CRIM 54606

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1809
subject Authors John S. Dempsey

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This case established the exclusionary rule in federal courts.
a. Weeks v. United States
b. Wolf v. Colorado
c. Rochin v. California
d. Mapp v. Ohio
Which of the following is not one of the major factors Herbert Jacob says causes the
police to exercise discretion?
a. department policies
b. characteristics of the crime
c. relationship between criminal and victim or between police and criminal or victim
d. geographic area of the crime
What U.S. state employs the most full-time state and local law enforcement personnel?
a. Texas
b. New York
c. California
d. New Jersey
The first decision maker in the criminal justice system and often the most important is:
a. the judge
b. the defense attorney
c. the police officer
d. the prosecutor
The power of police is limited by state laws and the:
a. Pendleton Act
b. district attorney
c. Bill of Rights
d. municipal judge
Who coined the term the "working personality" of the police?
a. Jerome Skolnick
b. James Fyfe
c. James Q. Wilson
d. Egon Bittner
The computer-aided investigation system developed for British investigators and
adopted in Florida is called:
Which of the following is an example of the standards governing police ethics?
a. U.S. Constitution
b. Bill of Rights
c. case law as determined by appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court
d. all of these choices
Many large cities that are faced with rising crime problems are eager to hire
administrators who are familiar with CompStat and "broken windows" policing and
who came up under this successful police chief:
a. Jimmy Johnson
b. Daryl Gates
c. William Bratton
d. Rick Patterson
Researchers say that the pressure of being on duty 24 hours a day leads to stress and
that the police learn to cope with that stress by:
a. brutalizing and denigrating citizens
b. shirking their responsibilities
c. becoming emotionally detached from their work and the people they are paid to serve
d. engaging in illegal conduct
In what decade did increases in crime, technological advances, and changes in police
management thinking lead to the reduction of police foot patrols and their resultant ties
to the community?
a. 1920s
b. 1940s
c. 1960s
d. 1990s
The__________evolved into the Gendarmerie Nationale, which today polices the areas
outside France's major cities.
a. Praefectus Urbi
b. Praetorian Guard
c. Marchause
d. Magistrates
The largest Indian law enforcement agency is:
a. Comanche nation
b. Apache nation
c. response to terrorism
d. Oglala Sioux tribe
The refusal of some police officers to report fellow officers' misconduct is called:
a. the uniform code of silence
b. the blue wall of silence
c. the police omerta
d. blue loyalty
What was the role of the New York City Police Department's Community Patrol Officer
a. to serve high-risk warrants
b. community surveillance
c. to rid the neighborhoods of street gangs
d. identification of neighborhood problems and development of short- and long-term
strategies for solving them
The Humortown Police Department issues many summonses and makes many
misdemeanor arrests. According to James Q. Wilson, it would be considered to be a
____________________ department.
a. watchman
b. legalistic
c. moralistic
d. service
The examination of skeletal remains is called forensic:
a. toxicology
b. pathology
c. physical anthropology
d. odontology
The vast majority of all arrests are made:
a. at the scene of the crime
b. within 48 hours
c. within 2 weeks
d. within 1 month
The type of discrimination that is the indirect result of policies or practices that are not
intended to discriminate but do, in fact, discriminate is called ____________________
a. de facto
b. by-product
c. reverse
d. circumlocutory
Which of the following is called a special jurisdiction agency?
a. Port Authority police
b. college police
c. parks and wildlife police
d. all of the above
Police testimony that narcotics they found on the ground were dropped by persons they
arrested has been called:
a. dropsy testimony
b. fallen testimony
c. on-the-ground testimony
d. all of these choices
The independent body in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, that has authority to make binding
decisions on a wide range of policy issues, working conditions, and departmental
strategies is called a ____________________.
a. community review board
b. community team
c. leadership team
d. police chief's administrative team
The police attempt to prevent crime by trying to create a sense of:
a. safety and security
b. community involvement
c. omniscience
d. omnipresence
Crime Stoppers originated in Phoenix, Arizona.
The first organized American police department (1838) in the North was created in
what city?
a. Chicago
b. New York City
c. Philadelphia
d. Boston
In 2005, Hispanics surpassed African Americans as the largest minority group when
they reached 14.5 percent of the population. In 2010, Hispanics represented _____
percent of the population.
a. 12
b. 14
c. 20
d. 16
Nearly all police departments have a written policy on pursuit driving, and 60 percent
restrict vehicle pursuits according to specific criteria.
Which of the following people who live on the public streets can be described as street
a. the homeless
b. alcoholics
c. the mentally ill
d. all of these choices
Recruiters will have to tap into the desires of the:
a. Baby Boomer Generation
b. Millennial Generation
c. Me Generation
d. Generation Next
The federal government program that gave grants for police officers to attend college
was called:
Which of the following has been proposed as a solution to police brutality?
a. improved training
b. better screening of applicants
c. citizen review
d. all of these choices
____________________ are effective in cases in which the police receive a tip that a
crime is going to occur in a commercial establishment or in which the police discover
or come upon a pattern.
a. Stings
b. Stakeouts
c. Decoys
d. Inventories
The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 (EEOA):
a. expanded the jurisdiction and strengthened the powers of the EEOC
b. allowed employees of state and local governments to file employment discrimination
suits with the EEOC
c. made the provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, including Title VII, applicable to
state and local governments
d. all of these choices
The NYPD tactical plan known as __________ consists of officers from the Emergency
Service Unit who are outfitted in heavy bullet-resistant vests and Kevlar helmets, carry
automatic weapons including M-4 rifles or MP5 submachine guns, and are utilized to
combat potential terrorism.
An untapped resource that can greatly contribute to the mission of keeping the
homeland safe and that could prove to be an extremely valuable partner to law
enforcement is the __________industry.
Automated fingerprint identification systems began to be developed in the 1980s.
According to Jim Ruiz and Kathleen H. Winters, the lack of interagency
communication before 9/11 was a by-product of multiple federal law enforcement and
intelligence agencies failing to share the intelligence they had gathered on terrorism
with other departments and even within their own agencies.
Define problem-solving policing, and give three specific examples of actual
problem-solving policing programs.
Answer varies.
Undercover investigations are rarely used by federal law enforcement agencies.
List and explain each of Broderick's styles. Which style of officer would you want in
your community? Why?
Answer varies.
Carl B. Klockars, in Idea of Police, broadly defines the basic function of the police as
dealing with all those problems that may require the use of __________
The National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement is more popularly
known as the __________ Commission.
How effective are women as patrol officers as compared to their male counterparts?
Answer varies.
Explain the role that social media is playing in police"community relations.
Answer varies.
A __________ center is defined as a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that
provide resources, expertise, and information to the center with the goal of maximizing
its ability to detect, prevent, investigate, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity.
An attorney is required at every showup.
At the conclusion of the Kansas City study, everyone in the community knew that an
experiment regarding policing had been conducted in their community.
Describe and discuss the major changes in the FBI's priorities since 9/11.
Answer varies.
Name and describe several community crime prevention programs. Select one that you
believe offers the most potential in reducing and preventing crime, and explain your
Answer varies.
Identify at least four persons throughout history who had a significant influence on the
development and shape of twentieth-century American policing, and list some of their
Answer varies.
Researchers who traveled to St. Petersburg, Florida, to observe changes occurring in
police roles and police"community relations after the implementation of community
policing found that the citizens seemed satisfied with community policing.
__________ is the author of the classic text on policing entitled Police Administration.
Name three of the programs administered and supported by the Office of Community
Oriented Policing Services (COPS) of the U.S. Department of Justice and discuss them.
Answer varies.

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