CRIM 89388

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2460
subject Authors Anne M. Bartol, Curt R. Bartol

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Match up the terminology in the left column to the definitions in the right column.
A) The ability to bounce back quickly and adaptively from negative emotional
B) The ability to understand a person from his or her frame of reference
C) The ability to control one's own behavior
D) A person's developmental skills or deficits enhance, affect, or determine the next
skill or deficit along a life-course trajectory
E) Psychological measurement
F) Parent-child interactions characterized by parental attitudes toward the child and the
emotional climate of the parent-child relationship
G) An emotional response characterized by feelings of concern for another and a desire
to alleviate that person's distress
H) A parenting style characterized by a child who becomes intensely distressed and
anxious by separation
I) Strategies employed by parents to achieve specific academic, social, or athletic goals
across different contexts and situations
J) A cluster of behaviors characterized by persistent and repetitive misbehavior
1> Resilience
2> Parental practices
3> Cognitive empathy
4> Psychometric
5> Dynamic cascade model
6> Conduct disorder
7> Anxious/ambivalent
8> Parental styles
9> Affective empathy
10> Self-regulation
The psychoactive properties of marijuana are found principally in the
A) resin of the plant.
B) stem of the plant.
C) stasis of the plant.
D) flowers of the plant.
A serious mental disorder characterized by abnormal fascination with fire is called
A) firesetting.
B) arson obsession.
C) anhedonia.
D) pyromania.
Strategies employed by parents to achieve specific academic, social, or athletic goals
are called parental ________; whereas parental attitude toward the child and the
emotional climate of the parent-child relationship refers to parental ________.
A) styles; practices
B) practices; styles
C) authority; tactics
D) tactics; authority
About one of every ________ murders and nonnegligent manslaughters in the United
States involve a family member killing another family member.
A) two
B) five
C) ten
D) thirteen
A hostage is most likely to survive a hostage situation if she
A) plays the subordinate role and not attract attention to oneself.
B) attempts to reason with the hostage takers.
C) becomes assertive and argumentative.
D) pleads for mercy.
The childhood of the psychopath is often characterized by
A) hyperactivity.
B) cruelty to animals.
C) enuresis.
D) fire setting.
Most estimates of the distribution of pedophiles in the general population are derived
A) arrest and prison data.
B) treatment and actuarial data.
C) self-report data.
D) clinical data.
Behaviorism is to ________ as social learning is to ________.
A) biological drives; socialization
B) objectivity; subjectivity
C) reinforcement; environmental stimuli
D) environmental stimuli; cognition
When a caregiver fabricates or intentionally causes symptoms in those they are caring
for in order to seek and obtain medical treatment, it is usually a case of
A) the woozle effect.
B) phanerothyme.
C) Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
D) Landau-Kleffner syndrome.
Which of the following is true about pedophilia?
A) It must be accompanied by action.
B) It is a clinical condition.
C) It is a crime.
D) It is untreatable.
Which pattern of firesetting is often linked to the cover-up of other crimes?
A) Instrumental-object pattern
B) Expressive-object pattern
C) Intentional-expressive pattern
D) Expressive-person pattern
The modus operandi
A) is an unusual pattern that is not necessary to commit the offense.
B) refers to the procedures an offender engages in to successfully commit a crime.
C) is a consistent, unchanging behavior the offender uses across all crimes.
D) is a crucial link investigators must focus on when linking crimes.
According to Loeber et al. (2003), child delinquents ________ compared to adolescents
who begin offending in their teens.
A) are two to three times more likely to become serious violent and chronic offenders
B) commit more serious offenses
C) are twice as likely to have a diagnosed mental disorder
D) are three times more likely to have an undiagnosed mental disorder
Which statement most accurately summarizes findings on twin and adoption studies?
A) One's environment significantly impacts the frequency and severity of criminal
B) Genetic factors have little impact on antisocial behavior.
C) The environment in which a child is raised has little impact on the likelihood of
antisocial behavior.
D) Genes may influence one's susceptibility or resistance to environmental risk factors.
E) Genes do not significantly impact one's susceptibility to environmental risk factors.
When victims are chosen because the killer associates them with a primary target
against whom revenge is sought, this is called
A) murder by proxy.
B) associative murder.
C) associative selection.
D) loyalty murder.
Which of the following conclusions is supported by Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison
A) Situational variables are powerful determinants of behavior.
B) An individual's personality is more important than situational factors in determining
C) Most people remain true to their principles, even when put into psychologically
compelling situations.
D) People do not easily become deindividuated.
The tendency of a group to develop beliefs and make decisions that are more extreme
than the initial inclination of its members is called
A) risky shift.
B) group persuasion.
