CRIM 39405

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1804
subject Authors Frank J. Schmalleger

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Semipermanent assignment of officers to particular neighborhoods is called ________.
a. intensive policing
b. partner policing
c. block policing
d. team policing
The juvenile system is more likely to maximize the use of discretion and ________ than
the adult system.
a. employ diversion from further formal processing
b. apply the death penalty for first-degree murder
c. protect the offender's due process rights
d. focus on legal issues of guilt or innocence
________ describes a society that is home to a multitude of different cultures.
a. Postmodernism
b. Multiculturalism
c. Polygamy
d. Professionalism
In which of the following cases did the court say that "even law enforcement officials
who reasonably but mistakenly conclude that probable cause is present are entitled to
a. Hunter v.Bryant
b. City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris
c. Biscoe v. Arlington County
d. Malley v. Briggs
A career offender, who is generally supportive of inmates' values in a women's prison,
is called a ________.
a. square
b. femme
c. life
d. cool
All of the following discretionary decisions are always inappropriate, EXCEPT
a. reducing charges in exchange for personal considerations
b. deciding not to prosecute friends or political cronies
c. following a state bar version of the ABA rules
d. overzealously prosecuting a case to seek heightened visibility
A sentencing alternative that requires offenders to spend at least part of their time
working for a community agency is known as ________.
a. community service
b. home confinement
c. intensive probation supervision
d. mixed sentence
During a trial, the ________ stage happens before the ________ stage, but after the
________ stage.
a. closing arguments; opening statement; jury selection
b. jury selection; opening statement; presentation of evidence
c. opening statement; closing statement; jury selection
d. presentation of evidence; opening statement; closing statement
Which model of criminal justice assumes that the efforts of the component parts of the
system are fragmented, leading to a criminal justice nonsystem?
a. due-process model
b. consensus model
c. crime-control model
d. conflict model
Which of the following is typically NOT a function of a sheriff's department?
a. to serve court papers
b. to maintain and manage county jails
c. to appoint a local coroner
d. to provide law enforcement throughout a county or area between municipalities
Which of the following is an excuse defense?
a. consent
b. duress
c. necessity
d. double jeopardy
The U.S. Congress authorized the attorney general to gather and publish the Uniform
Crime Reports in ________.
a. 1990
b. 1960
c. 1930
d. 1980
Which state has the lowest rate of imprisonment?
a. Maine
b. Rhode Island
c. New Hampshire
d. North Dakota
Which U.S. Supreme Court case made the exclusionary rule applicable to seizures by
federal officers?
a. Weeks v. U.S.
b. Johnson v. Avery
c. Powell v. Alabama
d. Chimel v. California
Which of the following is NOT an alternative to bail?
a. nolo contendere
b. conditional release
c. release on recognizance
d. third-party custody
Which model emphasizes probation and parole officers' service role and views
probationers and parolees as clients?
a. correctional model
b. social work model
c. community service model
d. supervisory model
Court-appointed defense attorneys, whose fees are paid at a set rate by local or state
government, are also called ________.
a. assigned counsel
b. opposing counsel
c. public counsel
d. private counsel
________ is when law enforcement officers exercise choice while carrying out their
a. Police presence
b. Legal input
c. Directed patrol
d. Police discretion
The weapons used most often to commit murder are ________.
a. firearms
b. blunt objects
c. knives
d. fists
One purpose of ________ is to provide an opportunity for bail.
a. an arrest
b. the preliminary hearing
c. a first appearance
d. an indictment
Men are more likely than women to be victimized for all of the following offenses,
EXCEPT ________.
a. murder
b. robbery
c. rape
d. vandalism
The body of rules and regulations that define and specify the nature of and punishments
for offenses of a public nature for wrongs committed against the state or society is
called ________.
a. criminal law
b. procedural law
c. administrative law
d. civil law
________ is the scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime and the
rehabilitation and punishment of offenders.
a. Criminology
b. Due process
c. Psychology
d. Criminal justice
Which of the following rules states that a person can only defend a third party under
circumstances and only to the degree that the third party could act?
a. M"Naghten Rule
b. retreat rule
c. alter ego rule
d. Durham rule
How many security levels are there in the federal prison system according to the Bureau
of Prisons classification?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
According to the latest statistics, what percentage of death-row inmates in the United
States are male?
a. 88%
b. 78%
c. 67%
d. 98%
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of fines?
a. The impact of a fine depends on the ability of the sentenced person to pay.
b. Fines can promote rehabilitation by enforcing economic responsibility
c. Fines can be collected by existing criminal justice agencies and are relatively
inexpensive to administer.
d. Fines can be made proportionate to both the severity of the offense and the ability of
the offender to pay.
The main objective of a civil lawsuit is to ________.
a. seek punishment
b. gather evidence
c. seek compensation
d. solicit motive
A(n) ________ issued by a judge provides the legal basis for an apprehension of
suspects by police.
a. warrant
b. indictment
c. arraignment
d. hearing
Inmates are generally housed in dormitory-like settings and are free to walk the yard in
________-security institutions.
a. minimum
b. maximum
d. medium
The Innocence Protection Act of 2004 provides federal funds to help eliminate
a. the use of firing squads as a means of execution
b. the writ of habeas corpus
c. the backlog of unanalyzed DNA samples
d. structured sentencing
Which of the following is an example of jury tampering?
a. contacting a sequestered jury
b. wrangling over jury selection
c. addressing the jury in the courtroom
d. avoiding jury duty
Online file-sharing services may be held liable for copyright infringement if they
promote their services explicitly as a way for users to download copyrighted music and
other content.
During the 1960s and 1970s an emphasis on individual rights was accompanied by a
dramatic decrease in reported criminal activity.
The severity of an inmate's crime is the primary determinate of the actual amount of
time served under an indeterminate sentence.
Among the most significant barriers to privatization are just legislated state laws.
James Q. Wilson's service style of policing is based on order maintenance.
Compare and contrast the roles of the professional and nonprofessional courtroom work
groups. Analyze how they work together to ensure a successful completion to a case
before the court. Do their individual roles intertwine to make the system work?
A prison is a confinement facility administered by an agency of local government.
More than 40% of the juveniles in confinement are charged with homicide.
The adversarial system is the two-sided structure under which American criminal trial
courts operate that pits the prosecution against the defense.
Describe the causes of prison riots. Explain what steps corrections administrators can
take to eliminate or minimize riots in the future.

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