Counseling Chpt 6 Test Questions Test Questions For Criminal Justice Organizations Job Design Criminal Justice Organizations

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 868
subject Authors David Kalinich, John Klofas, Stan Stojkovic

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Test Questions for Criminal Justice Organizations:
Chapter 6
1. Job design in criminal justice organizations is dependent on the functionality of proper
2. Job design refers to planning for structural and social aspects that is vital for the efficacy
3. Listed below are all psychological job requirements that are correlated with working in
A. An optimal level of variety
B. A sense that one’s work meaningfully contributes to social welfare
C. A happy life
D. Adequate elbow room
4. In Taylor’s Scientific Management (1947) most people are unmotivated by work itself
5. In the field of criminal justice, policing has been described as a __________ occupation.
A. De-professionalization Syndrome
B. Taylorized
C. Desirable
D. None of the above
6. Taylorism in criminal justice suggests that decreased discretion and increased control has
been referred to as:
A. De-professionalization Syndrome
B. Taylorized
C. Desirable
D. None of the above
7. More than ____ percent of American workers report general satisfaction with their jobs.
A. 95%
B. 65%
C. 85%
D. 35%
8. Research conducted within criminal justice organizations suggests that ______ workers
as the most dissatisfied workers because they are concerned with job design issues.
A. Male
B. Elders
C. Youth
D. Female
9. Police officers and correctional officers experience physical and psychological reactions
to the intense work environment which has been defined as a syndrome of
emotional___________ and ___________:
A. Stress
B. Exhaustion
C. Cynicism
D. Both A, B
E. Both B, C
F. Both A,C
10. _________ factors are leading causes of stress and burnout among criminal justice
11. Problem-Oriented Policing is when police officers work with citizens in innovative ways
12. The Hawthorne Effect suggests that having research conducted and, increased attention
A. Crime
B. Productivity
C. Efficiency
D. Job Status
13. According to Herzberg the ___________ theory states that there are two motivating
factors for workers, hygiene factors and motivators.
A. Job Design
B. Motivation-Hygiene
C. Taylorism
D. None of the above
14. In order to prevent dissatisfaction in the workplace Motivation-Hygiene Theory states
that all these external factors need to be met, except?
A. Pay
B. Supervision
C. Physical Health
D. Interpersonal Relations
15. Herzberg stated that motivators include responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for
16. Job Design theory is only concerned with improved efficiency and not with motivating
17. According to Hackman and Oldham (1987), all of these are core job dimensions except?
A. Skill Variety
B. Task Significance
C. Feedback
D. Dichotomy
18. This core job dimension states that the degree of freedom, independence, and discretion
A. Task Identity
B. Skill Variety
C. Feedback
D. Autonomy
19. Job analysis is the study of work assignments with the goal of specifying the precise
20. The purpose of job redesign is to reduce and eliminate assembly lines. True or False
21. According to Robbins and Judge (2007) there are work arrangements that may enrich the
A. Redesigning
B. Flextime
C. Job Sharing
D. Telecommuting
22. Criminal justice job have been enriched by increasing the responsibility of frontline staff,
A. Job Enrichment
B. Job Enlargement
C. Vertical Loading
D. None of the above
A. Police generalists provide services to designated neighborhoods
B. Teams are composed of officers of equal rank
C. Officers are assigned to small geographical areas for extended periods of time
D. Officers restrict residents from becoming involved in policing procedures
24. Skolnick and Bayley (1986) argue that new professionalism, a form of team policing is
25. It is important for criminal justice personnel to be aware of the challenges that diversity
26. The new criminal justice organizations are considered to be closed systems because they
27. The most significant source of improving efficiency of criminal justice agencies extends
from the collaboration, information sharing, and dissemination and innovation supported
28. Under the new criminal justice job design, organizations will have to open up further to
29. With increased training and knowledge as a perquisite for employment in new criminal
justice organizations; this will bring changes to the regulations for organizations,
divisions of labor, employee supervision and organizational structure. True or False
30. Although, redesigning criminal justice jobs has shown positive responses, the traditional
approaches of designing criminal justice jobs will always be the most effective. True or
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