____ layer.
a. foundation
b. system architecture
c. human-computer interaction
d. data management
e. problem domain
Briefly discuss the difference between dynamic and static binding.
What are the two types of acceptance tests and when are they used? What is the
difference between the two types of tests?
Discuss the three situations in which denormalization will reduce joins and improve
data access performance.
Analysts must assume that users have not read the manual, have not attended training,
and do not have external help readily available. To confront these realities, navigation
controls must be designed with three basic principles. Identify and define these three
principles. Provide an example for each.
Explain the term clustering.
Explain the usefulness of alternate flows and when they are used.
Describe the five steps of the user interface design process. Why is this process
When determining the content of training, the team should cover everything the system
can do and focus on all of its capabilities. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Briefly discuss the RAD methodology and mention its advantages and disadvantages.
Describe behavioral state machines.
Distinguish between level 1 system support and level 2 system support.
Explain the "Conversion Modules" dimension and its impact on the conversion process.
Describe Lewin's model of organizational change, and how it is relevant to the process
of implementing new information systems.
The feasibility study is performed during project initiation. How can this feasibility
assessment be accurate so early in the project? Explain.
Use Structured English or pseudocode to write the logic for the process "register for a
class" at your college or university. Focus on a single class, but consider the possible
exceptions that may occur when you try to register for that class.
What is method cohesion?
An analyst has discovered two classes where one appears to be a superclass and the
other a subclass. What type of relationship is used to model this association on a
structural model? What is the notation that is used? Draw an example of how this would
be illustrated on a class diagram.
Jane, the head nurse on the surgery recovery floor, is going to place a request for a
system that will create a report from data already in the patient record system. This
report should be sent to new printers (cost per printer is approximately $2,000) located
just outside each of 12 patient's rooms and the central nurse's station. Jane feels that a
graphical report that combines the patient record of pain and pain medication received
is absolutely necessary for the doctors and nursing staff to make proper medical
decisions concerning patient recovery. Nurses already record the date, time, and
severity of pain each time the patient complains or notifies them of discomfort. The
pharmacy nurse records the amount of pain medication administered to each patient
immediately after administration. Jane feels that combining these two pieces of
information will improve medical decision making and provide better care to the
patient. The IS manager has approved $50,000 for the development of the system and
estimates that maintaining the system for the next five years will cost $2,000 per year.
In addition, this method will increase the accuracy of reporting by 10% per year for
three years and reduce pharmacy costs (cost of pain reducing drugs) by 15% in the first
year of introduction. Current expenses credited to inaccurate data gathering are
$100,000 per year. Pharmacy costs are currently $10 million.
Identify the costs and benefits in the four financial categories assessed during a
feasibility analysis.
Give the formula for the schedule time in months, given the effort in person-months.

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