C) extreme terrorism.
D) group think.
Akers' differential association reinforcement theory is based largely on the
criminological theory of
A) Edwin Sutherland.
B) Albert Bandura.
C) B.F. Skinner.
D) Walter Miller.
The tendency to gather evidence that confirms one's pre-existing expectations, while
failing to seek contradictory information is called
A) biased profiling.
B) pre-existing orientation.
C) confirmation bias.
D) skewed reconnaissance.
According to Quay, psychopaths behave the way they do because they
A) haven't learned consequences of their behavior.
B) do not receive the full impact of sensations from the environment.
C) have learned the behavior from watching others.
D) do not interact with their environment.
The insanity defense is used in approximately what percent of felony criminal offenses
in the United States?
A) About 1%
B) 5% to 10%
C) 11% to 15%
D) About 20%
E) Between 20% and 27%
The FBI classifies terrorists according to
A) country.
B) motives.
C) religious beliefs.
D) political leanings.
Most contemporary researchers of temperament focus on
A) school-aged children.
B) incarcerated males.
C) families with two or more children.
D) infants.
Which personality feature, commonly associated with antisocial behavior, shows high
hereditability and little environmental influence?
A) Empathy
B) Schizophrenic detachment
C) Temperament
D) Callous-unemotional traits
During early stages of frustration or general arousal, cognitive processes appear to have
little influence beyond the immediate appraisal that the situation is aversive. This
description outlines a stage of what model of aggression and violence?
A) The cognitive expectancy model
B) The neo-frustration-aggression model
C) The cognitive neoassociation model
D) The weapons effect model
When an individual exhibits a progressively decreased responsiveness to a drug, this
phenomenon is called
A) dependence.
B) psychosocial adaptation.
C) abuse.
D) tolerance.
How was the case of Phineas Gage relevant to the chapter?
A) It emphasized the importance of micronutrients to fetal development.
B) It confirmed that adolescent risk taking is related to aggression in adulthood.
C) It suggested that serotonin may play a role in violent behavior.
D) It illustrated the effects of frontal lobe damage.
According to Berkowitz, high levels of arousal ________ aggressive behavior in certain
A) completely dissipate
B) cause
C) slightly reduce
D) facilitate
Green's concept of occupational crime would include all of the following except
A) a bank officer embezzling funds.
B) a corporation illegally dumping hazardous waste.
C) a police officer using excessive force against a suspect.
D) a restaurant employee committing motor vehicle theft during non-work hours.
Whose trial generated so much public outcry that Congress passed the Insanity Defense
Reform Act of 1984?
A) Ted Bundy's
B) John Hinckley's
C) The BTK Killer's
D) O.J. Simpson's
Research has found that the two consistent characteristics of school shooters are
A) cruelty to animals and easy access to weapons.
B) desire for revenge and history of drug use.
C) interest in unusual hobbies and history of drug use.
D) peer rejection and social rejection.
According to researcher Virginia Douglas (2004), which problem is central to children
with ADHD?
A) Lead toxicity
B) Lack of understanding
C) Self-regulation
D) Impaired intellectual functioning
The only major data source permitting a comparison of national data broken down by
age, sex, race, and offense is the ________.
Discuss the argument for and against removing status offenses from state juvenile
courts. What is your opinion on this issue?
Choose three concepts in the chapter and one newsworthy case. Define the concepts
and use the concepts to explain the case.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Research indicates that most serious juvenile offenders ________ their offending over
Children and youth living under dire economic conditions are at high risk of becoming
________ and offenders.
Problem behaviors, such as substance use and delinquent behavior, during the middle
school years occur within the ________ context.
Social learning theorists believe that the ________ of behavior depends on
Discuss four ways juveniles are able to access guns, despite the Violent Crime Control
and Law Enforcement Act.
Why is it pessimistic to view violence and aggression as a genetically programmed
aspect of human nature? Explain the sentence: Aggression is a simple, direct method of
solving immediate conflicts.
Answer:Answers will vary.
The finding that both structure and ________ of the brain are affected by experience is
known as plasticity.
General altercation homicide is a result of ________ aggression.
The ________ hostage taker is considered the most frequent and the most dangerous
Theories that view domestic violence as a tactic for gaining power and control in
relationships are highly consistent with ________ theory.
The boldness factor of psychopathy is sometimes referred to as ________ dominance.
Many clinicians and researchers have resisted any trend to search for psychopathy in
juveniles, noting that features of the adult psychopath simply represent ________
adolescent development.
The aggression debate is part of a wider controversy about the respective merits of
________ and nurture.
The ethological perspective has evolved into what is referred to today as ________
Compare and contrast Sutherland's differential association theory and Akers' differential
association-reinforcement theory.

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